The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 906: Meaningless Feelings

"I...I plan to go out to live and prepare for the college entrance examination."

Coming to Zhao Dali, Zhao Shi, who had timid eyes, said this sentence, which made him stunned with an angry expression, and couldn't believe it.

Zhao Shi didn't wait for his answer, turned around and left without taking or taking anything.

Little Zhao Shi is too cowardly, or he has been forcibly dominated by others for sixteen years since he was born, and he has never lived alone, making him forget that he is the ninth rank of warriors, and he no longer needs to be afraid of the person in front of him who rules his entire life .

"Little bastard, how dare you!"

There was a tyrannical look in Zhao Dali's eyes, as if the king was resisted by his obedient courtiers, and he lifted the stick in his hand and threw it at Zhao Shi's back.

The force was great and the speed was fast, and the air made the sound of being broken.

He has practiced "Vajra Kung Fu" for thirty-five years. Although he doesn't have much talent, practice makes perfect.

Little Zhao Shi didn't dare to resist, not to mention the fear of a nightmare in his heart. Even if he resisted, even if he was a ninth-level martial artist, he might not be able to defeat him.

Zhao Shi hurried on as if nothing had happened, and had no intention of fighting back. The energy and blood of his whole body gathered on his back, forming a hard iron wall.


The wooden stick that condensed Zhao Dali's whole body strength happened to hit the place where Zhao Shi's qi and blood were concentrated, and there was a sound of metal clashing. Instead, his body was shaken back a step, his qi and blood floated, and his arms went numb.

"God damn bastard, do you still dare to fight back?"

Zhao Dali was furious, feeling extremely humiliated.

Neighbors around heard the sound and went out, pointing and pointing, which immediately made his face even hotter.

"Vajra stick!"

His arms were bulging with blue veins, his footsteps accelerated, and he smashed Zhao Shi's back with a stick like a King Kong.


This time there was still no difference. He was obviously the one attacking, but as if being slapped by an elephant, he backed up a dozen steps with a stick, and even suffered slight injuries all over his body.


Seeing that Zhao Shi didn't even look at him,

When he was about to disappear at the corner of the street, he became anxious, and a feeling of panic rose in his heart.

It seemed that what I had been holding in my hand was going to fly away forever.

Seeing that Zhao Shi ignored him, he quickly ran to Zhao Shi's front, stopped him with a wooden stick, and shouted angrily: "Xiao Shi, have you grown up in school? Don't you want to be a father?"

There was a trace of soft pleading that Xiao Zhao Shi had never seen in his words, and he didn't do anything again, knowing the reason.

A weak citizen, who has been bullied outside, can only vent on his beloved son, and enjoy the feeling of being unambiguous that he has never experienced in society.

Oh, this person is still a high school student, a person who has reached the ninth level of martial arts, so he will feel more fulfilled.

Zhao Shi thought lightly, and there was no disgust or hatred in his heart.

Your son is dead, because of you, but I will fulfill his last promise to me.

Still timid on the face, the energy and blood of the ninth-level martial arts gushed out from Zhao Shi's hands, politely but firmly pushed away Zhao Dali who was standing in front of him, and comforted him: "You think too much, just prepare for the college entrance examination."

As soon as his hand touched Zhao Dali, he fell down like noodles, rolling back and forth on the dusty ground, crying, "Nizi! Nizi!"

"I sell my blood and life every day, and I give you food and clothing, and you go to high school. Is this how you, a heartless person, treat me in the end?"

"Yes, I beat you before, but it was all for your own good. Without my strict requirements, how would you be today!"


The neighbors around were already pointing and pointing, but Zhao Dali, who used to care about his face, couldn't care less, and his crying became louder. Miaobi Pavilion

If Xiao Zhao Shi came back to life, he must be very surprised. In his heart, a person who is as ruthless as a demon king would roll on the ground like a shrew, weak and pitiful.

However, I'm afraid that even if he didn't commit suicide, he wouldn't be able to see this scene even if his meridians were completely disabled.

The most likely thing was a brutal beating.

Then, then, Zhao Dali should not ignore him, he should take care of him, and he will beat him at any time because of a small matter, or because he is in a bad mood. rebellious.

There is also love, there is also hate, there is hope, and there is interest.

Human emotions are really complicated, and there is nothing absolute.

Zhao Shi thought to himself, fortunately, the science of cultivating immortals is not like this, it is what it should be, and it will not change because of changes in people's ideas.

He lifted his feet, stepped over, and moved away, and soon there was only one figure left behind, which made Zhao Dali, who was crying and cursing, stop.

"No, you can't go!"

He ran in front of Zhao Shi at a faster speed, and cried, "You have no money with you, how can you live outside?

Stay, as long as you are obedient, I promise I won't beat you in the future. "

Zhao Shi maintained enough patience towards Xiao Zhao Shi's father who both resented and loved him. centimeter deep pit.

The meaning is self-evident, the strength of the nine-level warrior is not considered an upper-middle class in this society, but it is not a problem to have enough food and clothing.

If you learn crafts, you will live a little more comfortably. As long as high school students don't have psychological problems or are too unlucky, most of them can still live better than their junior high school classmates.

Zhao Shiwen said: "You don't have to worry, my strength has improved a bit this time, and I will be able to advance to the tenth level of martial arts after a while, and I will have the opportunity to be admitted to Sanben Mecha University at that time, and I have fulfilled your wish. "

Zhao Dali stepped back a few steps, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar son in front of him.


Polite, confident, and soft-spoken, but extremely firm, it is impossible to change.

It's really like what I've been telling him all the time. The mecha master is confident and powerful. He's obviously very polite and looks like a gentleman, but it makes people feel very dangerous.

But if you look closely, it is exactly the same as your original son.

Made it!

Inexplicably, there was a lot of sadness in his heart, and he felt that his son in the past was much better, at least he was always by his side.


Some of the neighbors who looked like they were enjoying the show exclaimed, and their eyes on Zhao Dali changed from ridicule to envy.

This is a university, even if the people who come out of it are not mecha masters, they are also officials. If they really become mecha masters, they can live to be a hundred years old!

The complex emotions in Zhao Dali's heart were swept away, and he turned to show a proud and reserved look.

"You wait for me."

He told Zhao Shi, and ran back to the low hut, and there was the sound of rummaging through boxes and chests.

After a while, Zhao Dali came out and handed Zhao Shi a bag carefully wrapped in cloth: "I used to be a little rough on your education, and I am also happy that you can be the head of the family now. With this money, don't worry about it before the college entrance examination." Get distracted and do your work."

Facing the pleading in his eyes, Zhao Shi hesitated for a moment, and instead of taking all of them, he just took a piece of 100 Federation coins from it.

"That's enough. I'm going to go to a classmate's house. The conditions in his house are not bad. Take care of your health."

Then, ignoring what Zhao Dali said, the power of Qi and blood surged all over his body, using basic footwork, and quickly disappeared in the corner of the street.

These revelations of true feelings are what little Zhao Shi needs, but it is a pity that he is dead, so it is meaningless.

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