The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 907 Martial Arts

After dealing with the mess, he returned to the bustling streets of high-rise buildings.

Zhao Shi glanced at the hundred-dollar bill in his hand with the portrait of the founding president of the Federation printed on it.

The first president was a heroic woman who ended the monarchy of the previous era and created the Federation.

Put it in the interlayer of the collar of the blue and white school uniform, this is where little Zhao Shi used to save money.

He won't touch the money again.

"Now I need to find a job. At least I can't starve to death, and I need a place to live."

Zhao Shi thought silently.


Little Zhao Shi is cowardly and self-closing, so there is no life that is enough to help his classmates. The only one or two classmates who have a good relationship are also children of ordinary working-class families. Board and live at home.

Besides, Zhao Shi couldn't accept living under the fence.

"Li Enfei?"

After carefully staring at the woman on the hundred-dollar bill for a long time, Shi Longlong was finally sure, and asked in surprise, "Did she create the Federation later?"

"I remember her, she helped Patriarch Shilong a lot, she was like a sister, and later she was promoted to Lianxu, that is, handsome mech master.

At the beginning, she did not agree to Patriarch Shilong's invitation to go to the world of Dynasty, and she probably died a long time ago. "

Her tone was a little sad.

Although she always said that she was not the ancestor of Shilong, she always involuntarily brought herself into her role.

After spending an hour wandering around the city, excluding too long distances, high requirements, time and other restrictions, Zhao Shi locked two jobs.

They are moving bricks on the construction site, and training in the martial arts gym. Both can be part-time jobs, the time is flexible, and the income is not bad.

Among them, the price of part-time jobs in martial arts is the highest.

Zhao Shi stepped into the splendidly decorated Cheng's Martial Arts Hall.

This is the best martial arts gym in Dongyuan City. The owner of the gym, Cheng Kaishan, is a natural martial artist.

It is said that he is also a soldier-level mecha division, and he has been retired from the army for ten years.

A congenital martial artist plus a soldier-level mecha division with a background in the army, this kind of person can already be regarded as a big shot in the small place of Dongyuan City.

Cheng's martial arts school is very good at teaching martial arts, especially basic exercises. Many parents are willing to send their children here to make up lessons.

In the circle of high school students in Dongyuan City, the Cheng's Martial Arts Hall is a holy place, and anyone who can enter it to study for a few months will at least improve his grades by a large margin.

Of course, this is something that only the rich and powerful children of the No. 1 Middle School can do. Children from families like Zhao Shi can't go there for tutoring even if they sell everything. The tuition fee alone is about to overwhelm them.

In Zhao Shi's second class, there was a man here for a short period of time to make up lessons, and he bragged in class for half a year, which made his ears callous.

At this time, the adults and students coming and going in the Cheng's Martial Arts Hall are all gorgeously dressed and personable, and they are very different from ordinary people.

They frowned when they saw Zhao Shi, whose clothes were shabby, timid and out of place, but they didn't say anything.

A delicate girl in a white uniform dress and rabbit ears came to Zhao Shi and asked with a smile, "Hello, this is Cheng's Martial Arts Hall. I'm Lin Xiu. What can I do for you?"

Even though she said that, she didn't think that this poor boy was qualified to spend here.

You should come here to see the world, and then go back to brag to your classmates, right?

However, the strict etiquette training did not allow her to show the slightest contempt in her heart, she was still warm and lovely on the outside, more beautiful than many class flowers in No. 2 Middle School, and she was extremely lethal to boys aged 16 or 17 . 17

Although her parents are also workers, Lin Xiu doesn't think that she is the same as those low-level boys. They are ridiculously small and can see through them at a glance.

With her eyes closed, she could guess the reaction of the cowering teenager.

He must have been nervous at first, then blushed, stammered something, and then ran out in a panic. He must still be thinking about doing that disgusting thing at night.


Zhao Shi adjusted his inner tension: "I saw the job advertisement in your store, and I'm here to apply for a martial arts training partner."


Lin Xiu was a little surprised by Zhao Shi's reaction, and looked suspiciously at Zhao Shi's thin body, which looked like it could be blown down by a gust of wind. Could it be that he came to blackmail the martial arts school?

Zhao Shi added: "I'm a ninth-level warrior, and I'm ranked twenty-ninth in the second class. It should be more appropriate."

It's not about strength. Cheng's Martial Art Museum has many warriors, not to mention warriors, but what the rich and powerful's children want is real fighting, not the kind of fighting that puts water on them.

In this process of constantly defeating their peers, the confidence of the warrior will be greatly improved, and the potential will be stimulated.

It's more dangerous for the training partner, the half-grown boy is also a martial arts practitioner, and he doesn't care about anything when he is hot-blooded. It is very common to injure people, and it also happens from time to time to be maimed or killed.

The life of the bottom people in this society and their children is very cheap, and not many people care about it.

Because of this, few people dare to come here even though the income of being a sparring partner here is very good. The small sparring partner of Cheng's Martial Arts Hall is always vacant.

"That's qualified."

Lin Xiu showed a look of impatience, hesitated for a while, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "This is very dangerous. If you are not very short of money, you'd better not do it."

Zhao Shi didn't say anything, and turned his body slightly, revealing several cuts on his blue and white school uniform, which were all torn by stones in the water, and flesh was exposed in some places.

"You come with me."

Immediately, Lin Xiu stopped persuading him, and led Zhao Shi to a room on the second floor marked Manager's Office, introduced Zhao Shi briefly to a bald man in a suit inside the room, and then closed the door and left.

"Run your Qi and blood with all your strength."

The bald man sitting behind the desk said directly that he didn't care who Zhao Shi was or where he came from.

According to Zhao Shi's words, he operated the nine principles that he had opened up, and blood flowed in them, and his thin body felt a little more powerful out of thin air.

"Okay, sign this."

The bald man threw out a contract and said casually: "One sparring session is five hundred yuan, if you get injured, you will pay 80,000 yuan, if you die, you will pay 80,000 yuan, and if you die, you will pay 150,000 yuan. It will be given to your family."

"Don't worry, the reputation of our Cheng's martial arts school has not made a mistake."

Zhao Shi took over the contract, but did not sign it right away. He read it carefully for a long time, and signed his name after confirming that there were no additional contract traps.

The bald man didn't urge him, he took back the contract after Zhao Shi signed it, and handed Zhao Shi a copy of the printed document.

"Little brother, my name is Wang Wu, and we will be colleagues in the future. This is your information that I asked a friend to call up just now, do you see it right?"

Zhao Shi's complexion changed.

It clearly stated all his resume from elementary school to high school, as well as various situations of Zhao Dali, his home address, and so on.

"Little brother, there is no other meaning. We have clearly marked the price of this job. You can do it if you want, and you won't force anyone."

Wang Wu said lightly: "But if someone makes trouble intentionally and hurts or harms customers, then our Cheng's Martial Arts Hall is not easy to bully, do you understand?"

Zhao Shi Nuonuo said: "Understood, Manager Wang."

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