The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 908: The Heartlessness of the God Transformation Boss

Under the leadership of Lin Xiu, Zhao Shi received a set of simple protective equipment from the warehouse.

"Are you a senior year in high school?"

Martial apprentice level 9 is pretty good among ordinary people of the same age. Lin Xiu decided to sprinkle a little bait to show her more gentle and lovely side.


The dull and timid answer made Lin Xiu lose interest instantly, and stopped talking.

The 29th place in this bad school of No. 2 Middle School is of no value, not to mention the 29th place, even the first to tenth in No. 2 Middle School is of no use if they can't get into the Mecha University. It should be the bottom or the bottom.

So far, no one from No. 2 Middle School has been admitted to Jijia University for three years.

Soon, the two walked into an inconspicuous hut behind the training room.

"This is the lounge for your sparring staff. When there are no customers ordering, you rest here. You are not allowed to come out casually, disturbing the mood of the customers."

"Also, the whole body must be kept clean and tidy, free from peculiar smells, and everything is centered on the requirements of the guests..."

Zhao Shi suddenly asked, "Can I live here?"

"It's... not very clear"

Lin Xiu hesitated: "But what I know is that you can stay here anytime, and no one will drive you out. If you practice with me at least once a day, someone will bring you meals."

"Thank you, I see."

"Okay, I'm leaving, pay attention to your own safety when you are practicing with me."

The door opened, and there was a place of hundreds of square meters inside, with a hall, more than thirty independent rooms, and a public bathroom.

At the moment, there were eleven or two people sitting in the hall, all of them were from the seventh to ninth level of martial arts, and there was a burly young man of tenth level, which surprised Zhao Shi.

He knew this person. He was always in the top ten of No. 2 Middle School, and Wu Dayou from Class One was the role model Mrs. Jue Yang, the head teacher, mentioned every day.

The tenth level of the martial artist has already reached the examination threshold of the Mecha University Examination. It is not that he is so poor that he is starving to death, and no one will come out to play as a sparring partner.

Seeing Zhao Shi come in at this moment,

The people in the hall glanced at it and ignored it. There was a tense atmosphere in the air.

"There are guests in rooms 7 and 103."

"Number eleven……"

The radio in the hall is constantly beeping, and whenever the specific number is read, someone will immediately get dressed and trot out nervously and cautiously.

"Brother, are you also here to play sparring?"

After a while, there were only a few burly boys left in the hall. He glanced at Zhao Shi's blue and white school uniform and asked familiarly.

"Yes, I'm so poor that I can't help it. Wu Dayou, are you here to practice actual combat?"

Zhao Shi showed admiration on his face.

Wu Dayou's family background is not enough to enter No. 1 Middle School, which is known as a noble school, but it is considered top among ordinary people, and he will not be short of money to this extent.

You must know that there are many poor children of the rich and powerful. They are not as high as them, but the excellent ones are often very strong.

They have been taught by famous teachers since they were young, and they wear rare natural materials and earthly treasures. The martial arts and combat skills they have practiced are even unimaginable for ordinary children who only have popularized basic martial arts.

The combination of these things has led to the fact that even ordinary children of the same level will be hanged and beaten, let alone leapfrogging themselves.

Wu Dayou dared to hang out here all year round, this is to take huge risks in exchange for the improvement of martial arts, which is very rare for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child. Reading Network


Wu Dayou laughed: "I have made such progress this year, thanks to here, even if there is a fight, I can exchange for precious body refining pills from time to time."

He was not surprised that Zhao Shi knew his name, and after politely asking Zhao Shi for his name, he gave him some tips for sparring.

For example, the best weapon is a shield, which can block the most space. If the customer refuses to give way, then pay more attention to the customer's movement and protect it in advance. It is best to explain to the manager that the orders received do not exceed your own realm. If you think it is wrong Surrender immediately, even if you have to deduct money and so on.

"No. 12, guest No. 152."

There was another voice from the radio, but no one responded, so the radio repeated again with some impatience: "Number 12, hurry up."

Only then did Zhao Shi remember, and took out a number plate from his pocket. There was a button on it, and pressing it meant that he was preparing, and he would dare to go to the guest's training hall within ten minutes.

"almost there."

Farewell to Wu Dayou, Zhao Shi hurriedly changed his tattered school uniform, and after taking a bath, he wore the uniform of Cheng's martial arts training partner and rushed to the place where customer No. 152 was. On his number plate, an arrow appeared on the crystal screen give directions.

Arriving at the front hall of the martial arts hall, passing through a ring ringing with clanging weapons and crowds of onlookers, Zhao Shi came to the ring No. 152, and there was no one around.

Martial arts seem to be like this. They like to be active rather than quiet, they like to be lively, and they especially emphasize fighting and competition. They are not like immortal cultivators who have been nested in one place for hundreds of years and are not tired of fighting. If they can't fight, they will never fight.

On the arena, a fat man in a white martial arts uniform with a sword on his waist said impatiently, "Why did you come here? Forget it, find a shield quickly."

"Okay, guest."

Zhao Shi did as he said, and chose a stainless steel round shield from the dazzling array of weapons, staring at the opponent carefully.

In fact, real weapons are not allowed in formal sparring exercises, and weapons must be replaced with wooden swords and wooden shields.

It's just that the difference between real and fake weapons is huge, which will make warriors uncomfortable.

For the convenience of the martial arts guests, I had to sacrifice the powerless sparring partner.

A pension fee of more than 100,000 yuan is not too expensive for Cheng's Martial Arts School and the children of the rich and powerful.

"Flying Crane Swordsmanship!"

The little fat man yelled, drew out the sword at his waist, and thrust towards Zhao Shi's throat like a breeze.

Zhao Shiwutu's nine-level qi and blood surged, and he raised the stainless steel round shield in front of him, hitting the center.

Obviously the opponent was a light and agile long sword, but it hit like a heavy hammer, pushing Zhao Shizhen back a few steps, his hands and feet were numb, and even his moving speed was much slower.

"Trash! Next, I will attack your heart, so be careful."

The little fat man snorted coldly, and with great speed, the long sword turned into dots and pierced towards Zhao Shi, who was barely protecting the round steel shield on his chest. He also restrained a lot of strength and focused on honing his skills.

Ding ding ding!

Sure enough, after many times of weakening, the two can maintain an even match, and the two can fight you back and forth, and they are no longer crushed as before.

After fighting for half a quarter of an hour, a thin figure was thrown into the ring with a shield and fell to the ground.

The little fat man casually put away his sword: "It's not bad, it's better than those trash before, it can improve my sword skills, housekeeper, thank you!"

"Yes, master!"

Standing guard all the time, the old man with the strength of a warrior threw a few banknotes at Zhao Shi on the ground, and left behind the little fat man.

Zhao Shizai breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, collected the banknotes on the ground one by one, and then rushed towards the lounge in a nonchalant manner.

It is impossible for the 700-year-old immortal cultivator to anger him without changing his core interests.

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