The original tattered school uniform and the one hundred Zhao Shi given by Xiao Zhao Shi's father were placed in the No. 12 side of Cheng's Martial Arts Hall.

After waiting for a few weeks and earning some more money, he planned to put these two items in the safe and return them to Zhao Dali in the future.

Now, he bought a black shirt and a pair of black jeans, and he is walking to school with Wu Dayou.

"Hehe, that's not bad. As expected, people rely on clothes and horses. Brother Zhao, your appearance has suddenly improved." Wu Dayou looked Zhao Shi up and down, and said with a smile: "Black is also good, no matter how dirty it is, others can't see it." come out."

After having the common experience of being a training partner in the martial arts hall, his attitude towards Zhao Shi suddenly became friendly, like some comrades-in-arms.


Zhao Shi is introverted as always, this is not imitating little Zhao Shi, he is always like this, except when he is in a fighting state, he will talk more.


Wu Dayou was choked, and smiled bitterly: "Brother, you can't find a girlfriend like this, and it's impossible to have a boyfriend... I'm talking about male friends. We men should be more lively, so that we can make friends."

Zhao Shi thought for a while and asked, "We were about three hours late, and we were an hour away from school. How did you solve the problem at school?"

"This is easy."

Wu Dayou said nonchalantly: "No. 2 Middle School is a bad school. Even in the third year of high school, there are no teachers to supervise. If you want to learn, you can learn, if you don't want to learn, you can leave, as long as you pay the tuition."

In fact, there are not many people who skip classes, very few, because the tuition fees are very expensive, and the parents of those who are not willing to learn will not pay a large amount of tuition fees every year.

"However, Mr. Yang in your second class seems to be an exception. He has very strict requirements, and also gives you free make-up lessons from time to time. You are all envious of us."

"Teacher Yang is indeed a good person."

Zhao Shi nodded.

"Morning Uncle Wang!"

At the school gate of No. 2 Middle School, Wu Dayou greeted the security guard warmly, as if he was a regular visitor here.

However, Zhao Shi was stopped, and he was released after checking his student ID.

This is mainly because they are afraid that there will be hooligans outside the school entering the school to make trouble.

They are also responsible.

Zhao Shi glanced at the security captain with the highest level inside. He was a vigorous man in his 30s and 40s. He was in the twelfth level of a warrior, but he was old and had low potential. He had no chance to become a warrior in this life.

From here, it can be seen that the teachers of No. 2 Middle School should not be strong. The teachers and warriors are top-notch, and it is impossible to have such a great person as a congenital martial artist.

When parting, Wu Dayou encouraged: "The college entrance examination is coming soon, I wish you good grades."

"You too, I wish you to be admitted to Mecha University."

The two separated and walked into their adjacent classes.

"...most of you now are in the seventh orthodoxy of the Foot-Yangming Stomach Meridian or the eighth orthodoxy of the Foot-Taiyang Bladder Meridian.

Just now I talked about the detailed impact method of the twelfth meridian of the Foot Que Yin and Liver Meridian, together with the previous impact methods of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh meridian, don’t forget to practice in society in the future. After reaching a higher level No matter which industry you are in, it will be easier..."

It's not the hoarse and old voice of Miejue Yang, but it is crisp and sweet, like pearls falling on a jade plate, which makes people itch when they hear it.

Stepping into the door of the class, I saw a bright woman in a plain long skirt.

She has an oval face, white skin, and bright eyes, firmly attracting the attention of all the boys and girls in class two, even Zhao Shi who appeared suddenly was just glanced at and ignored.

Zhao Shi bowed slightly to the teacher on the podium without making a sound, and walked to his seat, which was a seat in the last row.

Yang Qiushui glared at Zhao Shi fiercely, with raging anger in his eyes, but he did not lecture in class.

Without stopping, and because Zhao Shi came to repeat the lectures she had taught before, she continued: "Students, our college entrance examination will be in seven days, and today is the last day of the registration deadline. Anyone who needs to register will find me after class. Those who have already reported also come, we will confirm again and again.”

More than fifty students in the class did not respond. The minimum level required for the college entrance examination is the tenth level of martial arts. There are only a dozen people in the whole No. 2 Middle School who are eligible to apply, and there are only three people in Class No. 2, and they have already registered early. .

"Students who do not meet the registration requirements do not need to be discouraged"

Yang Qiushui's face softened a little, and he no longer made a straight face on purpose: "The road of life is very long, and it is not the only way to go through the Mecha University. The students in our second class are all excellent. In the future, no matter whether you join the security The company, or learning a craft, can do better than others.”

"In terms of employment, I personally think that the military smelting industry is good, stable, and the income is relatively high. A large number of grassroots jobs are also open to high school students, but the apprenticeship period is much longer. Students can try to apply.

The agricultural development companies in the western state, their treatment is also good, there are very few big scandals, and the eastern state..."

She shared her suggestions for these graduating students one by one, detailing everything, not only the admission time, conditions, future development, but also the current real-time situation.

Zhao Shi listened silently, the information was very valuable, and it related to the situation of Blue Star in the early days.

There shouldn't be any problem with authenticity, it's not the general grassroots teachers' talk.

For no other reason, Yang Qiushui on the podium looks like a third-level martial artist and has opened three strange scriptures. In fact, this is just an appearance. She is at least a strong person at the level of a congenital martial artist.

And not only that, the zhenqi in her body is pure and full of vitality, her foundation is extremely solid, and her martial arts has a bright future.

This kind of achievement at this age is definitely a woman of the upper class.

"...These are the employment information I asked my friends to find. You should think carefully, not only here, but also in other places. You have to read them one by one to find the one that suits you best."

The last words contained a deep sense of reluctance. This was the first time in her life that she was a class teacher. She also watched these children grow up, but today they will be separated from each other.

There will be a seven-day holiday, and then the college entrance examination or employment will follow. No matter what, I will not go back to school.


The more than fifty students below stopped taking notes, their eyes were red, and many girls burst into tears.

Although the head teacher was called Mrs. Miejue Yang on the surface, this was not a nuisance, but a naked show to the outside class.

It's like, 'Oh, if only my boyfriend wasn't number one in school, now he's busy all day, I'm tired of seeing it! ’ ‘It’s useless to have a beautiful girlfriend, I would rather my girlfriend be ugly. ’ This kind.

Everyone actually regards the teacher as a sister.

The class was suddenly filled with the sound of crying, and the sound of tears dripping on the books.

Zhao Shi thought about it, and felt that there would be no problem even if he didn't pretend, so he didn't cry.


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