The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 910: College Entrance Examination

Zhao Shi maintained his expressionless face that he had often seen for seven hundred years, and the contrast with the fifty or so classmates who cried into tears was very obvious.

The classmates around noticed his appearance and immediately glared at him.

Wu Yu'er, who cried the loudest among the girls, accused angrily: "Zhao Shi, Teacher Yang usually takes care of you the most. How can you be so cold-blooded!"

Indeed, Yang Qiushui put in a lot of hard work for the lack of resources and pills, and the cowardly and deceitful little Zhao Shi was able to cultivate to the ninth level of martial arts. Many students are a little jealous on weekdays.

Zhao Shi did not speak.

In his experience, such ambiguous moral questions simply cannot be resolved with words.

"Hmph! This man was born like this. He is already at the ninth level of a martial artist. He deserves to be beaten every day by his father!"

A boy with a high nose bridge next to Wu Yuer snorted coldly.

He was the one who beat Zhao Shi in front of her just because Zhao Shi had said a few words to Wu Yuer two days ago.

But to be honest, the main reason for Xiao Zhao Shi's suicide was the pressure that Zhao Dali had put on him since he was a child and his forcibly hitting the tenth level of martial arts, which resulted in the loss of his meridians. It had little to do with him, it was just an ordinary school abuse incident.

But it was also a secondary inducement, Zhao Shi naturally wouldn't give him a good face.

"What's your expression..."

Enraged by Zhao Shi, he slammed the table and pointed at Zhao Shi.

He had just stood up, only then did he realize where he was, and hurriedly sat down.

Yang Qiushui then withdrew his stern gaze: "Student Zhao Shi is not good at expressing his feelings, did you just know it on the first day?"

"Also, Liang Qi, they are all classmates, who do you want to do to?"

Liang Qi said honestly: "Teacher, I was wrong."

After such an interruption, the atmosphere in the classroom became a little more relaxed.

"It's good to know you're wrong, don't bully your classmates!"

Yang Qiushui said with satisfaction: "Don't we still have a class group? In the future, we can talk about anything in the class group. We can meet each other whenever we want.

What are you crying for? "

"Okay, the meeting is over! Zhao Shi came to the office with me, and those who are going to apply for the college entrance examination also come together."

"stand up!"

Wu Yuer suddenly shouted, everyone except Zhao Shi stood up, bowed, and said neatly:

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, it is an honor for us to have you by my side during the three years of high school."

In this society where civilians can only live for fifty years, they are no longer children.

If you didn't go to high school, many people have already married and had children, so they naturally know how lucky they are in the past three years.

There are more than 1,000 people in the second middle school and the third grade, and there are about 20 classes. Among the twelve or three people who can apply for the college entrance examination, the second class occupies three places, which is almost comparable to the first class of the top class that has carefully selected students. .

Among the remaining forty or so people, there are quite a few people in the eighth and ninth ranks of warriors, even surpassing the first class, which gave them a lot of confidence before stepping into the society.

The students in other classes didn't know how envious and jealous they were. Many students had the cheek to want to enter the second class, but they were immediately kicked out by her politely and forcefully.

It is said that the principal also thought about stuffing his own son in, but it didn't work.

And this last lesson on employment knowledge, even the dumbest person knows how valuable it is.

Many people with active minds are already planning to sell them to other classes at a high price after they find a job. 100 Literature


Yang Qiushui was taken aback, his eyes were slightly moist.

"It is also my honor to spend three years with you, and I wish you all a happy life in the future."

Seeing that her tears were about to overflow, she felt a little ashamed, turned around and ran to her office.

After she left, the class two students who bowed neatly slowly dispersed. Many of them looked at the place where they had spent three years, packed up their books and clothes, and left slowly.

After stepping out of the class and school, they will start to work in the society, and they will get married and have children in three to five years at least, and they will never be teenagers again.

Not long after, there were only four people left in the classroom, namely Zhao Shi, Wu Yuer, and Liang Qi.

There is also Zhang Xiaoya, who is also a dull gourd, with a black sheath dagger at her side. Yang Qiushui once praised her for her good talent in light and agile martial arts.

"You play truant on purpose and try to be unconventional, just to win Teacher Yang's attention through this method?"

After there were fewer people around, Liang Qi sneered at Zhao Shi: "Unfortunately, you are just a trash of the ninth level of martial arts, only we can stay with Teacher Yang in the future."

Wu Yu'er suddenly realized, and looked at Zhao Shi with contempt.

Zhao Shi didn't look at them, got up from his seat and walked to Yang Qiushui's office.

He knew the road very well. Xiao Zhaoshi was only a martial arts student at the sixth level when he entered the first year of high school. He was timid and had not very good aptitude.

Liang Qi watched from behind, his veins bulging, he held down the handle of the knife at his waist, and said coldly, "You wait, it's best not to let me see you outside the school."

Climbing up to the third floor, the room on the far right of the stairs is Yang Qiushui's office. Directly opposite the door is a tall wisteria flower, which is in full bloom, like a purple and white waterfall, and the fragrance of the flowers comes to the nose.

knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door was unlocked, Zhao Shi opened it, revealing Yang Qiushui who was writing something on the desk.

Her office is independent and spacious, at least half of the floor is opened up. Although the decoration is elegant and restrained, those who know the goods can see the nobility that seeps into the bone marrow.

"Why did you skip class today?"

Seeing Zhao Shi coming in, she put down the pen in her hand and asked very sternly.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, something happened at home, it's really a last resort."

Zhao Shi bowed slightly, with a mixed expression of anxiety and shame on his face, after thinking about it, he added some admiration hidden in the deepest part of his eyes.

It is not difficult for the consciousness of Huashen Laoguai to do these things, it is lifelike, just like the rebirth of little Zhao Shi.

"It's your father again?"

As soon as this kind of gaze came out, Yang Qiushui's heart softened, and he no longer deliberately sullenly said softly: "You are already an adult, you are a strong man of the ninth level of martial arts, stronger than your father, you have to be confident Some, don't be so scared."

"Yes, I understand." Zhao Shinan said, agreeing like countless times before.

"You can't do that."

Yang Qiushui sighed: "Society is very complicated and dangerous, and there is a lot of competition in it. Even if you are stronger than them, many people will bully you."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about how to condense and get through the twelfth orthodoxy, the Foot Que Yin and Liver Meridian, you have to keep it in mind, and don't make mistakes when you practice in the future..."

Liang Qi and the others also came to the office, and saw that Yang Qiushui was really making up Zhao Shi's truant lessons, and they couldn't help feeling envious and jealous in their hearts.

If they could get such meticulous guidance from Teacher Yang, they might have reached the eleventh level of martial arts by now.

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