The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 911 What do you want?

"Are you here?"

Seeing the three of Liang Qi coming in, Yang Qiushui temporarily put aside his guidance to Zhao Shi, and said seriously, "Even if I told you, the college entrance examination, which was already dangerous for you, has become even more dangerous for unknown reasons. Do you still decide to participate?"

Chulanxing's college entrance examination is not a simple comparison of grades, but a test of blood.

Even for the rich and powerful children of Dongyuan City, it was a cruel trial.

Because this is not as simple as competing for money and official positions in a society, what is fighting is the opportunity to be stronger and have a longer life span.

Entering university and becoming a mecha master will definitely be able to live for a hundred years, and there is a chance to live for a hundred and eighty years, three hundred and sixty years...

The stakes in this are insane.

In particular, martial arts training that emphasizes fighting and competition requires blood. A martial arts expert is born on the road of constantly defeating stronger ones.

This kind of cruel test is extremely dangerous for civilian children with crude skills and lack of combat skills, and it is not a strange thing to die.

Even if he doesn't die, if his grades don't meet the standard, he still won't get a high score and enter the Mecha University.

Eleven years ago, Dongyuan No. 2 Middle School had a student successfully admitted to Jijia University, which was entirely due to luck.

Yang Qiushui is very clear that the reason why the top family still retains the channel for civilians to enter the Jijia University is that what they hope to obtain is the kind of top genius who can grow up in a harsh environment, not the reluctant three of them. People who have stepped into the threshold of the college entrance examination.

"Yes, Mr. Yang, we have already thought about it clearly, and the adults in our family also understand it and encourage it."

Wu Yu'er and the three said without hesitation that the danger of the college entrance examination is not a secret, and the participation is completely voluntary.

As long as someone is admitted to the Jijia University, all his family members will be able to live to a hundred years old, and will not automatically die at the age of fifty.

"That's good, pay more attention when you take the exam, keep a low profile, and don't be brave."

Yang Qiushui sighed slightly, so he stopped persuading, and instead pointed out the shortcomings of several people in terms of martial arts and combat skills. After a long time of exhortations, they all listened carefully.

After they left, Yang Qiushui continued to pick up the book and said to Zhao Shi: "The twelfth orthodox meridian of Foot Que Yin and Liver starts from Qimen acupoint.

Passing through Zhangmen point, Yinlian point, Yinbao point...and finally arrive at Dadun point. "


Zhao Shi interrupted her explanation softly: "I want to apply for the college entrance examination."

"You have always said that you don't understand the flow of qi and blood at Qimen acupoint, but it's actually very simple, you just need to..."

Yang Qiushui's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Zhao Shi in astonishment: "But you are only at the ninth level of martial arts, and you can't even meet the threshold for registering for the college entrance examination!"

She thought Zhao Shi had made a mistake, and comforted her, "I know your father persecuted you a lot, but you don't need to worry about him, I won't let him beat you."

Zhao Shi was speechless.

This guy cares too much about little Zhao Shi and is a trouble.

The power of qi and blood surges in the body with all its strength, lighting up the meridians of the body one by one, starting from the first meridian of the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the hand, and ending with the tenth meridian of the Shaoyang Sanjiao of the Hand.

These ten meridians form a network of qi and blood, and they operate according to the "Great Vajra Kung Fu" exercise route. If you become a warrior in the future, true qi will flow inside.

"Have you forcibly hit the tenth level of martial arts?"

Yang Qiushui's pretty face changed.

The person who knows Zhao Shi best in the world is not Zhao Dali, but she. She guessed something in an instant, and immediately stretched out her hand to grab Zhao Shi's left wrist like lightning.

Zhao Shi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his hand was grabbed by her. He couldn't help but shudder, and raised the danger level of this woman again.

Not a congenital martial artist, but at least a lieutenant-level mecha master, whose combat power is comparable to that of a Jindan monk, and whose realm is at least at the true energy level.

The reason for saying at least is because Zhao Shi didn't know that he could leapfrog challenges with mechas at low ranks, and whether he could leapfrog challenges with mechas at middle and high ranks.

With a high probability, it is impossible. If this is the case, the world of martial arts mechs will not be in this territory for a hundred thousand years. It is impossible for the ancestor Shilong who came here to return to his own world without dominating a world community.

The later stage, the stronger the cultivator, and the difficulty of leapfrogging challenges. In a broad sense, the mecha is just a powerful magic weapon, and it does not have this ability.

A blast of icy true energy entered Zhao Shi's body and probed everywhere.

It's confirmed, it's the True Qi Realm, that is, the Condensed True Realm cultivator who is equivalent to an immortal cultivator.

With mechas, they will be much stronger than the monks of the Condensed Realm, almost comparable to the monks of the Jindan Realm.

"You are so disobedient, too dangerous!"

Yang Qiushui was angry and anxious: "Do you know that if you do this, there is at least 90% chance of death, and the remaining 50% will be the end of meridian failure!"

you are right.

Zhao Shi replied silently in his heart, timidly but firmly said: "I, I want to become a mecha master, and I want to become a mecha master stronger than you!"


As soon as he finished his bold words, he received a snap of his fingers on his forehead, and his head was buzzing.

"You don't know anything!"

Yang Qiushui put down Zhao Shi's hand, stuffed a white elixir that he took out from somewhere into his mouth, and paced back and forth in front of the desk.

The elixir is not poisonous, it melts at the entrance, and it is full of powerful vitality, and it is very intelligently aimed at Zhao Shi's meridian for repair, making him feel warm all over.

Zhao Shi's broken body frantically absorbed this vitality energy like the land that had been exposed to nectar for a long time, and used it 100% to 150% of it.

Within three breaths, Zhao Shi's shattered meridians had been healed, and he was repairing the hidden injuries accumulated from years of training in an environment lacking energy.

It's a pity that the dark wound was only repaired by 30%, and the energy was exhausted, but Zhao Shi's pale face also returned to some ruddy.

"No, you can't go to the college entrance examination. I will solve it with Zhao Dali. He won't force you anymore."

Yang Qiushui, who was pacing back and forth, paused, made up his mind, and put away the letter he had just written on the desk and handed it to Zhao Shi: "This is a letter of recommendation, you can use it to go to Donghua Smelting Company to get a good one. position, don't take the risk."

Zhao Shi shook his head and remained silent.

"But the college entrance examination is really dangerous, especially this time! Your strength is so poor!"

Yang Qiushui was about to go crazy, for some reason, she couldn't see the person in front of her going to die.

Zhao Shi still shook his head and looked at her firmly, expressing that he would never back down.

"Life, I can solve Zhao Dali's lifespan, and I can make you live to be a hundred years old when I have the chance!"

Yang Qiushui gritted his teeth and made a huge promise beyond the boundaries of his own teacher.


On the contrary, Zhao Shi's expression became more determined, and he was not moved in the slightest.

"Why? No! No approval! Don't even think about it!"

Yang Qiushui stared at him: "You have everything, why would you take the risk of death?

Be good, be obedient~"

Zhao Shi was silent, but his heart was more headache than her.

How can there be any reason, eldest sister, you are the head teacher, you can't disagree with the qualified candidates to sign up, okay?

But dare not say.

This woman is a privileged person at first glance, and rules mean nothing to her.

"Haha, aunt, didn't you see that? This brat wants you, after all, my aunt is so pretty."

A clear and clear girl's voice came from outside the door, making Yang Qiushui's body stiff.


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