The door of the office has been open since the student entered, and at some point a cute girl in a white princess dress appeared.

Her skin is like jade, which can be broken by blowing bombs. She is sixteen or seventeen years old, like a flower bud that has just bloomed. She is not inferior to Yang Qiushui, and she has a different style.

There is a white jade-like long spear on her back, slightly revealing half of her head, adding a lot of heroism to her out of thin air.

Zhao Shi also raised his head, without any expression, and glanced at the woman.

At the peak of a warrior, the Twelve Classics have been fully penetrated, and the Eight Wonders have also been completed. All the meridians in the body form a mysterious and complex network. You only need to wait for a ray of true energy to be born in it to become a congenital martial artist, which is equivalent to refining the energy of an immortal. period monks.

Moreover, they can also drive mechas, and their combat power is very powerful.

At the age of about sixteen, he was about to be promoted to the rank of Innate Warrior, and the timing was perfect.

Ordinary people are not players, reincarnating with memories, it is extremely dangerous for thirteen or fourteen-year-old children to come into contact with the complicated qi refining network, they may go crazy at any time, and it is not easy to forcefully advance to the next level without their bodies fully developed. Not a good thing.

Later, it would be too much of a waste of the vitality of human children to be promoted to innate warriors at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

However, the educational institutions under the Blood Sea Guild do not advocate this kind of so-called 'perfection' that is artificially designed and controlled.

The way of cultivating immortals is to be natural. If it is not natural, parents and teachers should not artificially remove obstacles on the path of cultivating monks when they are young. It is best to encourage and teach them to overcome difficulties by themselves.

From the moment of stepping into the cultivation of immortals, immortal practitioners have to hone their ability to solve problems independently.

This kind of well-designed and controlled perfect individual will practice smoothly in the early and mid-term, but will face very big obstacles in the later stage. And in the cultivation world, only high-level monks are considered, and a hundred middle-level monks are not as good as one high-level monk.

This approach is actually extremely short-sighted, and the abundance of cultivation resources and teachers should not be used in this regard.

His gaze passed over the girl, and he continued to look backward.

A heroic woman in her twenties, with stern eyes, wearing a black uniform without any markings, and a long sword on her waist, her aura is similar to Yang Qiushui, she must be a true energy warrior.

This is only on the surface, on the corner of the building, on the roof of the building, on the top of a big tree somewhere, on an ordinary grassland, etc.,

In these places, warriors in the true energy realm appeared silently, controlling each key firepower point, and the number of them was thirty or more.

If they all drive mechas, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can delay for a while.

When Zhao Shi looked over, the heroic woman looked at Zhao Shi almost at the same time, even though he was so weak, she still scrupulously inspected any possible danger in him.

Zhao Shi didn't dare to move at once, his eyes were timid, his body trembled, and he tried his best to express his weakness and pitifulness.

He could feel that as long as he made any potentially dangerous actions, she would kill him immediately, no matter whether he was by Yang Qiushui's side or not.

"Li Xi, don't talk nonsense! He's just a child, and he's still my student! Also, you should call me auntie."

Yang Qiushui frowned, and stopped in front of Zhao Shi, helping him block the eyes of the heroic woman.

"Hee hee, aunt, I didn't talk nonsense."

Li Xi ignored the correction of her address, and saw Yang Qiushui's instinctive reaction, as if thinking of something funny.

"Based on my experience in Chulan High School, a sixteen-year-old boy is not a child. I dare to bet my future boyfriend's head that he, and all the boys in your class, like you."

"And you're blushing, blushing! Don't cover it up with true energy, I've seen it all!"


She was so proud that she was about to fly, she suffered a brain collapse, and suddenly became honest. 126 Chinese website

Li Xi's eyes were full of tears: "I'm right, why did you hit me!"

Yang Qiushui didn't bother to talk to this broken-mouthed little girl.

She put her attention on Zhao Shi, who was about to shrunk herself into a ball and had no sense of existence, and said firmly: "I will definitely not allow you to take the college entrance examination, so you just give up."

Zhao Shi's face turned bitter, and he retorted resolutely: "You are just the head teacher, and you have no right to refuse a qualified student to take the college entrance examination. This is a dereliction of duty!"

Judging from her past style, this is a very serious and responsible woman. In the past three years, she has never been late or asked for leave.

"Hehe, I'm just dereliction of duty, you can say whatever you want." Yang Qiushui was not fooled at all, and said with a light smile: "Little Zhao Shi, you should honestly prepare for Donghua Smelting Company to work, and the conditions I promise you will not change. .”

Zhao Shi was silent for a long time before saying something.

"However, I really want to become a mecha master, and my life is only a few dozen years at most, why not give it a try?

If you do this, it does seem to be for my own good, but this is not right. Whether my life is good or not should be decided by myself. "

Yang Qiushui, who originally planned to reject Zhao Shi no matter what he said, hesitated.

From a logical point of view, it seems to be right. Is it possible that I am too arrogant.

Li Xi was making trouble at the side, and said with a smile, "Yes, aunt, you have to respect other people's dreams. If you die, you die, anyway, people will die any day."

Yang Qiushui made up his mind again, and said solemnly to Zhao Shi: "Little Zhao Shi, if you are stronger and have more life experience, the teacher will respect your choice."

"But now you are only dominated by some instinctive evil emotions, and you don't know what a real dream is."

With a serious face, she took Zhao Shi's hand and walked towards the door. Her little hand was warm but firm: "So, go back, and don't even think about signing up with other teachers, you won't succeed."

"Maybe you'll hate me, but I won't change my mind."

Huge zhenqi gushed out from her palm, wrapped Zhao Shi's whole body, and dragged him out of the office.

"Teacher, no, I..."

Zhao Shi wants to cry but has no tears. I am really firm and strong. Why don't you believe me?

But no matter how much he swears and swears, talks about his dreams, and says he is very confident, Yang Qiushui doesn't trust him at all, and drags him to the door after a while, causing countless students from No. 2 Middle School on the side of the road to look sideways.

Yang Qiushui also felt a little embarrassed, and stepped out of the school again.

Li Xi and the heroic woman followed behind them, looking curiously at the scenery around No. 2 Middle School from time to time, their cute and beautiful faces attracted the attention of boys along the way.

Occasionally, a confident male student who claimed to be good-looking and from a good family background politely stepped forward to strike up a conversation, but within three meters he was forced back a few steps by the stern gaze of the heroic woman, his face turned pale, and he almost peed his pants in fright.

This is the typical mental coercion of a martial arts expert.

Immediately, no male classmates dared to approach again, and a large area of ​​seven or eight meters centered on Li Xi was blank.

As the only safflower in the center of the green leaves, Zhao Shi attracted many envious and jealous eyes.

Although he is going crazy now.

I can't wait to activate my coercion immediately to stop this woman who is forcibly dragging me.

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