The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 913: Kendo Genius

Yang Qiushui forcibly dragged Zhao Shi to the bus stop, and said seriously while waiting for the bus: "Zhao Dali has hurt you too much, I plan to send you to Huadong Smelting Company immediately, and start an internship immediately."

"After working for a while, you will know that your current thoughts are not worth it, because life is the most precious thing."

"I do not want……"

Zhao Shi struggled hard, this time he no longer cared about self-protection of his frail body, his whole body burst out with energy and blood, he pushed Yang Qiushui away and took his hand.

Her hand was extremely steady, even if she only used a little strength, she didn't shake at all because of the explosion of a mere tenth-level martial artist.

But Zhao Shi's hands were creaking, not bearing the heavy load, which made his face that had just appeared rosy turn pale again quickly.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Yang Qiushui exclaimed, and hastily let go of Zhao Shi's hand, and the zhenqi net surrounding him like a bag disappeared.

Zhao Shi, who broke free from the shackles, took a big breath, patted Yang Qiushui away and tried to grab his hand to check the injury again, and before she could say anything, he hurriedly said: "Teacher, I concealed it from you. In fact, I am very strong. I just want to give You are in for a surprise."

"Yes, the teacher knows that you are very strong."

Yang Qiushui was taken aback for a moment, showing a more worried and headache expression, obviously not believing it at all.

No one knows Zhao Shi's strength better than her.

Not to mention being very strong, it would be pretty good for him with a cowardly character to beat someone at the eighth level of a warrior.

"Do not lie to you."

Zhao Shi secretly sighed in his heart, took out the seat on the bus platform that Yang Qiushui gave him the recommendation letter, folded it bit by bit, and shaped it into a stronger long strip.

Li Xi chuckled: "Auntie, your little boyfriend must be very good at playing with paper toys, he might be number one in Chulanxing."

"Nonsense! I'll deal with you later!"

Yang Qiushui gave her a hard look, and told her to jump away like a frightened deer, lest her innocent little head be hurt again.

"Little Zhao Shi..."

she was thinking,

Do you want to knock Zhao Shi out forcibly and take him away? The power of the True Qi Realm is powerful, but if you just let him fall asleep for a while, he will definitely not suffer any harm.


Her words suddenly stopped, and she looked at the boy in front of her with wide eyes, full of surprise.

Zhao Shi had finished folding the letter of recommendation, stood up slowly, and pointed at Yang Qiushui with the envelope only two fingers wide in his right hand.

The envelope is only 30 centimeters long, and it is folded to be two fingers wide. The edges are neat and smooth, as if it was folded by a master after the calculation of the intellectual brain. Any angle, thickness, and thickness of the whole body, any place It increases the sharpness and toughness of the envelope.

At this moment, even without using any force, this rectangular envelope can become a good tofu knife, and its sharpness has reached the limit of its material.

Without adding any materials, without using any extraordinary power or equipment, and only relying on their hands, the Void Refining Realm monks could not make this envelope sharper.

This is nothing, the envelope is folded well, it is meaningless, and the limit of sharpness of the paper is a tofu knife.

What really shocked Yang Qiushui was that she felt a slight itching in her spiritual sense, like being pricked by a fine needle.

"Teacher, I have been hiding something from you all this time."

Zhao Shi was holding the envelope, but everyone believed that he was holding a sharp long sword when they saw him.

"That is, I am very talented in the way of swords, a genius in the way of swords."


Li Xi sneered, would a genius be a tenth-level martial artist?

Except for Yang Qiushui, no one else could perceive the sharpness of Zhao Shi's sword. three nine

Yang Qiushui thought of something, and spread a translucent film around him with zhenqi, blocking the sight and sound of the outside world.

"Teacher, please look."

Zhao Shi raised his sword, stepped forward, and stabbed Yang Qiushui's throat.

There are no sublime sword skills, what is still operating is the superficial power of Qi and blood cultivated in the "Great King Kong Gong", and what is used is only the simplest straight stab of the basic sword technique.

The only difference from other students is cohesion.

The strength of muscles, bones, qi and blood, as well as martial arts, and even the spiritual power that is not involved in the martial artist stage are all gathered on the envelope dagger, increasing its speed to an unimaginable level for martial artists.


The dagger in the envelope hit three centimeters in front of Yang Qiushui's throat, and was blown to pieces by the zhenqi.

The power hidden in this sword erupted, and the weak pieces of paper scraped the air with a hissing sound.

Yang Qiushui opened his small mouth and looked at Zhao Shi in disbelief.

This sword should be able to kill a warrior of level one or level two, right?

"Teacher, I want to take the college entrance examination."

Zhao Shi bowed slightly: "I want to become a mecha master, so I can bear the danger of death, please."

Yang Qiushui was stunned, and removed the cover.

There is a feeling that the little bird has grown up and is about to fly away from my hand.

"Is he really a swordsman genius?"

Li Xi looked suspiciously at Yang Qiushui's reaction, as well as the scraps of paper on the ground, with disbelief on his face.

Kendo genius is not Chinese cabbage, you can find it by nesting in any place for three years.


Seeing Yang Qiushui was still in a daze, although it was very good-looking, Zhao Shi couldn't help urging: "You old man?"

Only then did Yang Qiushui come back to his senses, and rolled Zhao Shi's eyes: "Don't call me an old man."

After hesitating for a while, she said, "I suggest you give up this college entrance examination and take the next one. It will be more secure and you will be able to get into Mecha University 100%."

Zhao Shi shook his head slowly but firmly.

He was very interested in the purpose of Yang Qiushui and Li Xi, the rich and powerful children of such aristocratic families, who came to Dongyuan City.

If it was before, Yang Qiushui would have ignored his opinion with a high probability and directly arranged for the next college entrance examination, but after showing this kind of swordsmanship, it was different.

Yang Qiushui said helplessly, "Okay then, I'll sign up for you."

Geniuses, especially kendo geniuses, are always confident and stubborn, and they don't know what fear is until they suffer major setbacks.

Zhao Shida breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Thank you very much, teacher, I'll go first."

It happened that a bus that didn't know where to go stopped, and he ran up quickly without waiting for a reply.

He no longer wants to stay by Yang Qiushui's side. Although this woman cares about him very much, she always ignores her own thoughts and makes decisions for herself, which is really too troublesome.

He just took a step, his collar was tightened, and he was carried away to the inside of the school.

"No hurries?"

Yang Qiushui had a funny face, and reproached him: "The college entrance examination is about to take place in seven days. You don't know any martial arts, and you don't even have a long sword. You only have basic swordsmanship. You only have the level of Liang Qi and theirs in the college entrance examination." Candidates?"

Zhao Shi struggled hard, but she completely ignored her, and dragged him back wrapped in zhenqi.

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