The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 915 Class Gully

Seven days passed in a flash.

Zhao Shi, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes, and a blue light flashed like a wind in his black and white pupils.

Like the sea, like a vortex, engulfing endless years.

Crouching on the ground, Yang Qiushui, who was looking at Zhao Shi expectantly, was startled, stopped when he reached the point of his mouth, and his whole body was extremely stiff.

This feeling was just fleeting, and it disappeared without a trace before she really felt it.

Yang Qiushui was a little puzzled, but he didn't think it was Zhao Shi's fault, he just thought it was the martial arts master passing by.

The college entrance examination in Dongyuan City is unusual, which is not surprising.

She looked at Zhao Shi with her big beautiful eyes, and said with concern: "Little Zhao Shi, have you finished transferring the exercises?"

She was also extremely surprised that it took only seven days for Zhao Shi to convert the crude "Great Diamond Sutra" into the mysterious-level exercise "Qingfengjian Yuangong".

"Yes, it all depends on your teaching, teacher." Zhao Shi replied softly: "If possible, can you just call me by my full name without adding a small character before it? This will make my classmates laugh. "

Yang Qiushui chuckled and patted Zhao Shi's head: "Has our little Zhao Shi started to pay attention to his face? Has he fallen in love with some girl?"

Zhao Shi sighed and stopped talking.

Boom boom boom!

Li Xi rushed down the stairs with a bag of milk in his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Auntie, is this untouchable going to take the college entrance examination? I promise you to take care of him when you can, but I can't guarantee the result."

She could see that Zhao Shi had switched to Xuan-level exercises, and his strength was much stronger than before.

But the Xuan-level kung fu technique barely reached the threshold of a child from an ordinary aristocratic family, so it was not a big deal, and it was very different from a child from a top-level family like her.

Needless to say, Zhao Shi is still a mere tenth-level martial artist, and any younger generation who can be called a descendant of an aristocratic family is at least in the realm of a martial artist.

Yang Qiushui hesitated to speak.

Of course she was dissatisfied with Li Xi's answer, but she also knew that Li Xi seemed naughty, but actually had the extreme pride of the children of the aristocratic family in his heart.

To her, ordinary civilians are no different from bugs on the roadside. It is already very good to be able to take care of Zhao Shi one or two for her own sake.

If it was someone else, even a friend who made such a request to take care of a pariah, she would think it was a humiliation that deliberately trampled on her dignity, and she might kill Zhao Shi on the spot, and then immediately break up with her friend.

Among ordinary people, it is similar to the behavior of your friend covering your face with shit.

"Auntie, I'm going to meet my classmates. We made an appointment to meet before entering the Sea Blue Secret Realm."

Afraid that Yang Qiushui would say something else, Li Xi sucked the milk dry from her mouth, and ran out the door with her bodyguard before she could react.

Zhao Shi watched quietly, without expressing any dissatisfaction with the title of untouchable.

From the first time he saw this lovely girl, he knew that she was a typical upper-class woman in a strict class society. Her cuteness was only for people of the same class, and she was superior to people of the lower class and ordinary people. nobles and rulers.

When her eyes looked at herself, she didn't seem to be looking at a human being, but a moving object.

These are actually the children of normal aristocratic families. Their life expectancy, strength, status, and the level of education brought about by the above far exceed ordinary civilians, and they do not regard ordinary people as human beings like themselves.

Yang Qiushui is a different kind among different kinds. 100 Literature

"Sorry, Xiaoxi is too rude, I will teach her a lesson."

Yang Qiushui gently pulled Zhao Shi up, fearing that his sensitive self-esteem would be hurt, so he patted his head for a long time to comfort him.


Zhao Shi nodded, indicating that he was not harmed.

"But there are a lot of bad people out there."

Yang Qiushui hesitated for a while, and said: "If you see anyone around Li Xi, you'd better stay away from them immediately and don't try to be friends with them. The same goes for the people around the teacher."


"Good boy, let's take the college entrance examination."

Yang Qiushui took Zhao Shi's hand and walked towards the assembly point of the college entrance examination students in Dongyuan City.

She used her true energy, and her speed was very fast. The gust of wind rushed towards her face, causing her face to sting slightly, and her speed was only half slower than that of a monk in the Condensation Realm flying in the sky.

She deliberately didn't activate the true energy shield, wanting Zhao Shi's reaction.

Zhao Shi silently transported the energy and blood power of "Qing Feng Jian Yuan Gong" that had been fully converted, changed the shape of the muscles on the face, side of the body and other places with the greatest wind resistance, trying to make them streamlined, and then strengthened them with the power of energy and blood defenses of these places.

Between breaths, Zhao Shi, who was running the "Qingfeng Jianyuan Gong", became extremely light and agile. When the wind blows on his body, he will automatically separate to the two sides. If the speed reaches a certain level, he can use the wind to accelerate.

It feels like the body structure of human beings is changing, becoming agile creatures such as monkeys and birds. Although they are still mortal creatures without any supernatural power, they are much stronger than ordinary people.

"Yes, it seems that you have already mastered "Qingfeng Jianyuan Kung Fu"." Yang Qiushui exclaimed, and then said with some regret: "It's just that time is too tight, and there is no way to learn light kung fu and sword skills."

"It's the teacher, you teach well."

Zhao Shi's words put Yang Qiushui in a good mood. He opened his own shield to protect Zhao Shi, and his speed increased by several chips, and he quickly disappeared at the gate of No. 2 Middle School.

The real education center of Dongyuan City is not the No. 2 and No. 3 Middle Schools with tens of thousands of students combined, but No. 1 Middle School with a maximum of 300 students.

All the noble children of Dongyuan City are gathered here. The teaching staff and tuition fees are a hundred times higher than that of secondary middle schools.

In the eyes of many of the upper echelons of the Federation, these talents are barely their own 'citizens', not those weeds on the side of the road, which seem to be of no use except for a rare chance of one or two sweet fruits.

Liang Qi and the three stood at the luxurious gate of the No. 1 Middle School. The school grass and school flowers in the No. 2 Middle School campus disappeared, and they became even more timid than Zhao Shi. A middle school student cast a contemptuous look.

Wu Yu'er asked anxiously, "Is Teacher Yang here yet?"

Wu Dayou said in a deep voice: "It should be here soon, don't worry, Teacher Yang is not a late person."

As the most powerful person in No. 2 Middle School, he took the initiative to become the leader of the twelve college entrance examination candidates, and he was also in charge of contacting Yang Qiushui, the instructor of No. 2 Middle School.

Compared with others' shrinking, he who has dealt with No. 1 middle school students many times remained calm, as usual in school, which made people feel at ease.

Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared not far away, walking towards each other hand in hand, very fast.

"Hello, Teacher Yang..."

When the two got closer, Liang Qi and the others were about to say hello, but stopped in the middle of the conversation, showing a look of astonishment.

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