"Zhao Shi, what are you doing here? Is this the place you are entitled to come?"

For some reason, when Liang Qi saw Yang Qiushui holding hands with Zhao Shi, he suddenly became furious and yelled and cursed regardless of his identity.

As always, Zhao Shi did not respond to his words, as if he hadn't seen this person.

"fuck you"

Liang Qi only felt a rush of heat into his brain, and was instantly enraged. He drew his knife and slashed at Zhao Shi as fast as lightning: "Trash, who do you think you are..."

Halfway through the knife, a terrifying coercion descended, freezing all his movements, his whole body was icy cold, and his eyes that were about to burst into flames turned into panic and pleading.

Yang Qiushui's smile in front of the students disappeared, and he said coldly: "Student Liang Qi, you are deliberately killing your classmates. This is a capital crime, do you know that? You are no longer a child!"

Wu Yu'er and the girls who used to get along with her just wanted to talk to relieve the atmosphere, but they shuddered.

Only then did they realize that this woman who had a good temper and treated them well was a powerful martial artist whose dignity could not be offended.

Whether Liang Qi is intentional or unable to control his emotions, if he wants to kill the person she personally brought, he is trampling on her dignity!

"Old... teacher, I... I..."

Liang Qi's face was pale, and his teeth gritted: "I didn't mean it, you forgive me, please forgive me, forgive me..."

The leader of the No. 3 Middle School was the principal of the peak martial artist. Feeling the coercion, his complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly saluted respectfully from a long distance away, but he didn't dare to approach him.

Yang Qiushui didn't care about the gazes of the people around him, controlled his sudden outburst of emotions, resumed his usual stern face as a class teacher, and reprimanded: "I know if you did it on purpose, but this is someone else's life, not yours." It can be resolved intentionally or unintentionally.”

"This time, you are about to take the college entrance examination, and it didn't cause any consequences, so I won't pursue it."

The coercion subsided, Liang Qi gasped, like a fish that had been out of the water for a long time, and said gratefully: "Thank you teacher, I realized my mistake, and I promise not to do it again."

"Be more careful in the future, don't be so impulsive again."

Yang Qiushui nodded slightly,

Pulling Zhao Shi out of his side, he introduced to the people around him: "Student Zhao Shi has just been promoted to the tenth level of martial arts, so he signed up for this college entrance examination."

Wu Yu'er and the others suddenly showed incredulous expressions.

Zhao Shi's strength, these students couldn't be more clear about it, even becoming a warrior at the ninth level, how could it be possible to advance to the tenth level in a short period of time?

Looking at Yang Qiushui beside him, he thought of something.

Of course, there are ways to improve martial apprentices in a short period of time. Powerful warriors can provide precious elixir, or help break away from seriousness, and so on.

Wu Dayou and the others showed signs of understanding, and were filled with jealousy.

Why does this trash get so much love from Teacher Yang? If I give myself these things, I don’t know how much better than him, and I don’t know how easy it is to get into the Mecha University.

With all kinds of eyes on everyone, Zhao Shi still remained expressionless, as if others were not looking at him or talking about him.

Until Yang Qiushui secretly pulled the back collar of his clothes.

Zhao Shi's expression immediately changed to a sincere smile: "Hi everyone, I was lucky enough to become the tenth-level martial artist this time. I hope to achieve good results with everyone and be admitted to the Mecha University."

No matter what they thought in their hearts, with Yang Qiushui at the side, everyone responded enthusiastically. dm


"Congratulations, student Zhao Shi."

For a moment, the place seemed happy and harmonious, and Zhao Shi, who was sandwiched among the crowd, suddenly looked a lot more normal, no longer the appearance of a lonely and problematic child.

Yang Qiushui nodded in relief.

After a while, people from the No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 Middle Schools all came. After they merged into about 30 people, Yang Qiushui led them into the luxurious gate of No. 1 Middle School.

The security guard at the door routinely intercepted and inspected her. After she showed a jade badge, her face was shaken. She didn't dare to ask a word, and respectfully opened the main door, which was only opened when VIPs came.

Wu Dayou, who was having an enthusiastic conversation with his classmates, looked terrified when he saw the security guard of No. 1 Middle School.

These dozen or so people with the lowest level of security all have the tenth level of warriors, and there are as many as three peak warriors, which makes him even more awed.

Not to mention the students of No. 1 Middle School, any one of these security guards is an existence that he and his family need to look up to. If there is no special opportunity, it will take decades to catch up to the status of these security guards.

The college entrance examination is the only chance that exists.

Wu Dayou tightly grasped his palm, and there was a look of madness in the depths of his eyes.

Walking non-stop, they walked through the school gate, through the park-like campus surrounded by rockery and flowing water, and they came to the wide playground paved purely with white marble.

At this moment, more than 70 middle school students lined up neatly in the center of the playground. They couldn't help showing disgust when they saw ordinary students wearing shabby school uniforms and behaving vulgarly as they stepped into their beautiful campus. He covered his mouth and nose.

Liang Qi, Wu Yu'er and other top students in the No. 2 Middle School were hit again and lowered their heads even lower.

There are more than seventy people, the least is the tenth-level warrior, the most is the eleventh-level warrior, and there are about twenty people who are at the peak of the twelve-level warrior and are about to be promoted to warrior.

Finally, at the forefront of these No. 1 Middle School students were five outstanding male and female students.


At this time, even Wu Dayou, who had the most calm personality among many students, trembled in his heart, not daring to have the slightest thought of competing with him.

The identities of these people are extraordinary, the son of the owner of Cheng's Martial Arts Museum, the daughter of Mayor Huang...all of them are the top figures in Dongyuan City, crushing him and his family is like crushing a cat Ant.

The principal of the No. 1 Middle School is an innate martial artist and the top figure in Dongyuan City. He walked towards Yang Qiushui respectfully and saluted at a distance of three meters: "Special Envoy Yang, all the candidates for the college entrance examination in Dongyuan City have assembled. Please instruct."

"Principal Lin has worked hard, just wait a little longer, there is still a little time left."

Yang Qiushui nodded slightly. At this time, she had a completely different image from what she had in front of the students. She was majestic, unambiguous, wielding the power of life and death, with a nobleness that permeated her blood and genes.


The principal of No. 1 Middle School lowered his head even lower, facing her and stepped back cautiously, without asking any reason.

Buzz buzz!

After waiting for a while, a dull mechanical roar appeared in the sky, and a small black spot grew from small to large, and when it came to the playground of No. 1 Middle School, it enlarged into a huge fighter plane with a length of more than 500 meters and a width of more than 200 meters. A large cloud was cast on the ground.

"Auntie! Auntie! Here I am!"

A floating boat was lowered from above, and as soon as it landed, the petite Li Xi jumped off it and ran towards Yang Qiushui, followed by two smiling girls.

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