The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 917 Want to be free

The expressions of the students of No. 1 Middle School and the five warrior students at the front all changed when they saw her and the two girlfriends behind her.

The peak warriors are all the peak warriors, far exceeding their first and second ranks of warriors.

These must be the children of the real family, not the so-called dignitaries in a small town like them.

Immediately, although they couldn't see them, they still respectfully saluted the backs of Li Xi and the others.

With a smile on Yang Qiushui's face, he stretched out his arms to hug Li Xi who was hitting towards him like a ball of fur, and stroked her head.

"Auntie, we're going to Seablue Secret Realm in your mecha!"

In the end, Li Xi finally revealed the reason why she brought her best friend down.

According to federal regulations, fighter planes must be accompanied by escorts when flying with important supplies or important people. Yang Qiushui is one of the people in charge of this matter.


Yang Qiushui thought about it, and when it came to safety, it was true that his mecha was higher than the fighter plane, so he agreed.


Li Xi hurriedly grabbed his best friend from left to right, and followed Yang Qiushui expectantly, pushing Zhao Shi's position to the side.

Zhao Shi tactfully stepped aside before they arrived.

Yang Qiushui turned his head and turned into a majestic face: "Principal Lin, take the college entrance examination students from No. 1 Middle School and the students from No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 No. 4 Middle Schools to the battle plane."

"Yes, Special Envoy Yang."

Lin Sanwu respectfully responded, and commanded the students from the No. 1 Middle School who were already prepared to enter the airship, and automatically took over the command of the students from the No. 2 Middle School to guide them into the airship.

Following Liang Qi and the others, Zhao Shi lined up in an orderly manner and walked towards the airship.

The collar suddenly tightened, and the footsteps left the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Shi Longlong patted his stomach in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and laughed wildly: "Little Xuelong, aren't you crazy? Didn't you want to kill me recklessly as soon as we met? Now I'm being carried and dragged around like a baby every day."

"Ha ha,

I must record it and spread it in the heavens and worlds to avenge my hatred! "

Zhao Shi was expressionless, countless blood-colored flying swords were transformed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and drowned the hateful dragon loli.

Yang Qiushui said casually: "Little Zhao Shi, come with me later, I have something for you."

Surprised eyes came from the Jiaozi of No. 1 Middle School, and Zhao Shi's face was remembered at the same time.

The floating airship boarded the fighter plane and merged with the fighter plane, roaring and vibrating.

"The AXAF102 fighter plane is ready and is about to leave for the East China Sea. I request the accompanying mecha to be in place."

Everyone looked at Yang Qiushui with fanaticism and longing in their eyes.


The weapon that the Federation relied on to end the feudal monarchy and now fight against the Xiewu Empire is the biggest dream in the hearts of every Federation boy.

A federation is a country built on mechs!

Yang Qiushui clicked on the watch in his hand: "Mecha master W23521 requests to release the exclusive mecha."

"Your request is approved, please wait a moment."

She didn't do anything more, just waited quietly.

Zhao Shi observed silently.

Large-scale war equipment, it seems impossible to carry it with you?

The gap between the upper and lower classes in this world is extremely serious, and knowledge is tightly sealed. What is common sense to the middle and upper classes is often top secret to the lower classes.

He has not done anything beyond his own identity so far.

Everyone turned their gazes to the sky, and a small black spot as fine as dust appeared, and it became bigger and bigger as the distance got closer.

It is a mecha about 15 meters high, its whole body is painted blue, and it has a slender figure. It wears two thin blue long swords crossed on its back. It is 8 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. There are two black shoulder cannons on its shoulders. . Ivy

It is very strange, although it is fifteen meters high and weighs hundreds of tons of war machines, but it is not bulky, and everyone can see the meaning of lightness and swiftness from it.


The mech, which fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters, sprayed out white airflow from its feet when it was about to land. It changed from a very high speed to a static state. It knelt down on one knee in front of Yang Qiushui, with its chest in front of a cockpit the size of a room. It opened with the screech of metal parts.

At the same time, a coercion that far surpassed the Realm Condensation Realm and was more similar to the Golden Core Realm descended on the audience. Even if they deliberately restrained themselves, everyone, including Lin Sanwu, who can be called the top-level innate warrior in Dongyuan City, breathed heavily. Almost out of breath.

Zhao Shi's eyes also showed a look of amazement.

A magic weapon that can increase the combat power of a monk in the Condensed Realm to the Golden Core level is almost unheard of in the world of immortality.

Don't think about the Nascent Soul Realm, you must transform into a god, and only a master craftsman like yourself can do it.

But such efficiency will be very low, and it will take a lot of rare materials to succeed.

To spend so many rare materials, and to call out a cultivator who transforms spirits and a grand master of refining equipment from the retreat, it takes time, just to make such a magic weapon that allows the Condensed Realm to reach the Golden Core Realm?

Immortal cultivators are not crazy!

But looking at the world, it can be mass-produced.

I just don't know whether this technology is universal or just depends on the rules of the world.

If it is the former, the Xiuxian industrial system where the Xianmeng is located will usher in an explosion.

Yang Qiushui's zhenqi, which had been restrained all along, burned like a flame at this moment, and he lifted his footsteps lightly, turning into a phantom and entering the cockpit.

hum! Click!

The mecha stood up slowly. At this moment, although the powerful but rigid aura disappeared, the cold war machine showed the agility of life and possessed a soul, and it was the soul aura of Yang Qiushui.

If you don't use the naked eye, but only use your spiritual sense, Zhao Shi almost thinks that this is a metal-like golden core.

"Auntie! Auntie!"

Li Xi jumped below.

Before she could say anything else, a light blue light shone on her, her best friend, and Zhao Shi, sending them into a small room adjacent to the cockpit.


The nether energy pool of the mecha roared, and the aura of heaven and earth fluctuated. The fifteen-meter-high mecha smashed into the air, and followed the fighter plane to fly into the distance.

The inside of the mech was extremely stable, but there was a slight feeling of weightlessness, Zhao Shi overcome it after a while by running the energy of Qi and blood in his body.

Not with Li Xi and the girls, but in a very narrow space.

"Little Zhao Shi, come here."

Following Yang Qiushui's soft voice, the metal hatch in front of him opened, revealing a bright silver space.

Yang Qiushui sat on a metal chair, surrounded by countless translucent qi networks constantly entering and exiting, finely controlling this golden core-level war machine.

Her expression was as usual, and the control of the mech did not bring her much burden. After seeing Zhao Shi coming, she thought about it, and a rectangular purple wooden box flew towards Zhao Shi from her side.

"This is the long sword I used when I was young. I give it to you today. I hope you like it."

Martial artists focus on body training, unlike immortal cultivators who can dispel objects through the air during the Qi refining period.

Their souls take a tougher and stronger path, instead of developing the sensitivity and control ability of the soul to the maximum extent like the immortal cultivators.

They need to go to the Flying Realm at least to be able to fetch things from the air.

At this time, Yang Qiushui was not much different from a flying-level martial artist.

Zhao Shi silently took the purple wooden box and opened it. Inside was a blue scabbard and a blue hilt.

Hold the hilt of the sword, and slowly pull out the long sword, revealing its sapphire-like translucent sword body, with extremely sharp edges, and the warrior's protection in front of it is no different from that of tofu.

Very beautiful and very expensive.

There are two characters engraved on the surface of the sword under the hilt, Qiushui.

Facing her expectant gaze, Zhao Shi secretly sighed for some reason.

"Thank you teacher, I like your gift very much."

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