The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 918 Sea Blue Secret Realm

In the cockpit, you can see the howling wind and clouds from the outside world, the earth, mountains and rivers are swept by quickly, and one city after another is left behind, and it still does not slow down until it enters the endless blue ocean.

"The place we are going to is called the Sea Blue Secret Realm. It was left by the King Sea Blue who fell 10,000 years ago. It is very friendly to the younger generations of the family." Sitting in the driving seat, Yang Qiushui softly swayed the silk thread of true energy with his palm like playing a piano Said: "This is also the reason why I, Li Xi and the others came here."

"What is a king? Is there still a king in the Federation?"

"No, it's a high level of cultivation for warriors."

Yang Qiushui patiently explained: "Warrior apprentices and warriors are just a cultivation process to unblock the meridians, and they are not considered real practitioners. Only after becoming a congenital warrior can one step on the path of cultivation."

"After the innate warriors, there is the Real Qi Realm, the Flying Sky Realm, the Divine Bridge Realm, and finally the King Realm. They can pick up the stars and the moon, and have a lifespan of nine thousand years."

There was longing in her eyes.

"But this is too far for me and you. You only need to know that the king is a very powerful person, enough to be the star master of a living planet. Their time is almost eternal."

Zhao Shi's face was shocked, as if he had discovered a new world.

"This special college entrance examination is both a danger and an opportunity for you. Others, even a commoner martial artist who has cultivated to the flying sky level or even the Shenqiao level, have been searching for such opportunities all their lives, and this is why I agree with you. One of the reasons here."

Yang Qiushui stopped talking.

No matter how extraordinary a commoner's talent is, there is an insurmountable ceiling in his cultivation path. The exercises below the Feitian realm are relatively easy to obtain. Every step after that must go through a long period of time and prove loyalty with blood and sweat. Only after passing the assessment will he be accepted Grant new exercises and move on.

Even she would not dare to touch this unspoken but iron-clad unspoken rule.

Just because a family is powerful and immortal does not mean that the individuals in the family are also like this. Death and sacrifice of family members for the benefit of the family often happens.

"Teacher, I know, I will work hard."

As they got deeper and deeper into the ocean, they began to encounter similar fighters and mechas along the way, and soon formed a mecha formation of dozens of fighters to fly together.

But in comparison, there is only one fighter that can compete with the fighter that Zhao Shi and the others are in.

The accompanying escort mecha is also a lieutenant-level mecha that is comparable to Jindan's combat power.

The other ones were much worse, the fighter planes were dingy, and the escort mechas were only soldier-level mechas controlled by three or four innate warrior principals.

On the horizon, a black dot grew from small to large, turning into an island hundreds of square meters in size.

It is very strange that no matter how the huge waves of tens of meters high outside the island beat, they cannot soak into the island at all, and it always looks like spring all the year round, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

The fighter group flew over a small island three kilometers away from the island, put down the students and dozens of huge supply boxes, and then flew towards the mainland.

The space here is too small to support their takeoff and landing.

"This is the Sea Blue Secret Realm?"

A curious and excited college entrance examination student returned to the ground, looking around.

Yang Qiushui's fifteen-meter-high sapphire mecha landed on the small island, his legs sank one or two meters into the ground, and slowly came to a stop. The super mechs also stopped one after another.

The location where they landed happened to be next to the supply box. As soon as they stood firmly, two dexterous mechanical arms stretched out from inside the mecha to open the supply box, and then took out a square object the size of a school desk from the chest to replace it.


The huge hatch of the sapphire mecha opened, forming a staircase. Yang Qiushui dragged Zhao Shi and Li Xi, who was chatting with his best friend, down slowly.

‘The battery life of low-level mechs is insufficient. If the high-level mechs are still the same, we can design a combat plan for them. '

Zhao Shi glanced at the group of mechas that were replacing their energy cores one after another.

It has only been flying for more than six hours, and there has been no fierce battle, and its battery life is far worse than that of the monks of the Condensed Realm and the Golden Core Realm.

Looking around at this time, apart from these dozens of mechas, there are densely packed college entrance examination students, probably tens of thousands of people in total.

They are all vigorous and youthful ages, but they are not the same, and they are not mixed together indiscriminately.

In the outermost circle, about 10,000 people looked nervous and cowering, and honestly squeezed into the outermost circle, using only a small amount of space.

Liang Qi, Wu Yuer, Wu Dayou and the others are on this floor, and they are taking the time to connect with the college entrance examination candidates from nearby schools. With vulgar language and social smiles, they quickly became friends and agreed to enter the secret realm Then help each other and so on.

The second floor is obviously similar to a circle of rich and powerful children in a medium-sized small city. There are seven or eight thousand people. They look at the common people outside with disdain, and they are also talking with the people around them. The language is decent and polite. With so much market spirit, people who occasionally looked at the inner circle looked respectful and obedient.

The most central floor is where Li Xi and the others are. There are only a thousand people. Although most of them are familiar with each other, they don't seem close to each other. Except for the people in their own team, they look at the others with vigilance.

Occasionally there is communication, and that is because the captains are communicating with each other. It is rare for the team to talk to each other without authorization.

They were busy with their own affairs, completely ignoring the awe-inspiring gazes of the civilians around them and the so-called 'powerful' in small cities.

Yang Qiushui led Zhao Shi, who was wearing a gorgeous blue sword on his waist, and walked over, attracting the surprised eyes of the young people from nearby aristocratic families.

As aristocrats of aristocratic families, the most important thing for them is to get to know the children of the nobles of the same class and even the upper class, so as to make different responses.

Seeing that the young lady of the Yang family is holding the young man's hand so closely, she must be the core figure of the Yang family's nephew and nephew generation.

Could it be the killer weapon that has been cultivating secretly in the family and has not shown up until now?

Thinking of this, many people trembled in their hearts.

A girl in purple who was chatting cordially beside Li Xi asked inadvertently: "Li Xi, this is the son of a master of the Yang family, why didn't you introduce him to us?"

Many people looked at her at the same time.

"Which grown-up kid...haha"

Yang Xi chuckled, and didn't want to say anything to ruin the image of her aunt, so she could only say vaguely: "I'm not a child of the Yang family, nor a member of any family, this is my aunt's student, she is very talented, she likes it very much he."

Not from the family?

The girl in purple automatically ignored the words behind her, lost all interest in an instant, and changed her words: "After entering the secret realm, it is not as good as the two of us..."

The children of the surrounding aristocratic families were suddenly in an uproar.

Miss Yang's family is really bold, she dared to bring out the little boy in public before she was married.

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