The children of the aristocratic family have extremely enviable privileges. Even with low qualifications, they can practice martial arts, and even become the envy of everyone under the accumulation of massive resources.

But they also have family obligations that they must fulfill.

Family, what is a family, an interest group bound by blood.

The prosperity of the family is built on the outstanding members of the clan, so as to keep the family's eternal foundation.

In the world of martial arts and the world of mechas, there are no princes and generals who have the same kind. No matter how many barriers are set up, no matter how many resources and privileges they have, no matter how righteous they are, they are not worth mentioning in front of a powerful mecha master.

And only among a large number of clansmen can there be stable talents.

Therefore, one of the biggest obligations that a family member needs to perform is marriage. Marry with an aristocratic child with excellent family background and talent, and have more than three children. If the first child has excellent aptitude, you can apply to complete the family obligation in advance.

Many young people in aristocratic families don't like this kind of restraint, but they can't reverse the strict rules of the family.

Generally speaking, regardless of gender, the private life of the children of aristocratic families must be corrupt, but it cannot be put on the bright side, nor can they have children. This is the bottom line.

If the bottom line is crossed, the reputation of both families will be disgraced.

"Qiu Shui, is this person the child of any senior in the Yang family?"

A handsome young man with a pale face came up from the fiery red mech. He glanced at the sword on Zhao Shi's waist, and asked Yang Qiushui with a gloomy expression.

The answer is already known.

As long as he wanted to, he could find all the information about Zhao Shi within three breaths with one command.

"Zhou Li, don't call me by my name so disgustingly."

Yang Qiushui seemed to have a blowfly in front of his eyes, and said disgustedly: "You are not qualified to ask about things that have nothing to do with you, now quickly disappear from my eyes!"

This person came from the Zhou family, one of the seven great families, and he likes to eat human flesh raw, especially the human flesh of young and beautiful women. Young women were often lured into his mansion in Chulanjing, and then turned into bloody bones and sent to him. Come out, this is a semi-open secret in the Chulanxing family circle.

As for the law?

he is innocent

He did not kill any family member, did not violate the criminal law, but only committed the crime of 'damaging public finances' in the law, and he just needs to pay some money.

Even this kind of behavior, apart from arousing the disgust of some women from aristocratic families, did not affect his reputation among his elders and peers. He is still a gentle, courteous and humble young man.

After all, this hobby is not too out of the ordinary in the circle of aristocratic children.

It has been 100,000 years since the federation was established, and the rule of the top family is still unchanged, accumulating too much corruption and darkness.


Zhou Li's face turned red, and the 15-meter-high mecha not far behind him strode forward with his emotions, holding a long dagger in both hands and raising it to the sky.

The heavy Jindan-level coercion spread in all directions, making tens of thousands of college students around shudder and quiet down.

Yang Qiushui glanced contemptuously at the vain zhenqi on his body, didn't bother to pay attention, and pulled Zhao Shi closer to his sapphire mecha to prevent him from being injured by the coercion of the lieutenant mecha.

Zhou Li was furious, but knowing that he was no match, he calmed down: "Aren't you afraid that Uncle Yang will blame you for doing this? You and I have a marriage contract."

He said coldly: "The reputation of my Zhou family is not something you can damage."

Yang Qiushui's pretty brows frowned slightly.

She also protested to her father and mother about this engagement, but they didn't care at all.

In their eyes, as long as the other party is from a family, the aptitude is fine. After all, the martial arts mech master is powerful, and he doesn't care who the other half is.

If you see each other right, you will become a real couple. If you don't see each other, it doesn't matter. You can have sex a few times and have a few children. You don't need to live together, and you will be just passers-by in the future.

If you hate him, just meet him a few times in your life. Destiny Book Bar

So this is not an important matter at all. It is worth spending a lot of time mobilizing a large number of contacts in the family to change the married husband in the distribution of the family elders.

"The things between us, I will change as soon as possible."

Yang Qiushui said coldly: "Naturally, I also respect the Zhou family very much, and the matter of insulting reputation is not something you just say with empty teeth.

Now, disappear before my eyes. "


The sapphire mecha came striding here, with its huge and dexterous arms slowly pulling out the thin blue swords behind it, the cold and chilling intent permeated Zhou Li and the mecha behind him.

Zhou Li's complexion changed, and he took a step back.

Yang Qiushui definitely didn't dare to kill him, but he could seriously injure him and knock him out of the Sea Blue Secret Realm this time.

Except for his own parents, no one in the family will stand up for this kind of fight between children.

"Okay, okay, I admit it today."

Zhou Li and his fiery red mecha backed away slowly, and the persuasive words in their mouths suddenly turned extremely ferocious.

"Trash, die!"

The fiery red mecha was full of scorching flames, and it threw the 18-meter-long dagger at Zhao Shi. The air along the way was broken and distorted by transpiration in an instant, and the temperature within a radius of 100 meters rose sharply.

The huge pressure froze Zhao Shi's body, he couldn't move anything except his eyes, he could only look at him quietly.

"Zhou Li, you are courting death!"

Yang Qiushui was furious, and he didn't hold back his hands anymore. The blue swords on the back of the sapphire mecha unsheathed, and cut two intersecting crosses in an instant.


A huge force struck, shaking Chang Ge of the fiery red mecha back without any stop, and two blue lights hit his throat and heart, one in front and one in the back.

The strength gap between the two is too great!

Zhou Li was horrified, controlled the mecha and stood in front of him with a spear, and said eagerly: "Yang Qiushui, you can't, otherwise my mother won't let you go..."

Chang Ge was cut flying with one sword, and the other sword stabbed straight at the energy core of the mech's heart, shattering its energy core amidst the creaking sound.

Sparks and black smoke came out of the fiery red mecha's whole body, it struggled violently, and stopped moving, its whole body was extremely dark.

The Sapphire Mecha just stopped, and Yang Qiushui said contemptuously: "You dare to provoke me with this kind of strength, you idiot!"

As for her mother, the lieutenant-level mecha master in the flying realm?

I am indeed not an opponent, but I also have a mother and a father!

Zhou Li hated: "Bitch, how dare you! I won't let you go!"

Yang Qiushui's face was slightly cold, and the two swords of the sapphire mecha deflected to the sword, and slammed at Zhou Li who was scolding like two fly swatters.


An angry shout came from the sky, accompanied by the sound of dense mechs piercing the air.

Zhao Shi raised his head and found a group of bird-like mechs appeared in the distance, connecting together, the number reached more than a thousand people.

Yang Qiushui hesitated for a moment, retracted the blue swords, and pulled Zhao Shi into the cockpit of his mecha.

A feeling that is more agile than the driver's outside comes from the sapphire mecha.

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