The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 921: Killing Arena

Zhao Shi looked at the towering mountain peaks in front of him and realized something.

He just said, those who practice martial arts are barbarians, how could it be possible for a cultivator to establish a formation that can be passed on for thousands of years after his death.

This is clearly the martial arts avatar of this guy named Hailan who has cultivated to the level of transforming gods.

Although martial arts barbarians are indeed martial arts barbarians, their ability to manipulate their bodies is beyond the reach of all immortal cultivators, and they can play various tricks.

Before everyone could react to this boundless voice, their eyes were already covered by a hazy blue light.

When they opened their eyes again, everyone came to the high sky, surrounded by clouds, and transparent under their feet, and they could see the vast land below.

The endless land that can't be seen at a glance, mountains, valleys, rivers, grasslands and other terrains are all available, as if you have come to a new continent from the ocean in an instant.

Zhao Shi carefully perceives for a moment.

This is a shallow application of space, and I zoomed out.

"Students of the younger generation."

A white-haired old man in blue robe appeared in the vast sea of ​​clouds, his face flushed with excitement: "Look, this is the Hailan Killing Arena I prepared for you!"

"Quickly be astonished by the exquisite creativity of my ancestor!"

"You will take the Kunpeng in my hand to the Killing Arena."

He flipped his hand, and a large finned fish appeared on it, covering the sky and the sun, enough to hold tens of thousands of people.

"True Qi Realm Warrior is one battlefield, and under the True Qi Realm Warrior is another battlefield."

"When standing on Kunpeng's back, no one is allowed to attack. You can choose to jump off Kunpeng's back and enter the killing arena at any time. Those who still refuse to jump at the end will be left behind by Kunpeng."

"All you have to do is kill! Kill each other! Until the last person or the last team is left!"

"There is a poisonous mist around the battlefield, and it will shrink with time. If you stay in the poisonous mist for too long, you will die!"

"Get ready! My juniors! I have prepared rich treasures for you, pills that can wash scriptures and change marrow, pills that can improve understanding, and secret books that can cultivate to the level of kings.

blah blah blah, everything! "

"Go and win! The winner gets everything!"

The white-haired old man with an excited face slowly disappeared, leaving behind a phantom of a ten-minute countdown clock.

Everyone can now move freely in the cloud.

Panic appeared among all commoner students who were not from aristocratic families, and among the children of wealthy people in small cities.

"This is not the college entrance examination!"

"This is murder! Those family members want to kill us!"

"Mom, I'm going home!"

More than 30,000 college entrance examination students!

In the end, only one or four people can survive!

Not to mention the children of the common people, even the children of the rich and powerful in those small cities don't think they can have this ability, this is sure to die.

The King's Treasure makes people's hearts dry and hot, but the death rate of more than 99% makes people fall into the ice cave.

On the other hand, the children of more than a thousand aristocratic families in the center of many college entrance examination students looked nervous, but they could still communicate normally. The various captains talked frequently, and it didn't look like they were facing an exam with a 99% mortality rate.


Zhou Meng in the Crab Claw Mecha frowned when he saw the messy civilian candidates. Sound waves poured out from the mouth of his mecha, instantly covering the noisy voices of tens of thousands of people, and then over a dozen opponents. The students from the aristocratic family turned into a fog of blood when they spoke rudely.

All the commoner students were silent and did not dare to speak out.

"The spirit of the killing arena lied. After the defeat, you civilians only have a one-tenth chance of dying. The rest of the candidates will be ranked by the survival time, the number of kills and assists. This will also be your SAT score!"

"This is a huge opportunity for you. As long as you can survive and achieve excellent results, you may become lieutenant-level mecha masters in the future." 52 Literature

There was another buzzing sound in the square, but this time the mood was calmer.

There are quite a few people who don't believe it, but they have no other choice but to believe, especially when they see more than a thousand children from aristocratic families in the center, they feel more at ease.

Their lives are worthless, but the lives of those noble children are precious, so they can't all die, right?

Only then did they suddenly realize what it meant for the children of those aristocratic families to form a team of three or four from the beginning.

In an instant, the tens of thousands of civilian students in the square once again communicated frequently. Everyone knew the truth of the crowd, and no one wanted to be besieged by others.

Seeing this, Zhou Meng nodded slightly and stopped talking.

The spirit of the killing arena has requirements for both the quantity and quality of the killing, which is why these untouchables came here, and they cannot be completely lost hope.

"Zhao Shi, why don't you come with us? Everyone in our No. 2 Middle School got together and got the best results in the college entrance examination!"

Wu Yu'er, Liang Qi, and Wu Dayou formed a group, pushed through the crowd, and found Zhao Shi who was silently looking at the sea of ​​clouds.

Attacking each other is not allowed here in the square, so there is no need to worry about threats from Zhou Li and others. This is why Yang Qiushui assured him to come out now.

At this moment, the three of them came to Zhao Shi, and were sincerely invited by Wu Yuer, the second middle school flower with the strongest affinity.

Liang Qi had a look on his face, but he didn't say anything.

"I don't want to team up with people, thank you."

Zhao Shi's words are concise and to the point.

Liang Qi couldn't help but sneered: "Fool! Where do you think this is? Is it the No. 2 middle school where you can take the lead if you advance to the tenth level of martial arts?"

Zhao Shi didn't answer, turned and left.

"Haha, this idiot gave up on his own, let's find another powerful teammate!" Liang Qi was overjoyed and laughed repeatedly.

It's just that he didn't see the haze in the eyes of the other two.

"Why did you reject them? Although the strength is not very good, there are some, and they are still classmates."

Yang Qiushui pinched Zhao Shi's expressionless face affectionately, and adjusted his collar to a pleasing angle.

"Because I don't want to."

Zhao Shi had no expression on his face, no need to look, there must have been many more hostile eyes around him.

There are ordinary civilian students who are not as strong as warrior apprentices, there are children from aristocratic families who have the strength of warriors, and there are also many lieutenant-level mecha masters with true energy.

Super big skills, group ridicule.

That's me, I don't know how many times I would die if I were someone else.

"you are cute!"

Stars appeared in Yang Qiushui's eyes, and he couldn't help kissing Zhao Shi's forehead.

Zhao Shi had been numb by her training during this time, and he didn't react, and temporarily controlled his dislike of women being too close to him.

Boom boom boom!

A ten-second timer started in the sky, with an echo, resounding in everyone's hearts like a drum beating on a battlefield.

Yang Qiushui instantly became serious with a teasing face, and carefully adjusted the position of Zhao Shi's saber so that he could draw the sword as quickly as possible, and said softly: "My little Zhao Shi, I want to come back alive, if you can Come back, and I can give you a new gift."


At the last second, Zhao Shi's eyes blurred, and when he opened his eyes, he had already appeared on Kunpeng's broad back, surrounded by some unknown people, both the aristocratic children's team and the civilian team, mixed together.

The strong wind blew towards the people on Kunpeng's back, and the desert terrain on the ground quickly passed by.

At the same time, the trend of the terrain, wind speed, humidity, sunlight and other data appeared in Zhao Shi's mind, and he quickly built an image of an azure martial arts giant thousands of feet high.

There is no difficulty, the real body can instantly kill the goods with a single strike.

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