Kunpeng traveled across the land at high speed, and soon flew over the small semi-desert.

The civilian college entrance examination students looked at the howling sky in fear, curled up as hard as they could, and did not dare to take a step for a long time.

Compared to them, the descendants of the aristocratic family seemed much more normal, talking and laughing happily.

Soon, Kunpeng flew to the center of the desert, which looked like ruins from above.

"Shacheng, my king has taken care of it, let's take a step first, anyone who is interested can come along."

A muscular young man wearing black heavy armor took a step forward, scanning the surrounding family disciples with oppressive eyes, the martial artist's peak Qi and blood power was in full swing.

The children of the aristocratic families along the way avoided their gazes one after another, not daring to meet their gazes, expressing that they would never step into the center of Shacheng.

"Heh, it's just a barren sand city, you can go there if you want, anyway, you're giving me the life of a free laborer."

However, there were at least a dozen people nearby who didn't care about him, and a flirtatious young man with a folding fan in his hand sarcastically sarcastically.

"It depends on your strength."

Without further arguing, Wang Zhao led the three of them to the edge of Kunpeng's back, jumped at least 10,000 meters into the sky, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

His take-off seemed to turn on a certain switch. After confirming his position, the children of the surrounding aristocratic families also jumped down one after another, like small stones falling to the ground, but they all avoided the central area of ​​Shacheng.

Seeing this, tens of thousands of civilian college entrance examination candidates had different thoughts. Some were waiting and watching, while some gritted their teeth and jumped down with their teammates, trying their best to stay away from any descendants of aristocratic families.

All of a sudden, black dots appeared on the desert sky, spread out one by one, and then scattered in all directions under the action of the wind.

The desert swept by and soon entered the grassland terrain.

Li Xi glanced at Zhao Shi, who was alone in the crowd: "The grassland is mine, and whoever dares to snatch it, I will beat her!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't say anything to Zhao Shi, and jumped to the center of the grassland with his two girlfriends, followed by a large number of children from aristocratic families and ordinary civilian players.

Zhao Shi's forehead was sweating slightly, unable to respond to everything outside.

His sea of ​​consciousness is rolling and roaring,

The simple information collected through the avatar is being fully deduced and calculated.

A translucent azure giant slowly appeared above the sea of ​​blood, most of the place was indistinct blue, with no outline details visible.

On the back, pieces of metal-like skin began to appear, every pore was clearly visible, and even the internal muscles, bones, and meridians had a general direction.

"It's not enough, this bit of information can't deduce the general structure of Hailan's body, and find the energy nodes that can be used."

Zhao Shi calmly looked at the undulating mountains and rivers on the ground below, and waited quietly, even though he might have missed the place he needed.

Grasslands pass by, hills pass by...

A lot of Seablue Secret Realm data was transmitted into the body consciousness sea, making the whole body of the Seablue Giant on the Blood Sea slowly become clear.

Until the end of Kunpeng's flight, Zhao Shi still didn't jump off under the anxious eyes of many people.

"It's done!"

The young man in the black Taoist robe in the sea of ​​blood stopped his high-speed calculation, passed the calculated results to the avatar, and then began to deal with various scientific research work in the sea of ​​blood laboratory.

In particular, the virtual refinement project that the Xianxia kings work together will restrain a lot of energy of all the kings every year, and compress and compress the already scarce time for dealing with government affairs.

For the past three hundred years, the Xianxia King has been extremely calm and rarely raised his head, and it is because of this incident.

Under various changing conditions, there is a high probability that the 1,000-year-old practice deduction project will be completed ahead of schedule, and it will only take more than 800 years.

In Zhao Shi's mind, the deduction and calculation results of simplification and simplification appeared in Zhao Shi's mind, so as to avoid breaking his weak soul.

This is a miniature figure of the sea blue giant. The whole body is covered by various meridian networks, and every muscle, bone, and true energy flowing in it can be clearly seen.

There are three intentionally marked red dots at the center of the eyebrows, the heart, and the dantian. Under mental attention, the red dots are quickly enlarged and become a huge map, detailed to the point of a river or a mountain.

"Grassland, hills, and swamps, there must be a large amount of concentrated energy in one of these three places, and I can use it now!"

The sweat on Zhao Shi's forehead disappeared. Looking around, he found that he had reached the second half of the last map swamp. There were few people around, only a few hundred people, and the disciples of the aristocratic family could hardly see them.

Coincidentally, the three of them, Wu Dayou and Wu Yuer, and a person from Class 1 of No. 2 Middle School were also there.

Facing the concerned eyes of Wu Dayou who came over, Zhao Shi said lightly: "I just remembered now, Wu Dayou, Wu Yu'er, you seem to be brothers and sisters, your parents only have you two precious children, I don't know if that's right?"

Wu Da was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "That's right, do you want to be together? We are both from the No. 2 Middle School. We will work together to kill the others first, and then we will compete for rankings."


Zhao Shi said lightly: "For the people at the bottom, I am sympathetic and willing to help, so as to unite them as much as possible, provided that they will not threaten my path."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Wu Dayou whose complexion changed slightly, and looked for a place to jump down.

Wu Dayou's complexion was a little cloudy for a while.

"People at the bottom! Hey!"

Liang Qi sneered, and said sourly: "That's right, if he climbed up to Teacher Yang, he is indeed not a low-level person, but does he think that he is better than us in the eyes of those aristocratic children?"

He looked at the two sides and found some clues, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't plan to point it out.

The sound of the wind whistling in the ear, like a free fall, makes people feel a sense of terror involuntarily, as if they have entered the last moment of life, and various impressive pictures of past lives appear in their hearts one after another.

When it was below a thousand meters, the speed slowly dropped again, as if there was an invisible force supporting him, and he landed slowly.

Zhao Shi landed on a fallen tree, and the branches were creaked by his stepping on it.

The tip of the nose is full of rancid smell. Looking around, it is surrounded by black mud. Occasionally, swamp creatures such as crocodiles and beasts swim by. The vegetation is sparse in some places and dense in some places.

Many seemingly normal grounds would sink into them silently if people stepped on them, and the more they struggled, the faster they would die, but if they stopped in place, they would also end up being swallowed by strange beasts.

You must also prevent your shouts from attracting other candidates, and you will die faster that way.

Through the system, a map of the swamp that only he could see was opened in front of Zhao Shi, and the place marked with a red dot was in the center of the swamp.

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