"The center of the swamp? It's a little troublesome. My apparent strength can't beat the children of the aristocratic family who are the peak warriors."

Zhao Shi muttered to himself.

A genius can do it. It's an exaggeration for a commoner martial artist to beat a family member who has received high-quality martial arts education at the tenth level.

Although swordsman geniuses who are capable of martial arts and martial arts are rare, but the thirteen living planets are so vast with hundreds of millions of human beings, it is normal for one or two to appear every few years, and they will not even attract the attention of warriors in the Shenqiao Realm.

However, if there is a peak of martial arts fighters and they still win the battle, it may attract a lot of attention.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to have this happen.

At this moment, the air in front of Zhao Shi suddenly vibrated slightly, and lines of wild characters appeared.


"Regional mission: Swamp wetland hegemony."

"Introduction: The Marsh Terrace in the center of the swamp contains the martial arts cheats of King Seablue when he was young, as well as the related martial arts insights he left inside. Anyone who gets it is equivalent to getting the king's own martial arts!"

"To open the swamp platform, you must collect thirty-six swamp tokens and defeat the guardian monster of the swamp platform."

Zhao Shi was taken aback, and closed his system panel.

The fonts are still there.

"Perhaps Hailan was a gamer when he was young?" Zhao Shi guessed.


The stiff branches around him suddenly turned into soft poisonous snakes and bit Zhao Shi, as fast as lightning, and the venom was clearly visible on the black teeth.

"Well hidden."

The Qiushui sword on Zhao Shi's waist was unsheathed, and a blue ribbon-like horse cut across the two poisonous snakes evenly, and the intestines and viscera flowed all over the floor.

The snake corpse splashed to the ground, and two translucent bubbles appeared above them, trembling slightly, as if they might disappear at any time.

Zhao Shi popped two bubbles, one of which contained a piece of snake meat, and the other had nothing in it, with a small box next to the snake meat.

"Name: Essence of Snake Meat"

"Function: The best ingredients for martial artist and apprentice training,

Raw food is the best, and it can also be made into tonic snake soup with other auxiliary materials, which will have more vitality. "

The snake meat is red with crystals and exudes a strange fragrance, making Zhao Shi's mouth salivate involuntarily, longing for a body that has been exercising for a long time and lacks nourishment.

"no problem."

Zhao Shi glanced at it, threw this piece of snake meat into his mouth, the power of Qi and blood was transported to the cheek muscles, chewed it into pieces after a few mouthfuls, and swallowed it into his stomach.

A warm current rose from the stomach and quickly spread throughout the body, almost equivalent to the flesh and blood of a strange beast.

Strange beasts, at least the beasts at the level of innate warriors can be called strange beasts, their flesh and blood are rich in a lot of gentle energy.

The reason why the children of the aristocratic family are making rapid progress and having a solid foundation is that they can enjoy these various resources anytime, anywhere.


Zhao Shi, who had been running "Qing Feng Jian Yuan Gong" for several weeks, suddenly turned pale, coughed out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the ground, the bright red blood was mixed with black lumps, and the smell was incomparable.

The hidden injuries caused by wrong exercise in the body are better.

As long as he has enough energy and time, skills, there is no obstacle for Zhao Shi to cultivate to become a martial artist of the Shenqiao Realm.

Zhao Shi's eyes lit up: "It's an exaggeration for a warrior to defeat the peak warrior at the tenth level, but what if it's a warrior who defeats the warrior? Qishu

After all, there are countless opportunities in the Sea Blue Secret Realm, and the rapid progress in the realm is not something to be too surprised about. "

With the power of Qingfeng Qi and blood circulating, Zhao Shi's body gradually became light and slender, and he walked lightly, flying to another treetop, like a macaque that has lived in the forest for half his life.

The blue sword light flashed across his waist, pierced the throat of a cheetah that was about to jump down on the treetop, and immediately retracted. The sapphire-like sword tip was not stained with any blood.

The cheetah's body froze, and it fell powerlessly to the ground, and a translucent ball popped out.

Smash it with your hands, there is nothing.

"The explosion rate is a problem. As long as it is an online game, except when it first attracts you to join, the explosion rate is not high at other times. I hope that the game manufacturer of Hailan when he was young will not set a bad example."

Zhao Shi sighed, but he didn't express any hope in his heart.

No dog does not eat shit, and no one is a good person in planning. This is the experience gained from countless lessons.

Before the smell of blood dissipated, he jumped from one treetop to another, fled quickly to the distance, occasionally slashed his sword, and disappeared immediately after taking the translucent ball, without any delay.

An hour later, Zhao Shi's hands lined up, revealing more than a hundred translucent beads.

"Let me see if the planning of the martial arts mecha world is still a dog."

Qiushui sword slashed horizontally, precisely cutting these more than a hundred translucent round beads into two halves from the middle, turning them into bubbles and dissipating, revealing the contents inside.

"The universal law of the heavens and the world - plan = dog."

There were only a dozen or so things that fell from the sky, most of which were all kinds of crystal clear red meat, and a gray jade bead.

The red meat was compressed into a ball and swallowed in one gulp, Zhao Shi pinched the last remaining gray ball.

"Gradeless Kung Fu: Wild Ball Boxing"

"Introduction: The martial arts created by people with half-knowledge in martial arts. It uses chaos and quickness to win. It is a little better than the basic boxing. If you crush it, you can get the martial arts perception of this boxing."


In front of Zhao Shi's eyes, an old man with shabby clothes and filthy clothes and a sloppy face appeared. He was swinging his fists, hitting the air in front of him like a cat scratching someone. After a while, he was out of breath and stopped to rest.

While watching, the sloppy old man's body's qi and blood circulation route, the key points of boxing, even the most subtle places were marked one by one, and they were firmly imprinted in Zhao Shi's mind, making it difficult to forget.

Even middle-aged people can master it after a little practice.

It is almost equivalent to a martial arts master in the realm of a king teaching you the most basic martial arts in person, so naturally there will be no disadvantages.

At the same time, Zhao Shi also keenly felt the load on his soul. This kind of transmission involving the soul level should not be too much, nor too frequent.

"It works for me."

Zhao Shi complained silently in his heart.

The most important thing he lacks is the comprehension of exercises, Hai Lan is not qualified to teach him, and vice versa.

Swallowing more than a dozen bursts of flesh and blood, Zhao Shi's body surged with a stream of energy and blood, meticulously washing away the dark wounds in his body, and the tenth hand, the Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, which has just been opened for a few days, tends to Consummation, the eleventh canonical foot-shaoyang gallbladder meridian is about to be opened.

If this speed spreads out, it will definitely cause shock and suspicion, but it doesn't matter, Zhao Shi picked up a red fruit, and after eating it, his realm suddenly skyrocketed, it was all luck.

As for what that fruit was, he himself didn't know, he didn't know it, after all, he was just a pariah with little knowledge.

"Candidate DY253, your current killing points rank is 23,212, and you are in the bottom ten percent. After you are eliminated, there is a high possibility of complete death. (Friendly reminder, stop your killing animals Behavior, do what you are supposed to do.)”

"Notice: The poisonous fog shrinks for the first time, please check carefully, those who stay in the poisonous fog for three minutes will die."

A map appeared in front of Zhao Shi, and the green poisonous mist poured into the map slowly but unstoppably, and the swamp wetland was partially submerged.

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