The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 924: Boyfriend

"It's time to speed up."

Zhao Shi's expression froze. The Ocean Blue Secret Realm might be the only God Transformation-level secret realm he could find in the early stage. In any case, even if he wanted to take risks, he had to go through the three maps of swamps, hills, and grasslands before the poisonous fog completely covered them.

With a flash of his figure, he no longer deliberately wandered around the outer circle, avoiding entering the inner circle to meet other college candidates, even though there are more resources inside.

Zhao Shi carefully hid among the overgrown plants, and occasionally came out to kill his prey and quickly retracted.

As expected of the inner circle, the strength of the prey is basically the 11th or 2nd level of the warrior, and the explosion rate has increased a lot, but there are more and more candidates around.

"It's you!"

Zhao Shi, who was handling a pile of translucent spheres, suddenly heard a voice of surprise, raised his head slightly, and saw a familiar little fat man.

He only made one order as a sparring partner in Cheng's Martial Arts Hall, earning a thousand yuan. The customer was this little fat man in the No. 1 middle school in front of him, who was a martial artist of the eleventh level.

In Dongyuan City, Zhao Shi, the tenth-level warrior, is a low-level commoner, and he, the eleventh-level warrior, is a son of the rich and powerful, two different classes.

However, in this cruel secret environment of the college entrance examination, both of them are the bottom of the bottom, there is no difference.

Following his appearance, three figures appeared one after another around him, two of the twelfth-level warriors, and one of the first-level warriors, the proud son of the No. 1 Middle School of Dongyuan City.

"Captain, there is no ambush."

"Only him."

Two middle school students of the twelfth level of warriors reported respectfully to the leading white boy of the first level of warriors.

"Cousin, give me this head!"

The little fat man couldn't wait to draw his sword to kill Zhao Shi, for fear of being robbed.

Now everyone knows that killing prey can only get a very small amount of killing points, and only killing and eliminating the same candidates can get a lot of killing points.

The ranking of killing points determines the possibility of complete death after elimination, and the possibility of complete death for the bottom ten percent or even twenty percent of killing points is very high.

Even ranking 20% ​​or higher is not safe,

The possibility of outright death is not as good as that of the people at the bottom of the ranking, but the probability cannot be ignored.

In short, the higher the killing points, the lower the possibility of death, and the ranking in the top column of killing points will not have the risk of complete death.

Killing points are life for all candidates.

Being preempted by the little fat man, the other two middle school students of the twelfth level of warriors suddenly felt unhappy.

This person is too greedy and has taken their heads away several times.

It's just that they didn't dare to reveal the slightest bit, because the captain was really his cousin, and the reason he joined the team was because of this little fat man.


The white and clean boy grabbed the little fat man, and showed a kind smile to Zhao Shi: "Friend, who are you, Special Envoy Yang?"

"My teacher."

Zhao Shi replied casually, and continued to rush to the depths of the swamp.

The fair and clean boy seemed extremely hesitant for a moment, and didn't dare to stop him.

The upper and lower levels of the federation are extremely strict, and few low-ranking people dare to offend the children of real aristocratic families.

If this person is really close to that adult, then he will definitely die.


The little fat man became anxious, and said loudly: "Don't be fooled by him, this kid is just a pariah from a slum, and he was the partner I went to the Cheng's Martial Arts Hall to find that day." Wu Jiuxue

"Think about it, if he really has a lot of connections with the children of the aristocratic family, how could he be a tenth-level martial apprentice, and he has just been promoted. When I saw him a few days ago, he was only a ninth-level martial apprentice."

"I asked a few untouchables from the No. 2 Middle School before, and Special Envoy Yang is just in their class, not the teacher he said at all!"

The fair boy shook his head slowly.

There is such a possibility, but it is more likely that sex is a taboo that the adult has taken a fancy to temporarily, and it is not worth taking a risk for a few killing points.

Zhao Shi's back slowly moved away.

The little fat man who was worried about by the fair and clean boy knew it very well, but he was not reconciled!

With his strength, even with his cousin taking care of him, there is a great possibility that he will stay in the 20% ranks, and the probability of death is extremely high. He cannot let go of even a single bit of killing points.

Cousin can help him a little now, but this is the limit. His strength is at the top of Dongyuan No. 1 Middle School, but he is not a big shot in this cruel examination room. It is impossible to give him killing points in the future.


The little fat man gritted his teeth, and said in a cold voice: "You are only a first-level martial artist. A four-member warrior team will die if you come here. It's not much better than me. You won't get many killing points, and the possibility of complete death is also very high. .”

The fair boy looked heavy and didn't refute it because it was the truth.

"He is an opportunity!" The little fat man pointed at Zhao Shi and said coldly: "That lord behaved intimately with him in the square, so he must be a well-loved confinement, so he must have a treasure given by that lord!"

The white boy's eyes lit up, and he understood something instantly, but he was still hesitating.

"The Ocean Blue Secret Realm is the King's Secret Realm, and no one will know what happened here!"

The little fat man looked sincere. He really hoped that his cousin could take off and take him with him.

The white and clean boy was silent for a long time, and suddenly said to the two people on the left and right: "Go and stop him, you will share 20% of the treasure."


The two No. 1 Middle School students hesitated, fearing that they would be the scapegoat for the two brothers.

Two cold stars exploded from the waist of the white and clean boy, and pierced into their throats amidst the astonished eyes of the two, and the power of blood shattered their throats.

The little fat man said fearfully, "Cousin, I..."

"Why are you panicking! My father and your father have a life-long relationship, and my mother and your mother have been best friends for decades!"

The Bai Jing boy reprimanded him, and the power of Qi and blood at the warrior level exploded, turning into a white shadow and killing Zhao Shi's back in front.

Zhao Shi did not run away, stopped, turned around and looked at him quietly.

In his opinion, this young man is also the bottom of the oppressed by the seven big families. No matter how talented he is, he can only become a soldier-level mecha master in this life.

The classes they represent, though capricious, are also contestable.

The premise is that he will not seek his own death.

Zhao Shi's calm gaze gave the white and clean young man a thud in his heart, but he knew that there was no way out.

The energy and blood of his whole body exploded, and he shouted coldly: "It's just a little boy who sells his ass, let me die!"

The first meridian of the Twelve Classics, the Yangwei Meridian, which has been opened, is overloaded, the tip of the sword vibrates at a high frequency, and a phantom of a white crane appears faintly.

He is confident that even the strongest of the first class will be injured by this sword, and this little boy of the tenth level of the warrior has no chance to use it no matter what secret treasure he has!

Facts and expectations vary widely.

A little blue light pierced out, deftly breaking through the white crane's sword, piercing into the center of his eyebrows, shattering it into flesh and blood.

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