The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter Nine Hundred and Twenty-Five Thoughts Are Not Guilty

Zhao Shi put the Qiushui sword back into the scabbard indifferently, and walked towards the little fat man tens of meters away, with a green glow emerging from his left hand.

"No! It's impossible!"

The little fat man staggered back with a pale face, and he didn't care about being tripped several times in succession. The sharp blades of grass pulled out bloody mouths all over his body, and he was covered with foul-smelling mud.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Shi had already come in front of him, and a little green light fell on his eyebrows.

"No! You can't do this!"

Under the crisis of life and death, he seemed to wake up in an instant, and said frantically: "My father is the principal of No. 1 Middle School. If you kill me, your parents, brothers and sisters, and your whole family will all die! They must all be buried with me!"


The head exploded, and the fat and round body fell limply and smashed into the mud. The blood gushing from the neck quickly attracted a large number of blood-sucking monsters.

"You killed candidate DY452, you killed candidate DY423."

"You have gained 12 killing points, and your ranking has increased. Now you are ranked 15,210, barely surpassing 50% of the people. You have escaped from the list of extremely high death rates and entered the medium risk list. Death list, please keep working hard."

The voice of the Sea Blue Secret Realm Spirit that came from Zhao Shi's ear was no longer emotionless, but became excited and praised.

Not only that, two translucent round beads bloomed automatically in front of Zhao Shi, bursting out a small pile of treasures, grasses, ores, fruits, etc. full of aura, and a bottle of high-grade medicine.

"Juyuan Dan"

"Yellow-level elixir, rich in a large amount of heaven and earth vitality, can be used by warriors to break through bottlenecks when they are low-level. (The reward for warriors who kill warriors by leapfrogging)"

Zhao Shi put away these things, did not continue on his way, and walked towards a bush more than two hundred meters away with a calm expression.

He drew his sword, chopped a thick tree in front of him, let it splash into countless sawdust, turned into a pile of wood chip darts and tore the bush to pieces, revealing several acquaintances who were trembling inside.

"The method of concealment is good, how did it come?"

Wu Dayou, Wu Yu'er, Liang Qi, and a class 11 martial arts student, presumably also a grass-level figure in the second middle school alongside Wu Dayou.


Countless sawdust and wood chips hit them, and cuts were made on their bodies. Blood dripped, their clothes were torn, and they lost the demeanor of the schoolgirls and grasses of the past.

The appearance is ordinary, and he still looks like a boy who can barely avoid being bullied by relying on Teacher Yang to take care of him in the No. 2 Middle School campus, but the spirit inside is completely different.

Evil, confident, ruthless, in control, a whole other person.

Wu Dayou forced a smile: "Brother Zhao, I misunderstood, we just happened to pass by, and we were curious for a while, and didn't want to see Brother Zhao show off his might, he is indeed the valued person of Teacher Yang.

I think Brother Zhao will be able to..."

"don't want!"

Wu Yu'er's face was pale and she screamed in horror.

A blue horse started from Zhao Shi's waist, and slashed at Wu Dayou, who was more calm and calm as he spoke, split him into the air, spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and hit the ground heavily.

Without looking at Wu Day, a sharp air locked onto the screaming Wu Yu'er and cut off her screaming.

Zhao Shi asked again: "My question?"

"Zhao... Zhao... Shi..."

Wu Yu'er burst into tears, and begged: "Please forgive us, we are classmates, you still liked me, I can promise you anything."

Girls mature much earlier than boys, and the thoughts of boys of the same age are written on white paper in front of them.

Zhao Shi didn't speak, but just put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"We say! We say!" Okay

Liang Qi gave a jolt, and quickly said: "When we arrived, we got a hidden treasure, and put it at Wu Dayou's place."

As he spoke, he quickly ran to the seriously injured Wu Dayou, found a gray stone from his arms, and handed it to Zhao Shi respectfully.

"The Hidden Stone"

"Yellow-level treasure, effect: it can hide itself, and it is not easy to be discovered by other warriors. It is limited to below the innate warriors. The difference between each other does not exceed three levels. It will automatically fail within 30 meters."

Liang Qi apologized and said with a smile: "Master Zhao Shi, we were blind to Mount Tai in the past, please forgive us, this treasure will be given to you."

"Thank you so much."

Zhao Shi took the gray stone from the hand of Liang Qi with a painful expression on his face, and asked, "The last question, even in this dangerous battlefield, are you still trying to follow my goal?"

Liang Qi was puzzled and said: "No, we are really just a coincidence."

Halfway through the speech, he also felt something was wrong, and looked at the Wu family brothers and sisters.

How could they wait for Zhao Shi to land before they landed, and they met again by chance.

Zhao Shi also turned to Wu Yu'er, and Wu Dayou who rushed over while vomiting blood.

Wu Yu'er panicked: "Zhao Shi, we didn't..."

"Sister, shut up!"

Wu Dayou's complexion changed drastically, and he vomited blood and said, "Brother Zhao, this is indeed not a coincidence, we have been threatened, we really have no other choice!"

He had no doubt that if his sister continued to mess around, she would turn into a corpse in the next moment.

Zhao Shi was noncommittal about Wu Dayou's threat and last resort: "Tell me specifically, but it's best not to let me find out that there are traces of making up, otherwise you should know the consequences."

"Don't dare."

Wu Dayou respectfully told about Zhou Li's reward one by one, and said sadly: "A son of a noble family passed an order to me to murder Brother Zhao and threaten you with family members. I really have no choice!"

He said sincerely: "Now that Brother Zhao has such strength, I feel relieved. As long as you hide and don't be discovered by those aristocratic children, you will definitely get excellent grades enough to enter the university."

"Those descendants of the aristocratic families are the main forces to encircle and suppress you, and we are just pawns exploring the way."

Zhao Shi questioned him again and again to make sure that he was not lying, and quickly revised his original battle plan in his mind.

Wu Dayou, Liang Qi and the other four looked at him anxiously, like swinging on a sword, for fear of hearing any slightly hasty syllable.


The corpses of the warriors on the ground have already told them what will happen if they flee without authorization.

Zhao Shi spoke slowly.

"As a person, I am generally very principled. For my personal rather than group interests, I generally will not kill people who do not really make moves to kill me."

"After all, thinking is innocent, and thinking about anything is not against the law."

Liang Qi and the others showed ecstasy, and just about to say something, their bodies froze again.

"But although you didn't really do anything, you have done a lot of preparation work. An attempted crime will not allow you to escape, so there will be a little punishment. I hope you can survive."

The Qiushui sword on Zhao Shi's waist was unsheathed, and instantly slashed at the four of them.

The bodies of the four were thrown more than ten meters away, and they vomited blood in the sky, their breath was weak, and they were seriously injured.

Especially Wu Dayou and Wu Yu'er, with only one breath left.

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