The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 926: Swamp Order

After cutting out four swords in succession, Zhao Shi left.

Since these four people participated in chasing and killing him, they deserved to end up like this. Being in the oppressed class is not a reason to do evil, nor is it worthy of forgiveness.

Zhao Shi didn't continue to go deep into the swamp, but found a dense tree and drilled into it, took out all the beast meat from the spoils that the first-ranked warrior and the little fat man broke into, squeezed them into small balls and swallowed them.

Wave after wave of heat gushed out from the stomach, and spread into the limbs and bones under Zhao Shi's rotation, constantly washing every muscle and cleaning the impurities in it.

Also, the most important eleventh meridian, the Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian, has already accumulated enough energy at this time.


There seemed to be a sound of a broken wall in the dark, without any discomfort, the Qingfeng Sword's vital qi and blood circulated at a high speed among the ten meridians in the body poured into the eleventh meridian of the Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian, and a new qi and blood route was formed. The Qi and blood network in the body is instantly strengthened by 30%.

"It's the eleventh level of martial arts, but it's not enough."

Zhao Shi opened his eyes and broke through the mere eleventh level of a martial artist. Even a drastic change in a very short period of time was not difficult for him, and he immediately took out his most important capture.

The elixir bottle was turned upside down by Zhao Shi, revealing three light yellow elixirs. These elixirs of a higher level, which belonged to warriors breaking the realm, were swallowed by him in one gulp.

Huge medicinal power emerged from the stomach, rushing towards the eleven weak meridians in Zhao Shi's body like a tsunami, and the vitality contained in any one medicinal pill was several times more powerful than all the energy and blood in his body.

Adding up three Juyuan Pills and being swallowed by a person in the Martial Apprentice Realm, that is suicide.

Not long after, it only takes a moment for the warrior's weak meridians to become a pile of fragments. The body first swells into a mass of meat, and then explodes into fragments of flesh and bones all over the place. The whole body is a delusion.

Zhao Shi's expression was calm, and the frail mortal soul was mobilized by him to the limit. Every bone and muscle in his body was used by him to form a series of dams. The front was destroyed in pieces, and the rear was built in pieces.

In addition to countless twelve canons, the micro-meridians that are difficult for warriors and warriors to actively use are opened under his control to absorb the power of Qi and blood from the stomach, and they are closed immediately when they are about to explode.

Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of miniature meridians in the whole body were awakened one by one, and quickly absorbed all the power of qi and blood that was unimaginable for a warrior. rush away.

After a long time, the swollen and fat body gradually returned to its original shape, and the violent and dangerous feeling all over his body disappeared.

Zhao Shi opened his eyes, his complexion was a little pale, but he was in good spirits.

"Those barbarians in the martial arts district said that the human body is a great treasure, and all great powers can be excavated from it. Now I have a little understanding."

"Of course, it's nothing compared to the mystery of the soul of a cultivator."

It is impossible to practice martial arts, you must cultivate immortals.

At this time, he is already at the peak of martial arts, and he has opened twelve orthodox meridians all over his body. In the next step, he only needs to open one of the eight strange meridians to become a warrior, and he is in the same state as the children of the aristocratic family.

"However, if you want to quickly open one of the Eight Wonders, these ordinary resources are no longer enough, and you must go deep into the swamp."

Zhao Shi pondered silently, and decided to take some risks in the next step.

Thinking about these things, he threw away all the ores, spirit wood branches and other things in the seized materials to reduce his load.

There was only one black lacquered token left in place.

"Swamp Order"

"One of the thirty-six swamp seals, the holder can automatically get 200 killing points every hour. The longer the holding time, the lower the probability of complete death."

"Side effect: The approximate coordinates of the bearer will be notified to everyone in the swampy terrain every hour, and they are not allowed to be taken out of the swampy wetlands."

"Your killing points have increased, now it is 212 points." No. 3 Chinese website

Zhao Shi glanced at the message from more than ten minutes ago and put it away.

The negative effect is very troublesome, but it has its value, because he must survive desperately, but he is not willing to attack those commoner students for no reason.

The wind has been quiet for a long time.

Until then, there was the sound of rustling footsteps passing through the bushes.

"Martial apprentice level 12? It doesn't match the data."

A woman with a willow family crest embroidered on her chest said doubtfully.

The surrounding bushes were pulled away, revealing the figures of dozens of college entrance examination students. They appeared to be very orderly. All eyes were on the two children of aristocratic families, a man and a woman in the center, with respectful faces.

Among them, there are seven or eight warriors of the first and second ranks, but looking at the heads that are within reach in front of them, they don't make any moves to snatch them.

Zhao Shi looked at the two aristocratic children indifferently.

Female warriors are level five, and male warriors are level six. Only two key meridians, Ren and Du, are needed to become the pinnacle of warriors.

"It doesn't matter, it should be some kind of opportunity, anyway, as long as the person is right, Master Zhou Li will recognize it."

The long-haired boy from a male family shook his head and waved his hand: "Boy, your life is very good. This is not the outside world. You can die cleanly, kill!"

He has the arrogance of the descendants of the aristocratic family towards the common people. To them, the common people are no different from the animals on the roadside, and they don't have any desire to talk to Zhao Shi.

"Yes, Young Master Liu!"

Dozens of civilian students around responded in unison, swords and swords came out to kill Zhao Shi, and surrounded him tightly.

Zhao Shi, who was surrounded by many people, did not panic, and said calmly: "My teacher is Yang Qiushui, she values ​​me very much, if you kill me, aren't you afraid of offending her?"

In a class society, it seems a taboo for the inferior to kill the superior of the ruling class, and it may arouse the collective disgust of the upper class.

The son of the long-haired family sneered and said contemptuously: "A pariah is a pariah, what do you know?"

The dozens of civilians around may all die because of Yang Qiushui's anger and implicate his family, but he will not.

Because he is a descendant of an aristocratic family, even if he is one level lower than the Yang family, he is still a descendant of a general-level mecha family. It is impossible for him to kill a pariah to trigger the suppression of the Yang family.

At most, it only caused Yang Qiushui's resentment, but she couldn't mobilize the power of the family to take revenge on herself.

As for her own revenge, she also has elders who will not let her mess around. Even if she is caught alone, she will be severely punished for killing herself.

But how is this possible?

For a pariah, a favorite toy to commit a serious crime of murder, who would believe that?

"I don't understand?"

Zhao Shi indifferently looked at the circle of civilian college entrance examination candidates around him.

There are places worthy of pity, but they are also working for tigers, defending the corrupt ruling class, and belonging to the traitors among the people.

Drawing out the sword, the Twelve Classics, and the power of Qi and blood in countless tiny meridians erupted, drawing a beautiful and natural circle around him.

There were more than ten people in the inner circle, no matter whether they were warriors first or second level or warriors, their bodies froze, and a trace of blood appeared in their throats.

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