The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 928: Beheading

The blue sword shadow stopped, shaking off the blood on the sword surface, revealing the figure of a pale young man with greatly depleted energy and blood.

"My strength has been detected, and the maximum limit is a child of a sixth-level family of warriors, the kind that does not have mysterious-level martial arts."

Muttering to himself, Zhao Shi held his sword and walked towards the furious woman of the aristocratic family, and said lightly: "Suicide, or should I give you a ride?"


The woman surnamed Liu felt a great sense of shame in her heart, as if she heard some joke, she said coldly: "What do you think you are doing? Yang Qiushui likes you, so can she keep you? A person who dared to kill a family member untouchables!"

Suddenly boundless anger rose in her heart, just like a slave master being betrayed by his own slaves, this feeling even overwhelmed the fear of possible death.

She even thought that the long-haired man who had just died was only temporarily enraged by the pariah in front of him. Now that he had calmed down, he didn't dare to kill himself again. He would kneel down and beg her to let him and his family go under her stern reprimand.

Of course, this is all delusion, and I will kill him and all his family members with my own hands.

No reason, just because the children of the family are the masters of the untouchables, as it should be, it has been like this for endless years, and it is a part of the law of heaven and earth just like the mountains, rivers, sun, moon, and seasons cycle.

"Today is Qixi Festival. Since you are a lady, you should indeed give me a ride. I'm sorry."

Seeing this, Zhao Shi was not surprised. Mentioning that he had recovered some of his energy and blood, Qiushuijian used the Gale Disintegration sword technique, turning into a swift sword light, and pierced the woman surnamed Liu on the forehead.

"Untouchable! You are not afraid of..."

The woman surnamed Liu couldn't believe it, she only felt the absurdity in her heart, but a blue sword light appeared in front of her, and the cold death intent extinguished all the thoughts in her heart, and she drew her sword to deal with it with all her strength.

Ding, ding, ding!

The two long swords intersected three times, and the Qiushui sword passed through layers of sword curtains, and pierced the forehead of the woman surnamed Liu deftly, turning all her anger and disbelief into a mixture of brain and flesh, and exploded in all directions. .

Of course, they all avoided the place where Zhao Shi was. He was extremely clean, without the slightest smell of blood, just like the silent and introverted boy in No. 2 Middle School.

Gathering the translucent round beads burst out by the two aristocratic children, and not far away there are more than twenty translucent round beads with a dim light,

Zhao Shi quickly left this place.

Now he is far from being invincible.

"I don't know if Yang Qiushui can resist the pressure of beheading the children of the family for me."

While hurrying, Zhao Shi thought silently.

Even if the children of these two aristocratic families died because of their low ranking, he still had the risk of leaking the secret, because more than a dozen civilian children had just escaped.

"It was good to silence them at that time, there is a certain possibility of hiding it, the sky doesn't know."

Zhao Shi felt a little regretful, but the sixth-level strength of the long-haired man warrior was already comparable to his current combat power.

If it weren't for the sharpness of Qiushui sword, he might not be able to defeat this person, and he would not be able to distract himself from chasing and killing the dozen or so people fleeing in all directions.

He doesn't regret killing these two aristocratic children, because even if he doesn't kill them, these two arrogant aristocratic children will not let him go, and will keep pestering him until they are besieged by more aristocratic children.

At that time, he would definitely die. 360 literature network

Finding a tree hole hidden in the bushes, Zhao Shi quickly checked the surroundings, found no enemies, and after confirming that there were no traces left, he sat cross-legged and recovered his greatly consumed energy and blood.

Fifty minutes later, Zhao Shi opened his eyes, and the power of qi and blood in his body returned to a full state, and the realm of the peak warrior has improved a little.

The speed is very fast, but if there is no external force, it will take at least half a year to naturally advance to the martial artist.

"External force is necessary, even if the potential of this body is depleted, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I can't use martial arts as my foundation."

Zhao Shi shook his head, and with a swipe of the Autumn Water Sword, he cut the twenty or so translucent beads in half, exposing the various materials inside.

As expected, the more than 20 civilian warriors left nothing good. They were all pieces of meat, fruits, weapons, ordinary martial arts insights and the like, which were still useful to him who had not yet become a peak warrior, but now It's something that gets in the way.

However, the killing points provided a lot, and now it has reached 452 points, steadily entering the top 30%, and there is only a small possibility of complete death after being eliminated.

What is really useful is what the children of the two aristocratic families broke out.

A mysterious sword technique "Flicking the Willow Sword Art", the introduction is the Liu family's inheritance sword technique, the book has the willow badge on the woman's chest, and it should also contain the superficial knowledge that the woman surnamed Liu just didn't know about this sword technique. Comprehension can save people a lot of time.

Ordinary civilians were absolutely ecstatic when they saw it, and regarded it as a great opportunity for themselves.

"Trash, throw it away."

Zhao Shi crushed him and looked at other things.

He doesn't need martial arts skills other than the god-level and refining-level martial arts. They are of little use to him, and it's enough to cover up that Yang Qiushui gave them to him.

Zhao Shi kept screening, and finally there were only two things left, both of which he could recognize without looking at the label of the Sea Blue Secret Realm Spirit.

A token is the Swamp Token, which can get killing points every hour. It is one of the keys to unlock the Swamp Terrace. If you hold it for a long time, you can be greatly exempted from the possibility of being wiped out after being eliminated.

The other is Juyuan Pill, which is used by low-level warriors to break through.

Needless to say, taking it in one gulp, the huge and violent drug power rushed through Zhao Shi's meridians, and was absorbed bit by bit by the qi and blood network formed by his meticulously controlled twelve meridians plus countless tiny meridians.

It only took seven or eight minutes for Zhao Shi to open his eyes again, and his breath became stronger, but he was still at the peak of a warrior.

"The time is too short. If I want to advance continuously, I need higher-level pills or natural treasures, at least geniuses and treasures that help warriors break through to the level of innate warriors."

Leaving behind a pile of useless materials, Zhao Shi's figure flashed and headed towards the center of the swamp.

The excited and encouraging voice of the Seablue Secret Realm Spirit sounded again.

"The second contraction of the poisonous fog has begun. You can check the area that will be contracted on the map."

"The second hour is up, you hold two Swamp Orders, you have obtained 400 killing points, and now the points are 852, you have already entered the top 15 percent, there is a very small possibility of dying after being eliminated, Please keep up the good work."

Zhao Shi opened the map, and the poisonous fog had already submerged less than half of the sand city and the swamp on the edge. Presumably, more and more warriors had gathered in the rest of the map.

There must be many descendants of the family at Marsh Terrace.

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