The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 929 Marsh Terrace

"Quick, the last two swamp orders are here!"

"Miss Ji Ziyi has an order. Those who donate the swamp order will be rewarded with 200 merit points, and those who hide the swamp order will die!"

In less than ten minutes, a group of college entrance examination students appeared around the tree hole where Zhao Shi was originally located. The number reached thousands, and thirty or forty children from aristocratic families led them to search for it over and over again.

Zhao Shi, who was far away from the crowd, watched this scene silently.

Being able to delay their own trials and being instructed by others to find items, the realm of these aristocratic children is naturally not much higher.

Except for the Ji family's children who were in the first and second realms, most of the rest of the family's children were only in the third and fourth ranks of warriors, and they were not as good as the two descendants who had just died.

But there are too many of them!

When the warriors in the martial arts stage are limited in manpower, no matter how powerful the warriors are, they will undoubtedly die if they are besieged by more than a thousand people.

In this secret realm, in fact, there are tens of thousands of civilian children who occupy the vast majority of the number. Compared with the children of more than a thousand aristocratic families, if they can unite and wipe them out, it will be easy.

It's a pity that the civilian power of the Federation is weak, and their ideological construction is also weak, so they dare not do or think about such things.

It is no wonder that they have been ruled by aristocratic families for 100,000 years and enslaved education for 100,000 years. No matter what kind of group they are, they will lose their scientific spirit of resistance.

If you want to launch a bottom-up revolution, you must experience a large-scale ideological shock, so that the people can be awakened, and then they will stand up and fight.

This is almost impossible, the handsome mecha master, the Void Refinement powerhouse suppresses everything, and the super mecha master guards one side, no matter how civil strife the ruling class has, it will not be the turn of the interest political groups representing the people at the bottom to appear.

The level of class solidification in the world with huge differences in individual strength is terrible, and the means of the aristocratic class in feudal society are not even worthy of lifting their shoes.

But it doesn't matter.

There are glorious, great, and justice-oriented Xianmeng players who are dedicated to fighting for thousands of people in the world of martial arts mechs, and they will handle everything well.

Those who resist the justice of the Immortal League players, no matter they are from aristocratic families or civilians, are all sinners in the world of martial arts mechs and should be eliminated.

Zhao Shi glanced at the restless crowd,

Dive silently into the depths of the swamp.

It's useless to hide, the poison circle is getting smaller and smaller, sooner or later he will be surrounded by people, and he doesn't want to hide, he needs to enter the swamp platform to see if this is the energy node of the sea blue secret realm he needs.

Also, the natural materials and earthly treasures he needs to break through to warriors can only be found in the depths of the swamp.

The strongest person there, Ji Ziyi, should be the woman who laughed at Li Xiyan on Kunpeng's back, a warrior with a peak cultivation.

On the marsh platform in the depths of the swamp, two big snakes wearing hideous black bone spurs had already given their heads on the ground, surrounded by a large piece of bloody corpses of civilian candidates, and occasionally the corpses of children from aristocratic families were seen.

This is the guardian monster of the Marsh Terrace, and it has been cleaned up, but a black light curtain intercepts them in front of them, making no progress at all.

Two men tall, in the middle of the ferocious bony spur snake's head, Ji Ziyi held two dark rapiers in both hands, with a sullen look on her delicate and beautiful melon-seeded face.

"It's been three hours, and the person holding the two swamp warrants still hasn't been caught?"

She came to the most remote swamps not only for this purpose, but to use the weaker monsters in the swamps and the uncompetitive environment to quickly gain an advantage, and then swept all directions, and finally won the first place, becoming the only one in the Seablue Secret Realm. the survivors.

"No, miss."

A petite maid next to him bit her head and said: "Ji Wu has already led someone to chase him, but this person's movement speed is very fast, and his concealment method is also good. I haven't caught it for a long time, and I don't know if it's because of that person who doesn't know how to flatter him." descendants of the family."

Ji Ziyi looked calm.

"Speed, stealth? That's the members of the Xuedao family and the Baiying family. They also sent their direct descendants this time. It seems that they want to sell their swamp orders for a good price."

This kind of thing was very common in the past trips to the Sea Blue Secret Realm, but only the most daring children of general-level families dared to provoke the direct descendants of the seven great families.

It also often happens that the car overturns and is beaten to death by people from the Seven Great Aristocratic Families. In the end, they don't get anything, but die completely under the rules of the secret realm.

And this is the norm.

Sure enough, at this time, an aura mixed with the smell of fresh wind appeared a thousand meters away, and it was fleeting, only a dozen or so children from dozens of aristocratic families sensed it.


"Come on, follow me!"

The disciples of the Ji family who were nearby reacted quickly, and each led a large group of people to rush towards the location of the Qi machine.

"No, stop and wait here."

Ji Ziyi stopped their movements with a wave of her hand, and turned into a ghostly purple shadow to chase after the Qi machine, and the petite maid beside her hurriedly followed.

It was difficult for large troops to catch up with this kind of assassin-type character. Although she could get the Swamp Order after the poisonous fog shrunk a few more times, she was unwilling to wait.

After chasing for three kilometers in a row, no one was found, only a wooden sign with a few words written on it.

"Warrior advances to the genius treasure of the innate warrior, change it."

There is still a black lacquered swamp order next to the wooden sign, and there is only one last one left.

"Not from the family?"

Ji Ziyi was startled, thinking of an incredible possibility.

Warriors and innate warriors are the lowest level of martial arts cultivation. As long as any descendant of an aristocratic family does not have even a little bit of talent, it will not be difficult to obtain these things.

Only the untouchables at the bottom need this kind of thing, and they don't hesitate to take huge risks for it.

"good very good!"

Ji Ziyi was extremely ashamed, surrounded by a huge sense of shame, and her heart was filled with killing intent.

I was tricked by a pariah!

It's just that the Quartet is still extremely calm, without any changes due to her anger, it is still quiet and deserted, and there is no lingering aura even after using the family secret method.

This made Ji Ziyi have to calm down.

The starting point for the children of the aristocratic family is extremely high. As long as the aptitude is acceptable, it is not difficult to become a true energy warrior and a lieutenant-level mecha master.

But the resources are not endless. They still need to go through brutal competition if they want to become Shenqiao warriors and school-level mecha masters, or even become martial arts masters with a lifespan of 9,000 years like the sea blue king.

Not only comparing with peers, but also comparing with the children of the five or six generations of the family, in order to win the opportunity and the value of the elders of the family, and never make a mistake in any step.

"Miss, I found this again."

The petite maid looked around, and found another wooden sign, holding it high above her head.

The font is still a very special 'print', extremely standard, without any charm of a calligrapher, just like printed by a nanoscale laser printer.

"If you are willing to exchange, let this little man bring it here alone, and you stay where you are, so that I can see clearly."

The shame and murderous intent in Ji Ziyi's heart became even stronger, as if the innocent princess in the castle had been defiled by a beggar, and her white and tender hands held the two rapiers even tighter.

But in the end, after expending a lot of energy and blood several times, and still not finding any enemy aura around her, she threw two black jade-like round beads: "The inner alchemy of the black bone snake contains pure and harmless The vitality of heaven and earth is one of the top-grade treasures for warriors to advance to innate warriors, Xiao Mu, you go and give it to him."

Her eyes were extremely cold. Although she didn't say anything, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Xiao Mu lowered her head, took the two black jade orbs, and said crisply: "Miss, I understand."

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