The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 934: Hell and Me

Zhou Han's eyes were full of shock, like a submissive and weak pet who suddenly exploded and killed someone.

Then there was extreme anger, but his head had been pierced, and all his emotions could only be turned into pieces like his own brain, blood and flesh.

"Don't you have the means to save your life? What a pity."

Zhao Shi's expression was calm, he took the translucent ball that emerged from his corpse, and crushed it, exposing a lot of high-level cultivation resources, most of which were used by warriors, and some were cultivated by innate warriors.

These are not important. Zhao Shi rummaged through the inside and found twenty hill tokens that were similar in shape to swamp tokens but yellowish in color.

Sixteen more.

Zhao Shi turned around, held his sword and walked towards Wang Zhao, whose face of envy and pity had not dissipated.

The children of the aristocratic family who witnessed the great change were stunned.

"Bold! Untouchable! Do you know what you are doing? How dare you kill Zhou Han and the others!"

"If you commit the following offense, you will commit the following offense!"

"kill him!"

Undoubtedly, Zhao Shi's actions triggered their extremely strong class consciousness, and felt that their dignity was being trampled on, so they all roared and killed Zhao Shi.

In their hearts, they thought that Zhao Shiding relied on some kind of trickery, and was by no means real strength. As long as he killed this pariah, his disguise would automatically break.

Zhao Shi was not interested in killing these weaklings. He just kept drawing his sword and beheading the obstacles that prevented him from entering the hilly platform, no matter whether they were humans or animals.

Facing the tide-like crowd, the blue sword light bloomed and bloomed. Its energy strength was a little weaker than that of the rock giant, but its flexibility and speed far exceeded it.

It is sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, sometimes rushing violently towards the place where the crowd of aristocratic children is the most dense, and sometimes retreating without warning, each sword cuts at the weakest part of the crowd.

The children of the aristocratic family used the siege method to deal with the rock giant, but it was useless. It was like catching small fish with a net the size of a fist. No matter how many people there were, it was useless.

Gradually, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the corpses on the ground became thicker and thicker. The anger in the hearts of the children of the aristocratic family was extinguished by the icy blood, and the heart was so cold that there was no more humiliation.

Looking around,

The originally numerous descendants of the aristocratic family became sparse, but the blue sword light from the sky was still killing at the same speed.

"Escape! This person is already insane!"

"The family will not let him go!"

The dozens of surviving descendants of aristocratic families collapsed and frantically fled in all directions. They no longer had any pride and conceit, and their natural sense of superiority over commoner descendants.

The children of the aristocratic family in the Sea Blue Secret Realm have never suffered such heavy losses. The common people have no ability.

"Run, run away!"

Several descendants of aristocratic families who were born in the direct line of the family knew more inside information, and they were even more frightened and chilled in their hearts.

The disciples of the aristocratic family are powerful, and the network of relationships between them is intricate. They only compete for victory and defeat, and rarely divide life and death.

These make it difficult for them to die, but once they die, the complete death rate will often far exceed the 'lower' complete death rate marked on their ranking, and it is not surprising that most of the eliminated people die.

Because the spirit of Sea Blue Secret Realm has strong hostility towards the children of the aristocratic family who broke the rules of its game!

What is less, weak, extremely low probability? It's all a matter of one thought.

Zhao Shi didn't care about the children of the family who fled, he stepped lightly, and the Qiushui sword stabbed at Wang Zhao who was fleeing in panic along a straight line.

This person was cunning and hid among the crowd, and he has not died for a while. First grab

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The sound of the long sword piercing the air came from next to his ear, and Wang Zhao trembled in his heart, before the Qiu Shui sword pierced his head, he turned around and plopped down on his knees: "Please, I will give you whatever you want, don't kill me! "

As a member of the direct line of the Wang family, he knows more than others, so he is even more afraid, even disregarding his own dignity.

Zhao Shi's sword didn't stop.

This person can be killed or not, so let's kill him.

"Hill Order! Hill Order!"

Wang Zhao's heart was even colder, Fu Ling's heart came to him under the crisis of life and death, and he roared out these words.

All the previous scenes clearly emerged in his mind, and he found that the purpose of this pariah was clear from beginning to end. If he wanted to enter the interior of Qiuling Terrace, killing people was just to clear the obstacles, not the purpose.

Qiu Shuijian gave a meal.

Wang Zhao threw out all the Hill Tokens, burst out his full potential and said quickly: "I have twelve Hill Tokens here, and four are in the hands of disciples from other aristocratic families. I'll go and get them for you."

Zhao Shi took the hilly order he threw out, confirmed that there was nothing else on him, and pondered for a moment.

Using the coordinates of the Hill Token exposed once an hour, as well as his own mobility and detection capabilities, he is confident that he can collect all the Hill Tokens, but it will take a long time for each token to be scattered in all directions.

Wang Zhao, who was kneeling on the ground, waited anxiously, not daring to lift his head.

After a breath, the sound of the long sword piercing the air came from his ears again, and the unique cold feeling of the blade on his forehead made him immediately despair.

"My family... uh"

Wang Zhao stopped cursing, and immediately changed his tone, coquettishly said: "The Wang family will definitely be your friends, my lord."

The Qiushui sword only pierced his scalp and flesh, and transmitted a cold force of energy and blood, but did not kill him.

"One hour, I'll give you one hour."

Zhao Shi glanced at him, and said calmly: "After an hour, I won't see the four hills orders, you will die, of course, you can also choose to flee, maybe you can find someone stronger than me."


Wang Zhao wanted to negotiate the price, but an hour was too tight.

However, when his eyes touched Zhao Shi's expressionless face, he felt a chill in his heart, and could only respectfully say: "My lord, this subordinate has orders."

"Go ahead."

Zhao Shi didn't have the excitement and agitation of the children of the aristocratic family after surrendering. He put the Qiushui sword back into its sheath, and came to the khaki shield of Qiulingtai, silently collecting all the data he could find, without looking at Wang Zhao again.

After leaving the combat state, the qi and blood network formed by the twelve serious and two extraordinary meridians in the whole body rotates at a high speed, recovering the power of qi and blood that he had consumed a lot.

The whole person is like a fighting machine, without any emotion.

Wang Zhaoru was pardoned, and fled from here scrambling, until he was far away from Li Xu before he dared to turn his head to take a look.

The front of the hill has turned into a hell. The corpses of countless civilians and descendants of aristocratic families are piled up, the ground is stained red, and the strong smell of blood makes people sick.

The delicious food is in front, but no carnivore dares to get close to it. It is very quiet, and even the sound of insects has disappeared.

Facing the sun, a young man in black sat cross-legged, and the bloody hell scene around him matched him extremely harmoniously, as if he was born to do so.

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