The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 935: Assassin

It didn't take an hour, only half an hour, and Wang Zhao, who had disappeared, came again to Zhao Shi, who was sitting cross-legged.

"My lord, I searched all the children of the aristocratic family, and only got these."

Wang Zhao respectfully handed out the three Marsh Orders, with well-hidden unwillingness and humiliation deep in his eyes.

He tried it, and the windy qi and blood power in his body locked the heart, and it couldn't be broken no matter what, even if it was touched a little, the heart felt like a tearing pain.

If it wasn't for his sharp eyesight, he would be a corpse without a heart now.

This kind of precise and complex energy and blood control ability is not like what a short-sighted pariah possesses, it is far beyond his ability.


Zhao Shi opened his eyes, a bright and sharp light flashed away, and he put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"The conditions you promised me are not like this. According to our agreement, I will have to kill you, because I am a trustworthy person."

There was no killing intent between the words, just stating a simple fact.

Wang Zhao was terrified in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Sir, I found the clue of the last hill order. It is in the hands of Bai Sheng from Bai Ying's family, and he does not agree to any exchange conditions I proposed. I can't find him."

The pressure and cold feeling around his body have not diminished in the slightest.

Wang Zhao is very familiar with this situation, because this is how he treated his subordinates in the past.

As long as the superiors get the result, they don't need to know how difficult it is to get the result, and there are any big reasons for it.

If you can't do it, you will be fined or killed, and you can always find someone who can do it.

The humiliation and resentment in his heart became stronger, but Wang Zhao's expression became more respectful: "My lord, I mobilized all my men and horses to find out the approximate area where Bai Sheng is, and now I'm waiting for you to go there and get it."

His body trembled undisguisedly, wondering if this kind of answer would satisfy the pariah.

"It's still in someone else's hands..."

Zhao Shi pondered for a moment, and said: "If you can ensure that the last hill order is in that place, no matter whether there is a trap against me or not,

You can live, if not, you will die. "

He stared at Wang Zhao: "Now, are you sure the last hill order is there?"

Wang Zhao's body trembled violently, without any hesitation, he swore and swore: "My lord, I can assure you that the last hill order is there, at most it has moved a little distance, but there will be absolutely no mistakes."

"Then lead the way."

"Yes, my lord."

Wang Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, carefully led the way in front of Zhao Shi, and walked deeper into the denser forest.

There were few people along the way the two walked, and almost all of them were civilian children.

All the children of the family have fled to the hilly map, and ran to the place where there are more children of the family, and also brought the sad news that there are crazed villains slaughtering the children of the family, which caused a sensation and anger in the circle of the family.

Click, click~

Under the leadership of Wang Zhaodi, Zhao Shi walked into a primeval forest. The trees were tall and dense, blocking the sunlight from the sky, making the surrounding area extremely dark, and only a golden beam of sunlight could be seen from time to time.

At this moment, there were no birdsong or insects chirping, and the surroundings were silent, and the sound of the two people stepping on the dead branches and fallen leaves could be heard far away.

Wang Zhao said respectfully, "My lord, Bai Sheng is inside."

After hesitating for a while, he said with concern: "My lord, Bai Sheng took the initiative to inform me that he was here, and he even showed up. I think there must be an ambush inside. You have to be careful."

"It really doesn't work, we just wait for the poison circle to shrink."

Zhao Shi smiled, said nothing, and stabbed Wang Zhao's forehead with a sword.

"My lord, you..." 69 schoolbags

Wang Zhao was frightened and angry, and retreated with all his strength, but he could only watch helplessly as the blue long sword slashed at him, and his moving speed was as slow as a snail.

His forehead was slightly cold and dripping with blood.

But he didn't die, and the entangled blood power of different species in his body disappeared.

The fright and anger on Wang Zhao's face immediately subsided, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, my lord, this subordinate will leave."

Saying that, without waiting for Zhao Shi to respond, he quickly disappeared into the jungle.


A little yellow bird came to Zhao Shi chirping, dancing and talking, and drawing circles in the sky from time to time.

"Understood, go and play by yourself, don't come near here."

Zhao Shi showed a slight smile, watched the little yellow bird leave, and strode into the dark forest with his sword.

Among the many tall trees, a khaki token was clearly hanging on the branch.


There was nothing when I first entered the third step, but at the fourth step, it seemed that some kind of switch was activated. There were dense thunder and explosions around me, and thick logs came here from the hidden place at an extremely fast speed. One hundred kilograms.

Don't underestimate these organs. Warriors are only at the basic stage of cultivation. More than a thousand kilograms of giant logs come with a high-speed impact, which is not considered flexibility. This blow is stronger than that of a peak warrior.

But at this moment, there were not only dozens of giant trees around, almost hundreds, blocking Zhao Shi's space to move around from all directions.

Not only that, but also the sound of the bowstring exploding, one after another thick arrows twisted like snakes at high speed shot here, laying down the second layer of killing array.


Zhao Shi commented lightly, his footsteps moved like phantoms, and he slammed into a place with sharpness.

Just like cutting tofu, more than a dozen thick logs were cut in two under the sharp edge of the Qiushui sword in front of him, and he didn't even feel any resistance.

After breaking through the huge log pillar, more than ten arrows struck in front of him.

The long sword in Zhao Shi's hand danced like a phantom, and he swiped or picked it, without even using his warrior-level power, to deflect the arrow that was shot at him, and shoot it into the nearby ground or a big tree.


Just after breaking away from the encirclement, countless giant trees and arrows collided behind him, and the filaments of wood fibers drifted away with the wind like catkins.

After all this, the surroundings were quiet, and there was nothing but the creaking sound of the ropes hanging from the giant logs.

It also seemed that there was a cold and strange gaze watching in the dark, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time, which made people tense up.

Zhao Shi didn't care about this, he stepped slightly harder, jumped onto the big tree with the hill token hanging on it, and stretched out his hand to grab the token.

A boulder 800 meters away involuntarily revealed a faint aura at this moment.

"Forget it, it's not invincible, just be steady."

Zhao Shi muttered to himself, and was about to retract his hand that touched the token, and then he slashed towards an ordinary boulder 800 meters away with several times faster force.


Zhao Shicai retreated a few meters, and a cold low shout sounded.


The big tree hanging the token burst, the smell of gunpowder was strong, and the scorching high temperature mixed with countless fine iron filings sputtered in all directions.

It was a crude improvised homemade bomb, but its power should not be underestimated. Even a few innate warriors would be smashed to pieces at close range.

At the same time, the hazy, transparent air on the boulder changed like a chameleon, revealing a low figure, who quickly moved away without even looking at the explosion.

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