The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 936: Ling Feiyou

All the energy and blood in the little figure exploded. His clothes were like a transparent screen, reflecting the surrounding scenes all the time. Even if he was moving at a high speed, it was impossible to find his trace without looking carefully.

He didn't stop until he was three kilometers away from the explosion site, jumped to the top of the tree and looked at his masterpiece, feeling relieved immediately.

A pitch-black crack in the shape of a radioactive sea urchin appeared in place, and the trees along the way were torn into countless pieces.

This kind of power, not to mention a mere level 2 martial artist, even a true qi realm martial artist who is above the innate martial artist will be injured if he is not careful.

"Hey, a pariah is a pariah, even if you have some power, you are born to be ruled by others."

He jumped off the treetop and walked towards the center of the explosion, feeling a little hot in his heart.

Seablue Rift Spirit's passion and love for killing is well known, and the strongest person who can kill the most will be rewarded generously by it.

It's just that even if they knew about this kind of thing, no one from a family would do it.

One is that it can’t be done, everyone is in the realm of warriors, and the gap between cultivation base and kung fu is not big, why do you have more than one dozen, and it’s not killing civilians, but beheading powerful warriors of the same level.

Second, dare not do it.

The aristocratic families are united through marriages, alliances, practice exchanges, etc. You have me in you, and you are in me, and they are closely connected. What is going on with you causing a large-scale killing?

How do the elders explain it?

Now it's all right, there is an extra commoner who has done everything well, and if he kills him himself, he can get his killing points in disguise.

Maybe there is a chance for the true inheritance of Seablue Secret Realm?

The short boy was very excited, and the blood in his body, which was focused on concealment, surged violently for a while.

A cold blue sword tip touched the back of his head, making him stiff.

"Your elders should have told you that when planning to assassinate a powerful warrior, once the trap is set up, avoid it far away. If you are not sure that the enemy is dead, don't approach it, even if the enemy is only one blow away."

"Because an assassin is not a killer, he must first protect himself before killing the enemy."


After all, it is the heart of a teenager who wants to watch his own works in real time without being cruelly polished. "

Zhao Shi said lightly, not wanting to get his response, the Qiushui sword lightly pierced into the back of his head, smashing the brain inside.

The short boy fell powerlessly to the ground, blood spilled from his head, and soon wetted a large area of ​​the ground.

Zhao Shi picked up the earth-yellow token that was shaken out by the explosion on the ground, gently wiped off the black ash on it, and left here with light kung fu.

Hilly Terrace.

After Zhao Shi left, a lot of carnivorous beasts gathered here, among them there was even an innate martial artist-level alien tiger, gorging on the meat, and there were crows and vultures flying in the sky, as dense as dark clouds.

But soon, as an ordinary-looking young man in black approached, these ferocious carnivorous beasts exploded like fallen leaves, and quickly fled to the opposite place.

The alien tiger is no exception, it is the first to escape, and also the fastest to escape.

In a blink of an eye, the sky and the ground were empty, without any living beings, only a pile of white bones covered with teeth marks.

"Smart animals."

Zhao Shi walked slowly to the shield of the hilly platform full of bones, took out thirty-six hilly seals from a small bag, and pressed them one by one into the grooves on the ground.

hum! qq

The earth-yellow shield roared, and it dissipated into pieces of fine transparent fragments in the air, and there was no barrier in front of it.

A huge palace is exposed in front of you, the overall color is earthy yellow, and a generous and steady atmosphere spreads around, making people feel at ease.

Zhao Shi stepped into the tall palace along the opened palace gate.

Oncoming is a picture scroll of a khaki-armored giant holding a shield and roaring to the sky. Every detail and the flow of every meridian are clearly visible. It can instantly incorporate the spirit of middle and low-level warriors, and effectively understand the will of martial arts inside. .

But to Zhao Shi, it was just a bunch of useless messy fluctuations of his consciousness. He restrained his spirit, pushed away these hallucinations, and came to a square table under this martial arts portrait.

There are three things on it, a bottle of elixir, a khaki bead the size of a fist, and a round shield the size of a palm.

Zhao Shi picked up the khaki bead and inspected it for a while.

""Thick Soil and Heavy Mountain Kung Fu", a mysterious top-notch kung fu method, the main defense, the true energy is as generous as the sea, and the physical defense is tyrannical. It was created by me in my later years. It is not in the ranks of family kung fu. If you have the ability in the future, you will have the opportunity to use it It has been promoted to a prefecture-level technique, and it has become the first non-family king in 30,000 years."

"But the chances are slim, because you will be killed if you go out, hahaha!"

A satisfied and gloating voice came from the spirit of the Sea Blue Secret Realm.

Chulanxing is not a wild place outside the law. Every piece of land here is controlled by the Federation. Everyone's whereabouts can be found as long as they want, and there is no room for escape.

"Thank you, little guy. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed the blood of a family member like this, so I'm giving you the best reward."

"Though it was for a dead man."

"Is it the best yet?"

Zhao Shi didn't show the frightened look in the sea blue secret realm spirit's imagination, and asked lightly: "Have you cultivated to the king's level of skills? If there are any prerequisites, I think as long as they are reasonable, I can do them."

"No, I know you can do it, but it's useless, because you don't have the blood of a family, and you don't have the qualifications to practice this level of exercises."

The words of the Sea Blue Secret Realm Spirit instantly became as cold as iron, and he no longer paid attention to Zhao Shi.

He died 10,000 years ago, and within 100,000 years of the strict rule of the family, he is naturally a member of the family, although the family is no longer there.

He doesn't have any appreciation for civilians other than playfulness, even if it's just a spirit born from a corpse.

"Is that so?"

Zhao Shi smiled indifferently, and stopped talking, put down the ball in his hand, and was not interested in looking at the other two objects.

He drew his sword, and chopped off the portrait of the khaki-armored giant, causing his shield to appear, and then slowly disappeared after he couldn't feel the force the next moment.

One sword, another sword, until dozens of swords have been cut, and most of the energy and blood in the body are exhausted.

Ten minutes later, the voice of the main body's soul came from the mind.

"No, exclude."

Zhao Shi turned and left without taking anything from the hall, even the elixir that is very helpful for martial artist cultivation.

Because it will delay a second of time.

On the map at this time, the swamps and sand castles have been completely submerged, and the green poisonous mist rushed towards the hills, soon flooding most of the hills map, and the remaining places will not exist for long.

The only place left that has not been touched by the poisonous mist is the grassland, where there must be energy nodes that he needs.

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