"Why do you still dare to shoot?"

Li Xi was terrified, only feeling an extremely cold killing intent enveloped him.

Under the blue sword light, the marksmanship that he was proud of in the past was slower than a snail, and he could only watch helplessly as Sen Leng's Qiushui sword shook the white jade spear and pierced her eyebrows.

"No! Please! My aunt will be sad when I die, oh, mother..."

The majestic and cold face of the little girl was broken in an instant, and all the atria were broken under the clear death, crying like a child, tears falling drop by drop.

There was a coldness between the eyebrows, the skin was punctured, and Qiu Shuijian stopped.

A drop of bright red blood fell with the tip of the sword and dripped on the bridge of Li Xi's nose.

"Will she be sad?"

Zhao Shi muttered to himself, a force emerged from the Qiushui sword, and he pushed the girl in front of him away, and continued to walk towards the green palace, seeing the existence of the most elite disciples of the aristocratic families in front of him, like pigs and dogs, who could slaughter at will .

Among these people, there are Li Xi's girlfriends and her good friends, who made her, who had just escaped from birth, instinctively open her mouth to say something.

"You do not want……"

In the middle of the conversation, she felt a chill in her heart, and clearly had a premonition of what would happen to her if she stopped again.

"Lin Yu, hurry up and don't stand in his way!"

Seeing that Zhao Shi was getting closer and closer to the children of the family, Li Xi shouted anxiously to the people inside.

In fact, she didn't need to say, when Zhao Shi shocked Li Xi away with a glance, and rushed towards the grass terrace with a blank face, the people inside rushed away and fled in all directions, not daring to appear within twenty meters of him .

Especially Wang Zhao ran the fastest. The moment Zhao Shi made a move to Li Xi, he led dozens of familiar family members to run wildly for their lives without even looking at the people around them.

That pariah has a definite purpose of his own and probably won't go after them.

Sure enough, Zhao Shi did not hunt down and kill these fugitive descendants of the aristocratic family, and entered the gate of the green palace at the same speed.

At first glance, I saw the portrait of Julang Beach in the center of the wall, which contained a strong true meaning of martial arts.

came under the picture,

A feeling arose in Zhao Shi's heart, which was completely different from the previous two times. Countless spiritual lights exploded in his mind.

The affirmative voice of the soul body came from the mind.

"It's here, there's nothing wrong with it, you can start the first test."

He took a deep breath, and did not rush to carry out his own plan, but walked out of the grass platform with his sword, patrolled all directions, beheaded all the enemies visible to the naked eye, and made the surrounding area of ​​the grass platform completely silent.

Until you come to a corner of the palace.

Li Xi still didn't leave, with tears still on his face, he said in a crying voice: "It's dangerous outside, Ji Ziyi and the others have developed a lot of resentment towards me, and there is a poisonous fog that is getting smaller and smaller!"

Seeing that Zhao Shi's face remained unchanged, she shrank her head and said loudly: "Auntie said, let you stay with me, we protect each other!"

"You're right."

The blue sword shadow still came, and before she could react, it lightly tapped on the back of her neck, and fainted softly on the ground.

Not only that, the power of qi and blood penetrated into her body, causing her to fall into a deeper coma, even if she woke up, she couldn't move.

"That's why I don't like to accept her kindness for no reason."

Zhao Shi said lightly, putting the Qiushui sword back into its sheath, and carrying the little girl with one hand into the Caotai palace again, and threw it in a corner.

At this time, when he came to the portrait, he slashed out with a sword, causing ripples, but nothing happened.

"The main body... out!"

The surrounding area was quiet, but at this moment, an icy, bloody aura appeared in the air at some point, and the air froze. Reading Pavilion

Dense black cracks appeared in the space, and the rules that make up the world were forcibly tampered with, replacing a sharp and cold rule.

The so-called Sea Blue Secret Realm, mighty power, is as fragile as paper, and can be killed with a flick of a finger.


Zhao Shi vomited blood violently, several fragments of internal organs were clearly visible, and his body, which had not been injured since entering the secret realm, instantly became seriously injured.


The next moment, the skin and flesh on his body exploded into countless foams of blood, revealing the pale bones inside and the intertwined meridians. Even the hardest bones couldn't last too long. It is possible to turn into countless bones.

This body is too weak, even if only a trace of consciousness is revealed, he is about to turn into a lump of meat.

However, with the appearance of this ray of consciousness of the invincible man, the numerous rules in the Caotai Palace suddenly changed drastically, and the Blood Sea Kendo rules filled it, controlling all energy and material exchanges in the Caotai Palace.

The peeping of the Sea Blue Secret Realm Spirit was silently blocked, and nothing unusual was found.

At this moment, Caotai Palace does not belong to Sea Blue Secret Realm, but Zhao Shi!

Click! Click!

Incomparably strong, no matter how much Zhao Shi hacked, there were cracks in the sea wave beach portrait, which was broken into countless small fragments and dissipated in the air.

A stream of blue springs flowed out from the broken gap, and soon formed a small pond in front of Zhao Shi. The rich spiritual energy spread in all directions, and was firmly sealed in place.

This is the aura that has been accumulated for thousands of years in the Sea Blue Secret Realm.

"The calculation is correct."

Zhao Shi, who had turned into a blood-colored skeleton and felt severe pain every now and then, remained calm, his body softened, and he sank slowly into the blue pond.

The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into his body, stopping the bleeding from the wounds on his body, and countless pink and tender granulation sprouts regenerated.


Zhao Shi's eyes showed pity, and he manipulated the spiritual power in his body to blow up his regenerated flesh and blood, turning him into a bloody skeleton again.

Under the almost infinite aura of heaven and earth, flesh and blood are born again. This time, the strength of the body is much lower, and countless meridian networks emerge one by one in the body, which is naturally bloody and killing, which is completely different from all martial arts.

Because this is the cultivation method of the immortal cultivator, and it is the vein of the cultivation method of the "Blood Sea Sword Sutra". What flows in the meridian is not true energy and blood, but the mana of the immortal cultivator!

In a blink of an eye, all of Zhao Shi's wounds healed, and the mana of the sea of ​​blood at the Qi refining level flowed in his meridians, and a sharp and cold aura emerged from his body.

Unlike his half-knowledge of martial arts, even though he only had the mana of the qi refining stage in his body at this time, it was not difficult to kill the Golden Core cultivator.

This is the path he took, not the extremely awkward martial art, where a martial artist leapfrogging to beat an innate martial artist would waste a lot of energy, which would embarrass the cultivator of Huashen.

And this kind of awkward path will stop at the Shenqiao Realm at most in the future.

King Realm, that is, the stage of cultivating immortals, is absolutely impossible.

There's a fart for this!

Only Xiuxian, and only Xiuxian can master the powerful power to overthrow the evil rule of the Federation.

But there is a problem with cultivating immortals. Once discovered by the people of the federation, they will die immediately.

To this end, Zhao Shi mobilized dozens of worlds and tens of thousands of research institutes in a short period of time, and combined with some of the knowledge of the refining level that has been explored so far, he designed a solution.

That is, the blood sea mana network will be in two states, one state is the form of "Qing Feng Jian Yuan Gong", and it is absolutely impossible for a king-level warrior or a general-level mecha master to see the flaws, even a handsome mecha master must Look carefully to see the difference.

Another form is the form of "Blood Sea Sword Sutra", which can be switched instantly at any time.

The plan has been designed, but the plan is a plan, the reality of the martial arts mech world is reality, there are many mistakes in it, Zhao Shi needs to modify and make up for it one by one, so as to come up with the correct plan.

As long as there is this correct plan, even if this incarnation is sacrificed, it is worth it.

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