The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 940: The King

Outside the sea blue secret, in the tens of thousands of meters of sky covered by layers of clouds, two majestic men sat opposite each other at a table.

Both of them were wearing straight green military uniforms. Ripples trembled in the void within a kilometer radius between their breaths, and the vicissitudes of time were contained in their eyes.

One has a willow tree badge on his chest, while the other is more casual, with nothing on his body to reveal his family background.

At this time, both of them were quietly staring at the sealed sea blue secret realm not far away, and there was a flash of light in their eyes, as if they could pass through the barriers of the secret realm.

"This trial seems to have a strong smell of blood. Which little guy gave up those boring unspoken rules?" The slightly shorter man with the willow badge on his chest laughed at this moment.

"should be."

The tall man sometimes had the light of the stars flashing across his body from time to time, and he responded casually, not caring about it at all.

A martial artist in the King Realm has a lifespan of nine thousand years, and he might still care about these family children who are once in a hundred years when they are in the Flying Heaven Realm.

Up to now, the children of the younger generations who have been separated by countless generations and the weeds growing every year on the roadside are almost the same, so the relationship is naturally out of the question.

The two of them took a lot of trouble to come here, not for a group of ants-like junior Dharma protectors, but for the two Flying Heaven Realm warriors below.

"The juniors have been at ease for a long time, and one generation is not as good as the previous generation. I don't know if our older generation of mecha masters die, can they provoke the backbone of the Federation and fight against the increasingly dangerous situation of the Xiewu Empire."

The Green Willow King also withdrew his gaze, sighed slightly, turned his head and asked:

"Recently, the Lava King proposed to reform and increase efforts to absorb talented people among the common people. After they win over, marry, and confirm their loyalty, let go of their strict restrictions so that they can enter the Divine Bridge Realm and even the King Realm. Ji Yuan What do you think bro?"

Since the first president of the Federation, Li Enfei, founded the country, geniuses and heroes have gathered to suppress the Xiewu Empire. If it weren't for the powerful warriors in the powerful realm, they would flee away quickly after finding out that they were invincible. The handsome mech masters who founded the country would have scruples Under the circumstances, the Xiewu Empire had already been wiped out.

The same is true for the second generation. Although they are not as powerful as the founding generals, they still have a firm advantage in the war with the Xiewu Empire. From time to time, they will launch the "Grass Valley" operation to weaken any possible rise of the Xiewu Empire.

However, after the passing of the second generation of handsome mecha masters and the birth of the third generation of handsome mecha masters, the situation has undergone a huge reversal.

It was retreating steadily on the battlefield, losing five life planets and hundreds of high-quality mineral planets in just a thousand years.

So far, the thirteen living planets of the founding of the country have been barely maintained, and they dare not go beyond.

This is not the worst, what is worrying and even frightening is the fourth generation of the Federation.

So far, there are quite a few general-level mechas in the realm of kings, but there are very few people who hope to advance to the realm of great powers and become handsome mecha masters.

The reason for such a drastic change, the people below don't know, but they, the general-level mech masters standing at the top of the federation, know it well.

The base population for selecting talents is too small!

The founding general of the year was an outstanding person who stood out among the thirteen living planets. His talent, experience, luck, and understanding were all good, and this created the brilliant generation of that year.

But since the founding of the Federation, although there has been no major forces attacking each other, internal friction has been reduced, resources can be concentrated to train the younger generation, and the cultivation conditions are much better than those of the predecessors.

However, all those who can focus on training must be selected from among the forty-nine families of generals who founded the country that year.

This is the love and love of the founding fathers for their children, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Just how many people can there be in the family of generals?

At present, there are at most 300 million people with clear bloodlines. Beautiful

Even if each of these 300 million people is diligent in cultivation, has no dandy style, and has received high-quality martial arts education, how can a huge number of Shenqiao, King, and Powerful warriors be continuously cultivated among these people? And a mech master of the corresponding level?

And since it is a family government, the first training condition is blood rather than talent, and there are constant internal conflicts.

Can someone from a general-level family produce a powerful martial artist and a handsome mecha master?

Even if there is a huge difference in talent between the patriarch's son and an ordinary clan's son, can we focus on cultivating the ordinary clan's son, and the patriarch's son can be simply trained?

No, of course it is to train your own son.

It just so happens that everyone from a handsome mech master down to a true qi warrior with a little power thinks the same way.

After being screened by this tight network of relationships, the young heroes who can enter the eyes of the superiors must have a strong background. If the children of ordinary families with the most outstanding talents do not have enough connections, they will not be able to get the tilt of family resources.

This kind of systemic corruption within the family is seriously harmful. General-level mecha masters and handsome mecha masters with strong personal force naturally want to change after satisfying themselves and their nephews' training resources.

Just not very much.

Because the benefits are too great!

Corruption may lead to death, but without resources and family value, you and your son will also die of exhaustion, why not be greedy?

Killing batches after batches, a short period of goodness followed by rapid corruption, which cannot be changed, is a solid part of a blood-centered regime.

"The Lava King thinks too well."

After hearing this, Ji Yuan shook his head again and again: "If ordinary warriors have mastered force, will they be willing to be in their current position? Will they want to start another family?"

"Also, the resources of the Federation are inherently scarce, and the lower classes are fine. If there are civilian warriors who are promoted to general rank and want to take resources from you and me, should they be given or not?"

"No, hehe, after spending so much effort, it basically cultivated strong men for the Xiewu Empire."

"Yes, I'm happy, and I'm afraid other general-level mecha masters are not happy either."

King Luliu did not give up and said: "However, the Federation is currently short of successors. This matter must be resolved. People in the Xiewu Empire will not know our difficulties."

Ji Yuan stopped talking immediately.

"That's something seniors in the Great Power Realm should consider. Those of us juniors in the King Realm just need to bow our heads and obey orders."

In the end, after a long silence, he slowly said: "Seniors have a long-term vision and are far ahead of us. They will definitely be able to make appropriate arrangements, and we don't have to worry about it."

The Green Willow King sighed.

"Brother Liu, let's just focus on what's in front of us. The body that Hailan left behind is just for the two of us to create a long-awaited general-level mecha."

Ji Yuan pointed at the Sea Blue Secret Realm, and laughed loudly: "This time, the younger generation's fighting spirit has finally opened up a gap. It is worthwhile for the two of us to apply for permission from the family, and we have been here for a thousand years."

The depression in King Luliu's heart disappeared instantly.

Below, the hidden Sea Blue Secret Realm reappeared. Several criss-crossing cracks had been broken, and bright green light shot out from within.

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