The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 943: Shura Field

With smiles on their faces, the smiles of the two kings who were about to celebrate and divide the spoils froze.

"This is impossible!"

King Luliu's face changed: "It's just a mere spirit, it's nothing more than instinctively controlling the secret realm one or two, how could it be possible to make such a precise control!"

King Ji Yuan didn't look at it. The 9,000-meter-high star mech behind him frantically swallowed a huge amount of star light, pouring all of it into the star nails scattered throughout the sea blue secret territory, instantly increasing its blocking power several times.

Useless, totally useless.

The traces of heaven and earth vitality are like flowing water in fine sand, and they can always find a way to move forward.

The aura in the center of the Sea Blue Secret Realm gathered faster and faster, and a terrifying aura that was about to be completely destroyed spread out, and it was only the last moment before it would become a reality.

"Hai Lan, stop! The two of us are just joking, and we've just played against Your Excellency!"

The Green Willow King had no choice but to stop all his green beast attacks, and said with an apologetic smile.

"You know what it is!"

A phantom of a blue giant appeared in the sky of Seablue Secret Realm, just like the previous Sea Blue Spirit, and snorted coldly: "Get out of my secret realm!"

Naturally, the two kings would not hear the words of a spirit, and quickly used various investigative methods secretly to find the reason for such unexpected changes in the sea blue secret realm.

In response, an aura of destruction rose again, absolutely incomparable.

King Luliu's face was uncertain, and after a little thought, he still said: "Your Excellency, wait a moment, I will withdraw immediately."

Overwhelming, the green monsters that almost engulfed the entire Sea Blue Secret Realm retreated slowly, giving way to the grassland, retreating to the edge of the secret realm, forming a circle surrounding the Sea Blue Secret Realm.

The star nails hesitated for a moment, and also withdrew from the confinement at the center to strengthen the edge control.


Seeing this, the sea blue giant was extremely angry, and roared up to the sky: "What do you mean? Are you really going to die together?"

The entire Sea Blue Secret Realm was trembling violently, a stronger aura of danger and destruction permeated the air, and there were countless fine black cracks on the wall of the Secret Realm.

The two general mecha masters were expressionless,

No further obstructive actions were made.

How can they, who have gone through countless slaughters and come up, be controlled by a spirit of the secret realm, without any countermeasures?

It is even more a joke to die together. Which king can be killed by the self-destruction of a mere spirit of the secret realm?

It's just a huge loss of property.

They just watched indifferently, as if they didn't care and could afford to lose.

This spirit has given birth to itself, almost a life.

There are people in the world who can face death directly, but they cannot be possessed by a spirit who has not experienced any experience.

Sure enough, after waiting for a long time, Hailan Ling's aura of terror and destruction became stronger, but he still didn't blew himself up.

After a long stalemate, the two were completely relieved.

King Luliu said lightly: "Your Excellency, we didn't lie to you, it was really just a hand-off. Now that it's over, let me say goodbye to the two brothers."

He flicked his sleeves heavily, and disappeared into the sky with his Wanliu Mecha.

Ji Yuan glanced at Hailanling coldly, waved his hand and released a beam of starlight, and then disappeared.

With these nails already driven in, they will be able to completely corrode the Sea Blue Secret Realm in at least a hundred years, and then we will see how this spirit can survive.

Naturally, if Seablue Spirit explodes automatically now or within thirty years, then they have nothing to do. Handan literature

However, the chances of this kind of thing are very small, and Ji Yuan relied on his thousands of years of accumulated experience to guarantee that this spirit is by no means a person who can face the horror of life and death.

Suicide is often only an impulsive thought. If you calm down and break away from the specific atmosphere, it will be difficult to actually do it. This is the limitation of all life instincts.

The starlight that flew out from the star mecha fell into the Sea Blue Secret Realm, and turned into a ubiquitous big hand extending to all parts of the secret realm. On the sea frozen into a 10,000-meter glacier.

Hailanling hesitated for a moment, but did not stop him, because this trivial matter once again sparked a conflict with the two kings.

Its phantom changed several times, turning into a phantom and bursting apart.

With the departure of the two general-level mecha masters and the disappearance of Hailanling, the heavy pressure within a radius of ten thousand miles disappeared.

Hundreds of millions of weak creatures recovered from the trembling state, preyed on prey, escaped on the run, mated on mating, and returned to their usual state again.

The same goes for people.

On the thick ice layer with a radius of 10,000 meters, four lieutenant mecha masters remained, more than 300 descendants of aristocratic families remained, and more than 50 descendants of civilians remained.

At this time, the violent murderous intent was soaring to the sky, and all the children of the aristocratic family looked at Zhao Shi, wishing to eat his flesh and lay down his skin.

Li Xi shuddered and quickly stepped back, not daring to stay by Zhao Shi's side.

"Why, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Shi looked at the children of the aristocratic family who were gathering more and more around him, and he gently pulled out the Autumn Water Sword from his waist, reflecting a faint blue light outward.


The murderous intent in the eyes of all the children of the aristocratic family disappeared instantly, and they shuddered instinctively, and the people in front of Zhao Shi fled frantically to the distance.

"Untouchable, how dare you be rampant!"

"I want you to die! Die!"

Amidst the venomous curses, Zhao Shi didn't talk nonsense, and ran behind Yang Qiushui several times faster than them, far away from the sight of Zhou Li and the Crab Claw Mecha.

"Um, what's going on here?"

Surprised to see Zhao Shi and Li Xi returning safely, Yang Qiushui rubbed Zhao Shi's hair, obviously not aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Teacher, take me to escape! I have eliminated many people in the exam, and I am a descendant of an aristocratic family!"

Zhao Shi quickly summarized what he had done, and he was sure that whether he lived or died in the end, Yang Qiushui's family background would not be implicated.

While he was speaking, Ji Ziyi, Wang Zhao and others also angrily told Zhou Li and Zhou Meng what happened to them.

Yang Qiushui's face paled instantly.

"What did you just say? You are the tenth level warrior!"

She instinctively didn't believe it, but she glanced at the excited family members over there, and Li Xi who looked frightened, and immediately understood what was going on.


She burst out with true energy all over her body, picked up Zhao Shi like a doll, and ran to a supply box, her body became a phantom in the eyes of the children of the martial artist.

"Untouchable, you are so brave!"

At the same time, Zhou Li's frightened and angry roar came from behind, and accompanied by the humming sound of Zhou Meng's giant pincer mecha, he took heavy steps to catch up with Yang Qiushui, the speed was faster than her without the mecha. more than double.

Yang Gang, who still had the mecha combat power left, hesitated and didn't stop him immediately.

What that pariah did also aroused a strong killing intent in his heart, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​using the orangutan mecha to hammer this person himself.

The untouchables kill the children of the family, or massacre, this inhumane evil must be punished by the federal law!

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