Yang Qiushui immediately sensed Yang Gang's watching.

"Yang Gang, I will definitely be seriously injured by Zhou Meng, and then I will personally report to my mother what you have done!"

Yang Gang's complexion changed.

The anger of the patriarch's wife, even if it was to vent his anger, was not something that a mere true energy warrior could bear.


The eight-meter-high orangutan mecha was activated, and the complete left arm and half of the incomplete right arm were crossed on the chest, firmly blocking the fist of the cancer mecha, without retreating a step.

Zhou Meng was furious: "Isn't your Yang family a member of an aristocratic family? Do you want to keep such a rebellious person?"

The orangutan mecha was silent, and it took a long time to reply.

"This is the eldest lady's request. You can apply to your family elders for sanctions, but you cannot use lynching."

Holding Zhao Shi in his arms, Yang Qiushui performed light kung fu with all his strength, and came to a complete supply box, typing a long string of passwords on it with crackling fingers like raindrops.

"Validation passed, welcome to the respected lieutenant-level mecha master, the blood of the Chulan Yang family."

The supply box buzzed open, revealing a small pile of mecha energy cores, and a seven-meter-tall lieutenant-style mecha standing next to it, slowly opening the cockpit.

Yang Qiushui took Zhao Shi and jumped into the cockpit of the mech one step at a time. The zhenqi all over his body formed silk threads, which instantly connected and started the mecha and flew up into the sky.

Just after flying into the air, the standard lieutenant's mecha paused for a moment, turned back again, and released a blue light to attract Li Xi who was waving desperately below, turning into a black spot and disappearing on the sea.

As for the two Flying Realm warriors who were guarding by the side?

Unfortunately, they were covered by the aftermath of Seablue Spirit's attack, and unfortunately died in battle. Presumably their family will give them enough relief.

In the cockpit, Yang Qiushui put Li Xi away, turned to look at Zhao Shi, with hope in his eyes: "To be more specific, you must have been framed by others, right? These little guys from aristocratic families are very shady. Dao can also understand, but I will definitely return your innocence!"

Zhao Shi touched the hilt of the sword, feeling a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"Auntie! No! No!"

Back to Yang Qiushui,

All the fear and timidity of Li Xi disappeared, pointing to Zhao Shi and said: "I saw this man kill at least a hundred children of aristocratic families in the grassland with my own eyes."


Her little face was flushed red, and she said indignantly: "He still beat me, wounded me with a sword, and finally knocked me out!"

Zhao Shi cast a glance at her.

Li Xi shrank her head and ran back to Yang Qiushui.

"Auntie, that's the look! That's the look he had when he hit me!"

Emboldened, she appeared even angrier.

But one thing has changed, she no longer regards Zhao Shi as a pariah who can be humiliated and trampled at will, but a person of equal status.

Still kind of evil.

Yang Qiushui's heart sank, and he looked at the boy in black who still had an indifferent face, and said in disbelief, "But you are the tenth-level martial artist... no, the second-level warrior, oh my god, it's only been less than a day! "

She felt that her outlook on life had been completely subverted.

Zhao Shi's eyes were full of sincerity, and he said seriously: "Teacher, I got a miraculous fruit in the Sea Blue Secret Realm. It smells so fragrant. After eating it, I became a warrior level 2. I can't believe it myself. , I have been pleasantly surprised for a long time."

But you don't seem surprised.

Li Xi complained secretly, but didn't dare to say it in person. Unique Chinese Website

Yang Qiushui believed it immediately, but was still very puzzled: "But, the second level of warrior is just like that, even Li Xi can't beat him, how can it be possible to eliminate so many people?"

Zhao Shi slashed at her and Li Xi lightly with his sword again, without any force, like a child who just learned the art of kendo dancing crookedly.

However, a sharp aura enveloped the two women, making their hearts chill at the same time, and a warning sign appeared.

Especially Li Xi, instantly felt that his soul and body were frozen, as if meeting a king of the same level, let alone resisting, he couldn't even draw out his weapon.

"Woooo...Auntie, that's the way it is!"

She recalled very bad memories, and plunged into Yang Qiushui's arms.

"Sword... the prototype of sword intent..."

Yang Qiushui hugged her, looked at Zhao Shi in shock, felt his tongue was knotted, and couldn't even speak clearly.

People with a weak sword will are the sword geniuses of the younger generation. They can rule the roost at the same level, and they also belong to the forefront among young people in the entire Federation. As long as they have enough family background, they can be trained emphatically.

Although there are few such people, relying on the huge population base, there will be some in every generation of the Federation.

But people who comprehend the prototype of sword intent at the stage of warriors are different!

Comprehending the prototype of the sword intent at the stage of a warrior means that if he advances to the innate warrior, he will understand the sword intent 100%.

Sword intent!

The ultimate pursuit of a swordsman, anyone who comprehends the meaning of the sword can become king at the same level, and it is not a problem to leapfrog to kill.

Comprehending sword intent at the stage of innate warrior, and he is so young, he is definitely the seed of king in the true sense.

This is a super genius. If you search for the younger generation of the Federation, even if you search for the younger generation of ten generations, you may not be able to find it. As long as he is born in a family and has not been concealed or died young, he can definitely become the core of the family's cultivation.

Zhao Shi still looked sincerely: "Continuing to understand the true meaning of Martial Dao of King Hailan, I have made breakthroughs. I kept driving away those children of the aristocratic family because I wanted to watch the portraits of Martial Dao alone, but they were unwilling to cooperate, so there was no way."

Li Xi's teeth itch with hatred.

You want to see you tell me, I will find a way for you, don't kill people at every turn, and make me panic and be implicated by you.

"I know, I know..."

Yang Qiushui ignored the control of the mecha, stepped out of the driving seat, and paced back and forth for a long time.

She suddenly said firmly: "You didn't do anything wrong!"

"The college entrance examination encourages competition with each other. Killing during the exam is a matter of course. No one can say that you did something wrong! There is no such regulation in any law!"

"Maybe we can start from this..."

She seemed incoherent, muttering a lot to herself.

Li Xi hesitated to speak, but didn't say anything.

The law does not stipulate, but when does the family need to talk about the law?

"Yes, the Federation is a society ruled by law."

Zhao Shi smiled lightly, and didn't seem to care much.

Li Xi looked at him as if he was looking at a fool, and his fear of him dissipated in an instant.

"Teacher, don't worry, I have prepared a gift for you."

Zhao Shi gently held Yang Qiushui, who was full of restlessness, and opened his hand, a blue gemstone appeared miraculously.

Its radiance is bright, and the weak and pure sea blue martial arts will spread outwards, even the innate warriors and true energy warriors can bear it.

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