The private soldiers of the family are the existence of the big families who have been cultivated since childhood and have been verified for countless times. They only have the family in their hearts, and there is no federation.


At this time, under Yang Qiushui's order, more than sixty lieutenant-level mecha masters shouted in unison, and instantly formed a conical battle formation to kill more than a hundred mechas in front of them. The vitality of the world in front of him was incomparably turbulent.

A total of more than sixty Jindan-level combat power groups charged!

Zhao Shi was surprised. A mere descendant of an aristocratic family, even if he was a direct descendant, would carry dozens of Golden Cores as guards, which was unimaginable in the world of cultivating immortals.

If we only talk about the low-level combat power, the world of martial arts mechs is probably in the forefront of many worlds.

"Do you dare to resist law enforcement?"

The leading lieutenant marine police mecha coldly shouted, and in a rage he personally led more than 30 lieutenant mechas under his command, and more than a hundred soldier mechas formed a sea police force battle formation and rushed to kill.

As a law enforcement department, he and the soldiers under his command naturally have strong confidence, even if they are weaker, they are not afraid of young people.

"Is this the Chulan Yang family? And the Li family?"

However, when the blue sun family badge and the roaring five-clawed black dragon badge appeared in the clouds, the faces of most lieutenant mech masters and soldier mecha masters changed. , There are both advances and retreats.

This shows that there are at least two direct members of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families!

Because only members of the direct line can ask their guards to show the family badge.

This is a descendant of a direct family!

Thinking of this, all the mecha masters who were born as civilians couldn't help being afraid, like an instinct nailed deep in their genes with a stamp, and even the children of some collateral families hesitated to move forward.

"This black dragon..."

Zhao Shi's body in the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness was stunned for a moment, and he stretched out his hand to intercept the black dragon badge displayed by Li Xi, and then captured from his memory the first time he saw the ancestor of the first dragon, the dark gold nine-headed dragon, in the dynasty world .

He put the two patterns together and discovered the problem.

The two ends only exist in the east, and the five-clawed dragon, which symbolizes imperial power, has many similarities in appearance, breath, and structure.

"Well, that's right."

Loli Long nodded and said, "Patriarch Shilong and Li Enfei, the first president of the Federation, are sisters. They naturally communicate with each other on many exercises. Didn't she give you any memory of this?"

"Exchange of exercises?"

A gleam of joy appeared on Zhao Shi's face.

Those who practice martial arts are barbarians!

Among other things, the personal strength of those kings in the martial arts area is remarkable, but the ability to refine weapons, the ability to refine medicine, and various management methods such as cultivating spiritual plants and beasts are far weaker than those of the same level Xianxia King.

This is still the martial arts king of the players. If they are natives, the gap will be even greater. This is one of the side effects of their focus on developing their own human body treasures.

In other words, with the abilities of these martial arts barbarians, it is generally impossible to create such an exquisite creation as a mecha.

The ancestor of Shilong, the genius who will be promoted to the cultivator in the future must have played an extremely important role in the birth of the federal mecha.

The refining technology of the mecha was born out of the Xianxia side method!

This means that if the world is conquered, there will be far fewer barriers to assimilating mech technology.

When Zhao Shi's thoughts drifted to a distant place, the chief sea police lieutenant mecha also found that most of his subordinates had left the team without authorization, and couldn't help being furious: "You dare to fear the battle, do you think the military law is not strict enough?" ?”

To be able to serve as the commander of a marine police mecha unit, he is naturally not an ordinary person, but a son of the Wang family, but only a collateral line.

"Inspector Wang...the Li family and the Yang family...this" Rainbow Literature Network

The mecha division under him was still hesitant, and did not fight because of military law.

Many old mecha masters who have served in the coast guard for many years have made up their minds in their hearts that no matter how serious the military law is, they cannot participate in the conflicts between the families.

Because no matter who wins or who loses, the impression that these people "contempt for the family" will be fixed, and their future and even safety will be a problem in the future.

Maybe, the person who will take the lead in punishing him at that time is the just and awe-inspiring Inspector Wang in front of him.

"You guys are fine..."

The words spoken by the Wang Family's Coast Guard Superintendent through the radio were extremely cold, but before he could say anything, more than sixty lieutenant mechas had already arrived in front of them, and their loose formation was smashed by a forest of powerful guns. Even he himself was blown away hundreds of meters.

"Don't bother, let's go!"

More than 60 mechas drove to the maximum speed, and soon disappeared into the sky, leaving only more than a hundred rickety coast guard mechas.

Nanzhou Airport.

This is the largest airport in Nanzhou Province. Through here, you can take a plane to various parts of Chulanxing. Although the speed is slightly slower than that of the lieutenant mecha, the battery life is far higher than that of ordinary people and even most mecha masters. The first choice for traveling.

At this time, several ticket gates at the airport suspended ticket checking, and the ticket inspectors, the captain and other team members stood respectfully in front of them, waiting for something.

The people and mecha masters who came and went were shocked when they saw this, and they couldn't help but lower their voices a lot.

Judging from the situation, there must be a family member with a high status coming soon, otherwise there will be no team members on a special plane to greet them in person, and ordinary family members do not have this kind of treatment.

Sure enough, after waiting for about ten minutes, dozens of black spots appeared in the sky, each with a strong aura, and everyone was at least a lieutenant-level mecha master.

In the center, inside a lieutenant-style mecha surrounded by layers, Yang Qiushui comforted: "Little Zhao Shi, don't worry, as long as you return to my house and see my mother, no one will be able to hurt you, you will be safe." of."


Zhao Shi nodded, but his spiritual sense swept over a certain point in the distance, seeing everything inside and out.

Below, all the crew members showed extremely standard warm smiles on their faces.

When they were about to say something, a huge coercion descended here, making their faces instantly pale, and their bodies trembling violently like sifting chaff.

"Little girl of the Yang family, leave that untouchable to me!"

A black spot appeared in the sky, and it turned into a swordsman mech more than 20 meters high in a breath, with a cold killing intent in his voice.

Appearing at this time, without any hesitation, he held up the ten-meter-long sword and smashed it down at the battle formation of more than sixty mechas!

"Flying Realm!"

"Miss Protection!"

More than sixty mecha masters roared furiously, and formed a battle array to stab at the sky. Their spears and spears were like a forest, and instantly smashed the heavy oppression brought by the mecha sword to pieces.


The blow of the big sword and more than sixty mechs caused a huge roar in the space, glass shattered within a radius of 100 meters, and ordinary civilians were swept away like fallen leaves.

With one hit sixty, it is not an opponent at all.

The aggressive swordsman mecha was sent flying, many structures were broken, and the aura plummeted.

The heroic woman who followed Li Xi took a step forward in controlling the mecha, and said coldly: "Flying mecha master of the Liu family, you dare to attack the direct descendants of the upper family, are you impatient?"

Before waiting for the person opposite to reply, her complexion changed instead.

On the horizon, black dots appeared one by one, their auras were similar to those of the mechs in front of them, and they all carried crazy killing intent.

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