The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 947 Family Politics


The guard mecha group rushed towards the airport, but they only took a few steps and had to stop.

Up and down, left and right, and all directions are mechas, and they are all lieutenant mechas piloted by flying warriors. Their strength far exceeds that of ordinary lieutenant-level mechas.

At this time, there were crowds of people around, maybe there were more than 20 lieutenant mechas personally driven by flying warriors surrounding the guard mechas, like a lion hunting a lamb, with murderous intent.

" know..."

Li Xi's bodyguard was shrouded in the mecha coercion of more than 20 flying warriors, his breathing stopped suddenly, and he spoke with difficulty.

Yang Qiushui drove the mecha to the front of the team, and the door of the mecha cabin became transparent, revealing her cold face: "I am Yang Qiushui, you are blocking my trip, are you trying to publicly kidnap and kill the direct descendants of the Yang family? On this early blue star?"

Even though they were about to go crazy, the crowd of flying-level fighters around them still stirred up.

This is no small crime.

"Miss Yang misunderstood."

The swordsman mech who was the first to be repelled and covered in bruises took a step forward: "Yang family, we respect you very much. This time, I came here to find the untouchable who killed my son and the children of the seven hundred families!"

He said in a deep voice: "I believe that the Yang family ranks among the seven great families, and they will definitely not shield such a mad villain!"

Immediately, groups of Flying Sky Realm warriors responded.


"My only son!"

"I'm going to cramp his skin, smash his bones bit by bit, and then use poisonous ants to slowly devour his flesh and blood!"

The words were filled with so much hatred that even the head of the Yang family couldn't hold back.

Yang Qiushui in the cockpit looked at Zhao Shi, his scalp was numb: "Seven hundred?"

Was it this cute little guy in front of me who did it?

How can this be?

"It's a false accusation.


Zhao Shi said indifferently: "I'm not a person who likes to kill. They insisted on besieging me and had no choice but to fight back. Moreover, they only killed 521 people. The other deaths have nothing to do with me."

Yang Qiushui's expression became numb.

Five hundred and twenty-one, you also said that you don't like killing, that's what I believe.

"There shouldn't be so many deaths."

Li Xi comforted: "The spirit of the Sea Blue Secret Realm is not completely lying. The children of aristocratic families killed by him can live about 30%, and the mortality rate of civilian candidates has also come out, which is 20%."

This is completely the original setting of Sea Blue Secret Realm Spirit, and Zhao Shi did not change it.

After the three of them spoke a few words, the surrounding mecha masters couldn't hold back anymore.

"Miss Yang, will you hand it over or not?"

Someone stepped forward, and the true energy in his body wove and circulated outside the mecha, forming a family crest in the shape of a ghostly white bone: "Although I am a collateral lineage, I am also the blood of the Zhou family. My son cannot die in vain at the hands of a pariah. The family will not sit idly by!"

"I am a member of the royal family, my son..."



Amidst the cold and bitter voices, family emblems were revealed one after another, with various colors and patterns reflecting each other, and each pattern represented a glorious and powerful family.

" daughter also..."

A taciturn Flying Heaven Realm martial artist came out, speaking in a low voice, and the family crest on his chest was the same blue sun and ups and downs as Yang Qiushui.

Yang Qiushui was silent.

After a long time, her face became as cold as iron: "In the secret realm of the college entrance examination, the rule is that the strong survive and the weak are eliminated. Since your son took the initiative, then if you die, you will be inferior to others. Why blame others?"

There was an uproar around.

No matter what the reason is, what she did has completely lost her duty as a eldest lady of the family.

Families, families, no matter what the internal struggles are, absolute political correctness is to face one's own clan members in front of outsiders, especially the daughter of the patriarch, who is the possible helm of the next generation of the family.

Instead of saying what rules!

Saying this in public almost completely destroyed her impression in the hearts of the elders in the family. In the future, no one other than her parents, grandpa and other immediate relatives will be kind to her again.


This Flying Heaven Realm martial artist of the Yang family looked at her in disbelief, and the resentment in his eyes was no longer concealed.


"You dude! You are in vain as a member of the aristocratic family if you allow evil servants to hurt others!"

The murderous intent in the hearts of all the flying-level fighters around them became more and more vigorous, and they were about to move.

"This girl is already insane, we don't have to be polite anymore, take this girl and hand it over to the direct descendants of the seven major families who were also killed or injured."

An erratic voice resounded among the crowd, but no one could tell who it was.

"Then kill!"

Compared to other people's secretiveness, the first swordsman mech who came roared, regardless, and was the first to draw his sword and slash at Yang Qiushui who was in the crowd.

Now that there is already the person who committed the first crime, the flying warriors around him no longer hesitated, they shot almost at the same time, and more than twenty powerful attacks enveloped all the lieutenant mechas, tearing them to pieces in an instant.

Zhao Shi's expression was calm, and his spiritual sense locked the surroundings, but not to attack, but to prevent some people with ulterior motives from hurting Yang Qiushui.

Seeing this, Yang Qiushui's face remained icy cold, without any trace of fear.

Because this is not a field, but the center of Nanzhou Province, Nanzhou Airport.


The gathering of so many flying fighters driving mechas has already attracted all the attention of the airport guards. At this moment, when they made a move, more than a dozen electromagnetic bombardments like beams of light bombarded them, forcing these murderous flying fighters back.

The sound of footsteps, the sound of flying mechas piercing the air, more than a dozen fighters in the flying sky rushed to drive mechas, and separated Yang Qiushui from these crazy mecha masters. The leader sternly said:

"What do you want to do? Openly fight at the airport? Openly attack a direct descendant of the Yang family who is lower than you?"

"Where do you put the patriarchal clan?"

The Flying Realm Warrior who took a few steps back was not frightened by him.

The swordsman mech said coldly: "Wang Lu, it's not like the members of your Wang family didn't die in the Sea Blue Secret Realm and were killed by this pariah. Get out of the way, all of this has nothing to do with you!"

Wang Lu did not give way.

Yang Qiushui was right in saying that she and her untouchable pet did not violate any federal laws, and they were innocent at the legal level.

But now, I am in charge of guarding the airport. A direct descendant of the Yang family, the daughter of the patriarch, is under my nose, without any crime, and then besieged by many high-level people.

If she was seriously injured or even died, who would bear the responsibility?

You must know that the head of the Yang family is not a weak person who can be bullied, and he is not a big man with a deep background.

In the end, he was the one to bear the responsibility. The least is that his future would be ruined. It is not impossible to use his own life to appease the anger of the head of the Yang family.

Of course, the most important thing is that I have no relatives who died at the hands of this pariah, so why should I make myself pay the price?

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