The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 948: King Seed

"At the airport, it's all about me!"

Wang Lu said coldly: "In other words, you have an arrest warrant issued by the Patriarchal Clan Department, so you can take action against a direct descendant of an aristocratic family?"

The swordsman mecha was speechless, but the murderous intent in his eyes did not dissipate, as if he was planning something.

But Yang Qiushui didn't bother to look at them anymore, and nodded slightly to Wang Lu: "Thank you Mr. Wang this time, and I will thank you again in the future. If there is something in my family, I will go first."

After finishing speaking, he took his escort and walked to the prepared special plane.

"Stop, you can't go!"

The Swordsman Jijia and the others were agitated and took a step forward almost at the same time, trying to stop them.

At this time, Wang Lu looked at them with warning eyes, causing the expression of more than 20 Flying Heaven Realm warriors to change, and their footsteps stopped at the same time.

More than a dozen airfield fighters are nothing, but the airport defense system activated at the same time, with more than a hundred electromagnetic guns, makes one's hairs stand on end.

Seeing them stop, Wang Lu's tone eased a bit: "Brothers, I can understand your feelings, but what do you want to do? Attack the daughter of the head of the Yang family?"

"Stop this urge to harm yourself and your family. That pariah killed more than 700 descendants of the aristocratic family. He will surely die. Why take his own life so quickly?"

The complexions of the twenty or so flying-level fighters around him were uncertain, and those who wanted to chase him couldn't do anything about it.

A small fighter plane took off after a short run-up, turning into a small black dot and flying into the distance.

Yang Qiushui withdrew his gaze from looking at Yunhai through the window, and said solemnly to Zhao Shi: "Do you still remember who you eliminated? Are there any direct descendants of the aristocratic family?"

If not, maybe they can rely on their father's power to forcefully suppress them. Anyway, they have no legal reason.

"Auntie, don't think about it."

Li Xi shattered her fantasy: "He has been eliminated all the way. In his eyes, there is no difference between those of us at the peak of martial arts and ordinary children of aristocratic families. We all kill a few with one sword."

"As far as I know, Ji Ziyi was killed by her once, but she escaped with the life-saving means her mother gave her. Zhou Han should be dead, and Wang Zhao, Zhou Ying..."

The more she talked, the more frightened she became: "Even I almost

His eyes were so scary. "

Zhao Shi nodded lightly.

At that time, he only wanted to find the energy node of the Sea Blue Secret Realm, and the means he used were indeed a little too radical, which would cause great trouble.

"This is troublesome."

Yang Qiushui's heart sank, and he quickly thought about various conditions that could be used.

Suddenly, the light in the sky dimmed, and a huge coercion descended on the fighter plane flying at high speed, causing it to freeze in the air without any resistance.

This breath, a martial artist in the Shenqiao realm, a school-level mecha master?

Zhao Shi thought lightly.


Yang Qiushui's eyes showed horror, he instinctively pulled Zhao Shi into his arms, and hugged him tightly.


The sound of a slight burst of air sounded above the heads of the two, distorting the space for a while, and it took a few seconds for it to return to normal.

If this kind of situation happened to Zhao Shi's head, it would turn his head into a ball of dust in an instant.

"Interesting, and still an infatuation."

In the cabin of the plane, a handsome man in martial arts uniform appeared silently, exuding a sense of vicissitudes that did not match his appearance at all.

He looks somewhat similar to the dead Zhou Han.

"Meet your Excellency the school-level mecha master!"

In the cabin, everyone including Li Xi and the guards saluted respectfully without the slightest thought of resistance.

Yang Qiushui tightly squeezed her thin lips, and hugged Zhao Shi even harder, strangling him so painfully.

"Are you that pariah who killed my grandson? You really are a good-looking talent."

Seeing Zhao Shi with a calm face, the handsome man immediately praised without hesitation: "This kind of martial artist can slaughter groups of warriors and peak warriors at will with a mere second-level warrior, and it doesn't take much effort to kill innate warriors." I haven't seen many people in my life, and it still includes the children of the ancestors."

"If you were born in an aristocratic family, even if you were just a member of the lowest rank of a general family, even if you really killed Zhou Han's trash, I would immediately accept you as a closed disciple and marry my granddaughter to you. "

"What you did during the trip to the secret realm was not crime, but glory, the glory that a king's seed should have!"

The uneasiness in Yang Qiushui's heart became more and more intense, and he cried: "No, no, if you kill him, I will not let you go, I will take revenge on you and your descendants!"

These threatening words are not threats even to hostile people, but angry words spoken by children after they are taken away from harmful toys.

A huge coercion descended, but without seeing how the handsome man moved, Yang Qiushui's hand that was tightly hugging Zhao Shi was pulled away little by little until the two were completely separated, and their arms convulsed.

"So I'm not a child of an aristocratic family. The better my talent, the more likely I will die, right?"

Zhao Shi said indifferently, and slowly pulled out the Qiushui sword from his waist, a sharp sword intent rudiment diffused around, locking onto the warrior in the Shenqiao realm in front of him.

"Yes, nothing wrong."

The admiration in the handsome man's eyes was even stronger, and he didn't stop him: "If you were born a hundred thousand years ago, you might be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the founding general and become the ancestor of the founding clan. It's a pity."

"There's no pity. There are countless geniuses. A genius who hasn't grown up is nothing."

The energy and blood of Zhao Shi's whole body flowed crazily, and all of them rushed to the Qiushui sword, turning it blood red, and a sharper and sharper sword intent rudiment condensed on it.

At this time, the peak innate warriors must also retreat, and they are prone to casualties.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Zhao Shi and a blue sword light came to the handsome man's throat and pierced his skin.


It was no different from being stabbed on a piece of divine gold. The Qiushui sword bent, and a tsunami-like counter-shock force gushed out from it, instantly breaking Zhao Shi's arm, and quickly spread to his whole body, the flesh and blood burst into pieces. Blood fog.

The power gap is too great, cutting off even a single hair is an extravagant hope.

"no, do not want!"

Yang Qiushui shouted hoarsely, but it was useless, and he was still firmly imprisoned in place.


Suddenly, there were layers of blue gale winds undulating, and quickly swept across the interior of the cabin, clearing away the heavy atmosphere that had been shrouded in it since the appearance of the handsome man.


The handsome man looked surprised.

The power that imprisoned Yang Qiushui disappeared, and she rushed towards Zhao Shi like a madman, hugged him whose arms had turned into bones and skeletons, and bandaged the wound with true energy.

A gust of wind blew, turning into a tough man, holding a sword and coming to Yang Qiushui, lowering his head slightly: "Miss, Madam ordered me to pick you up."

Yang Qiushui choked up to treat Zhao Shi's injury and had no time to respond to him.

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