The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 949: Yin Luopa

Qinggang bowed to the handsome man and said: "I have seen Mr. Zhou Yingjiang, if there is any impoliteness, please also ask Nian Haihan."

"You did make a faux pas, and it was serious!"

Zhou Yingjiang said coldly: "Tell me, what Yang Fu'an means is that he wants to keep this untouchable, and then use it to slap our big families in the face?"

Countless children from aristocratic families are waiting to be fed, but now let a pariah occupy a high position and become a warrior of the Shenqiao Realm who stands shoulder to shoulder with him. This is a great mistake and shame.

However, even he had to admit that this kind of untouchable who came from the bottom was deeply loved by those in power in the major families.

Because they are easy to control, consume less resources, and are quite loyal.

It is not easy to find such a person in the family, and one must always worry that he will turn against the guest and take away the value of the ancestor.

But this pariah is different!

He slaughtered hundreds of descendants of aristocratic families, not to mention loyalty in his eyes, but he didn't even have any respect for himself, a warrior of the Shenqiao realm and a school-level mecha.

Anyone who has a little bit of ability to know people will know at the first sight of him that once this person has power, he will betray one hundred percent, as straightforward as his sword.

There is no value in training a hawk dog.

"I don't know what the master means, but he just asked me to obey the orders of the eldest lady."

Qinggang saluted respectfully again, but a huge force had come here, and could put everyone in the cabin into his mecha anytime and anywhere.

Unless a life-and-death battle breaks out, no warrior of the same level can harm the person he wants to protect.

Zhou Yingjiang didn't want to humiliate himself, so he flicked his sleeves heavily, turned and left.

"Then I'd like to see how Yang Fu'an responds to the anger of almost all the federal families."

After he left, Qinggang bowed to Yang Qiushui and said: "Miss, this fighter is too slow and too weak, can I bring you and Miss Biao into my Qinggang mecha?"

"Thank you, Uncle Qing."

Yang Qiushui wiped away the tears in his eyes, and solemnly thanked him.

"This is the duty of an old slave."

Zhao Shi didn't care about his arm that had turned into bones. He silently glanced at this Shenqiao-level warrior, and felt that it was completely different from the Nascent Soul-level monks and Shenqiao-level warriors he had met before.

Docile, obedient, and loyal.

There is no such thing as the self-confidence and arrogance of Nascent Soul monks and Shenqiao realm warriors who overcome obstacles all the way, laughing proudly at their peers, and their strong ambitions for higher realms that can be seen at a glance no matter how humble they are.

Will they be comrades who can unite?

As the light brightened and then dimmed, the three of Zhao Shi opened their eyes and came to the spacious hall.

Looking at Zhao Shi's arms that had turned into bones, Yang Qiushui couldn't help sending his true energy into them, and tears flowed down again.

The closer she was to her home, the weaker she seemed to be, not as strong as she was facing the enemy outside.

"Teacher, don't cry, it will destroy your majestic image in my heart."

Zhao Shi smiled slightly, swung his head close to her, gently wiped the tears from her eyes, and was as flexible as his hands: "Look, I am such a powerful swordsman genius, even without hands, I am invincible."

"Nonsense! Why are you invincible?" Yang Qiushui glared at him fiercely: "Even I can beat you casually, what is there to be proud of, when you see my mother, you have to behave obediently, and you are not allowed to Get mad at me like you always do!"

"I know, little meaning, you don't know how cute I am."

Li Xi listened to his boasting in silence.

Are you still likable?

Are you sure you won't be beaten to death by grandma the moment you see her?

The hundreds of meters high giant of the golden mecha was extremely fast, and it took only seven or eight hours to reach the sky of Chulanjing, passing through layers of strict protection and surveillance, and slowly driving into a piece of land. In the vast villa area.

This is a courtyard covering more than 30 kilometers, with carved railings and painted buildings, red bricks and jade tiles, and every flower and leaf is valuable.

Civilian warriors may not necessarily be able to get a piece of their lives.

Not only is it exaggerated and gorgeous, but it also contains the precipitation of a long time, making everything incomparably harmonious, as if everything in front of you and the order behind these things exist naturally, and will exist forever.

Passing through the violet spirit flowers that can be seen everywhere, the green steel that has faded away from the mech brought the three of them to a purple palace, bowed slightly and left.

"Grandma is in there?"

Li Xi whispered, and Yang Qiushui looked at each other, and they could see the tension in each other's eyes.


Before the two could dawdle any longer, Kuang Feng appeared at the door and pulled the three of them into the palace with one hand.

Different from the empty and dangerous blood in the Blood Lotus Palace, this palace is unexpectedly warm, with soft yellow lights and modern decorations, not the cold and hard stone palaces of old antique homes.

On a bed of clouds, a beautiful woman stared at the embroidery in her hands, sketching something stitch by stitch from time to time, when she heard three people coming in, she said without raising her head, "Sit down, I'll be busy soon." It's over."

Li Xi didn't dare to show his anger, and sat upright, so did Yang Qiushui.

From time to time, she put her hands in Zhao Shi's hands, replenishing his arms that had turned into bones, and tried her best to maintain the layer of true energy film on top of them, so as to preserve the vitality of these arms to the greatest extent.

Zhao Shi was not as cautious as these two people. He looked at the embroidery in Mrs. Meiyan's hands for a while, and sighed in his heart.

Can't this world allow him to find a high-ranking martial artist on the side of justice? Could it not be so dark all the time.

The embroidery filaments in her hand were forged by ghosts above Jindan rank!

Even Nascent Soul-level dead souls are not uncommon!

They are made into filaments, then woven into mesh, and then based on the pure blue mesh, violet flowers are stabbed on it, which is a typical ghost fire.

Some of the methods are obvious methods used by immortal cultivators to sacrifice and refine magic weapons, while the other part is incomprehensible. It should be the method of refining weapons developed by the martial arts mecha family.

This woman is a very strong person among Nascent Soul-level creatures, and her methods are very vicious. No wonder Zhou Yingjiang is so talkative.

Zhao Shi, who was staring at the embroidery, was suddenly in a trance, and countless layers of phantoms appeared. Many charming women posed in various seductive poses, and kept ambiguous words in their mouths.

"Young master~ come~"

"It's not easy for the servants to see you."

"Go home, sir~"

The phantoms of pure, enchanting, or dignified women appeared in Zhao Shi's dark eyes, without changing him in the slightest, just looking at them lightly, like a group of pieces of paper dancing.

Slowly, all kinds of phantoms dissipated, revealing the bewitching eyes of a beautiful woman.

She looked at Zhao Shi with ruthless and indifferent eyes, thinking about something.

"Mom, he is Zhao Shi, my student."

Yang Qiushui got up suddenly, and stopped in front of Zhao Shi nervously.

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