The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 951: The Heart of the People

The 'untouchable case' is a big news that has gone viral in the circle of the federal family recently.

The related dead and injured, and even all those whose relatives died in the secret sea blue territory, wished to eat their flesh and lay their skins on.

It can be said that the public opinion of the entire federal family is demanding that Zhao Shi be punished with the most severe punishment, in order to declare the majesty of the family.

Even the second offenders Yang Qiushui and Li Xi had a lot of voices, and they must be taken down, and at the end of the day, all their family privileges should be deprived, so as to serve as an example to others.

This is public opinion, the public opinion of the Federation family.

But the result was beyond the expectation of the children of the family who were filled with righteous indignation.

In September, that is, two months after the end of the college entrance examination, Yang Qiushui of the Yang family was promoted by the family as the third "young master" in the family, and his status rose to a new level in vain.

From then on, she was no longer just the daughter of the head of the Yang family, who was born with it, but the core of the whole generation of the Yang family, the real king.

Any unfair competition against her will be regarded as a provocation to the entire Yang family!

The public opinion of the aristocratic family, which became more and more turbulent, lost its voice.

"How is it possible? Is the Yang family crazy?"

"I've seen Yang Qiushui before. I can't say he's incompetent, but it has nothing to do with his talent. What do the seniors of the Yang family think?"

"The means of Yang Fu'an, the head of the Yang family? This is impossible. The king's true seed must be verified by the king himself."

They have a strong sense of shame and anger, just like among the civilians, a powerful man killed someone in the street, his behavior was extremely bad, and the evidence was unquestionable.

However, after the shady insider trading of power and money, the perpetrators were not only not punished, but also flourished and trampled on the so-called "public opinion".

"Revenge! Revenge!"

"The real culprit who killed my son must not go unpunished. The Yang family must hand over that pariah and Yang Qiushui!"

All of a sudden, the public opinion became more enthusiastic and their demands became higher and higher.

But it was ignored by the upper echelons of the family, even though many direct descendants of the family were killed in the sea blue secret realm trial.

Because the family has its own set of rules of the game,

It's not that the so-called public opinion can be influenced.

Yang Qiushui and the untouchables she personally supported did not violate any rules of the game, so they would not be punished, otherwise the Yang family would lose face.

Of course, this is because Yang Qiushui has become a real king and his parents are not alone in the family. This will make the major families respect the rules of the game.

Otherwise, even the elders of the Yang family would not be willing to casually face a little grievance from the major families.

The new true king of the Yang family is a big news, and the news media from all walks of life heard the news. After the initial anger, they began to seriously dig out Yang Qiushui's past to see why she became the true king of the Yang family.

Even the most ignorant people know what a true king means to a family. It is absolutely impossible for the Patriarch of the Yang family to make his daughter a true king simply through manipulation. The king himself is not much different.

However, if the king himself wants to take care of his children, he doesn't need the quota of the king's real species. It is enough for them to leak some resources from their own fingers, and there is no need to go to such trouble to break the rules.

After digging carefully, there is a lot to gain immediately.

"Yang Qiushui has been in the countryside of Dongyuan City for three years? And he still works as a class teacher for a group of untouchables. What kind of hobby is this?"

"That pariah seems to be a student in this class." Worriless

"Abnormal, too abnormal."

The circle of descendants of the aristocratic family is vast, and most of them are not victims of the Sea Blue Secret Realm. They immediately let go of their prejudices and study the past carefully, hoping to find out the mystery that made Yang Qiushui soar to the sky.

"It is certain that Yang Qiushui definitely discovered the peerless talent of that pariah in advance, and then came here quietly, and spent a lot of time and resources on training him, so that he has the ability to dominate the sea blue secret realm at the warrior stage .”

Although they hated that untouchable, all the children of the family who had practiced martial arts a little had to admit his superb talent in swordsmanship.

"Sea Blue Secret Realm... the souls of Sea Blue Secret Realm like to kill, so can the person who is best at killing get the inheritance of the Sea Blue King?"

Someone guessed.

"It makes sense!"

"It's very possible, and the possibility is very high! If the king dies, most of them will leave inheritance, but the conditions are very harsh."

"This is the key point!"

The children of the aristocratic family have hands-on eyes, and Yang Qiushui's actions in Dongyuan City and even before and after the Sea Blue Secret Realm were quickly turned upside down by them, and they were immediately amazed, envious and jealous.

"This is all right!!!"

"That's right, Yang Qiushui has definitely received the painstaking inheritance of the King Sea Blue, and has essentially become the seed of the king. The Yang family just admits it."

"This woman's scheming is too gloomy and ruthless. It's incredible that she can get the inheritance of the Sea Blue King!"

Many children from aristocratic families whose aptitudes were not very good, and could not be favored by their families suddenly became anxious, and discussed with their friends without any scruples.

"The key to copying Yang Qiushui is two points. One is to find a pariah fighter with very good talent. It's not good for mediocrity, good or good. It must be top-notch."

"It's not easy, but it's worth the effort compared to becoming a true king, and the information of the untouchables is not top secret."

"The second is the opportunity in the Sea Blue Secret Realm, which is very rare, extremely rare, but it's not like there are similar or worse..."

"There is also control, preferably willing control. This is more difficult, because there are means to control the soul, but it may damage the brain of a genius, and only get a useless mediocre person. The loss outweighs the gain."

"How do you feel about controlling your family?"


One by one, the children of the aristocratic family may propose, veto, and improve, and the last plan is summed up.

It turned out that Yang Qiushui's plan was the best, perfect in all aspects, and the timing was right, far surpassing their group wisdom.

Someone sighed in admiration: "With this scheming and luck, it is not unreasonable for him to become a real king, even though his original strength is not very good."

"The group of sand sculptures in the Sea Blue Secret Realm are really ridiculous. Their strength is not as good as others. They don't feel humiliated by others. How dare they post it on the Internet to gain sympathy?"

"The key is that everyone is doing things within the rules, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Except for time and some resources, they can get this great opportunity without taking any risks."

"People are really incomparable. In addition to strength, there is also IQ that must be crushed."

With the disclosure of various details, the reputation of the "untouchable case" has improved a lot.

This incident is no longer regarded as a provocation of the aristocratic family class by a pariah, but a legend of how a weak family member's fierce and bloody counterattack became the true king of the king.

For a time, many well-qualified civilian warriors have received a lot of attention. No matter what the future holds, the future is better than before.

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