The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 952 Fire Spirit Star

"...This girl is sinister and ruthless, and she is unparalleled in wisdom. She will definitely make a difference in the future!"

On the TV, the beautiful host said convincingly, her eyes full of admiration.

Li Xi's eyes widened immediately, watching TV for a while, and looking at Yang Qiushui with a gentle face next to him, repeated several times without stopping, like a squirrel looking around.

Yang Qiushui said helplessly: "I told you everything, this host is talking nonsense, what are the media's shocking things, what are they saying that attract attention, can they believe what they say?"

"I can believe it!"

Li Xi said without hesitation: "Auntie, tell yourself, why did you go to Dongyuan City, a rural place with no characteristics, and even became a class teacher for a commoner for three years."

"Didn't I tell you already, I was just looking for a random place to experience the lives of civilians, and then I happened to run into Zhao Shi, I swear I didn't do any investigation."


Li Xi replied her two words.

One coincidence is okay, so many coincidences, you still want me to believe, do you think I am a fool?

"Really, I didn't lie to you!" Yang Qiushui tried to explain: "Little Zhao Shi was originally weak, only at the sixth level of martial arts. I didn't expect him to be so strong."


Li Xi still repeated the two words, his eyes were full of contempt.

I must have looked so good at fooling around, as my aunt still does to this day.

All kinds of things before, what is not allowed to take the college entrance examination, to help take care of, and so on.

Pooh! They're all playing tricks!

My insidious aunt, you have been seen through by me!

Yang Qiushui felt powerless all of a sudden. She had encountered this situation many times recently. It was as if her girlfriends, relatives and friends in the past had been brainwashed, no matter how she explained it, she would not believe it.



Li Xi screamed,

Touching his forehead, he looked at her with teary eyes.

"It's much better this way, it's yin and yang."

Yang Qiushui withdrew his hand and said with satisfaction that the depression of the past few days has been swept away, and he feels at ease.

Click, click!

When the two women were fighting, the sound of eggshells cracking suddenly sounded in their ears, and they quickly looked at Qiqi to the center of the boudoir.

A half-person-high blue eggshell was erected here, and many cotton gauze cushions were carefully placed around it to surround it, prevent it from breaking, and keep it warm.

Although this blue dome doesn't need it.

At this time, a small crack appeared on the surface of the blue glazed egg, which quickly enlarged into a dense spider web, spreading all over the eggshell.


After the crack extended to the limit, it burst into blue light spots all over the sky, and slowly disappeared.

The two girls opened their eyes wide, and ran towards the blue spot of light, the curiosity in their eyes grew stronger.

Amidst the blue aura that filled the sky, a black-clothed boy curled up like a fetus appeared. He had an ordinary face, with his hands on the hilt of his sword, and he looked no different from any boy on the side of the road. 113

His cultivation base is at the peak of a martial artist, and his limbs are sound, comparable to the current Li Xi.

"Little Zhao Shi, how do you feel? Is there any problem with your body?"

Zhao Shi opened his eyes, and what he saw were two beautiful faces, one big and one small. If he wasn't worried about hurting him, he might have been sent in by now to check.

"Teacher, if possible, please don't add a word 'small' in front of my name, because others will laugh at me."

He said something, but he knew in advance that it was useless, so he stretched out his hand.

"Little Zhao Shi is so good!"

Ignoring Zhao Shi's protest, Yang Qiushui patted his head, then grabbed his hand, and poured his true energy into every place carefully.

After this investigation, she immediately discovered a huge change.

The dark wounds in Zhao Shi's body in the past have all disappeared now, and every cell exudes the vitality of life, and the potential is far different from before.

The same goes for the meridians, which are stronger and wider, and the power of qi and blood flowing inside is pure and full of vitality, and it has a refreshing and sharp taste.

This is the level where he has practiced the mysterious-level kung fu "Qingfeng Jianyuan Kungfu" to the point where he can fully adapt it to himself.

The power of Qi and blood at the peak of the warrior is just around the corner, as if at any time a trace of true energy can be born from the power of Qi and blood condensed to the extreme, becoming an innate warrior, and officially embarking on the first step of martial arts transcendence.

And not only that, the sharpness of his whole body is even stronger, and he will break through with the breakthrough of the realm at any time.

An innate warrior who comprehends the meaning of the sword is about to appear!

"It's good that you recover."

Yang Qiushui breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a trace of sadness.

Zhao Shi's talent is far beyond her expectations. At present, it seems that there are almost no problems in the innate realm, true energy realm, and flying sky realm. He is the real king's seed, and he is not forcibly promoted by relying on the sea blue inheritance.

In that case, a mere mysterious-level exercise "Qingfengjianyuangong" would not be worthy of him.

The King Seed, the King Seed, is just a young seed after all, and it is impossible to grow if it is not given enough sunlight and rain to cultivate it.

There is another problem. The Federation does not allow anyone who is not from a family to break through the Divine Bridge Realm to become a king, and the exercises of the Flying Sky Realm and the Divine Bridge Realm are strictly blocked to civilian warriors. They must pass many harsh conditions before they can be awarded .

All these are to constantly wear down the potential of civilian warriors, so that they will never be able to shake the rule of the family, and be the lambs of the family from generation to generation.

"Let's leave Chulan and go to Huolingxing!"

After pondering for a long time, Yang Qiushui suddenly made up his mind and said solemnly.


"Your college entrance examination results have come out." Facing Zhao Shi's puzzled eyes, Yang Qiushui patiently explained: "You ranked 128th in the entire federal college entrance examination, which is the top result, because you don't have any extra points from your family. .”

"You can theoretically choose all federal mech universities, and they will accept you, including Chulan Mecha University."

"However, as a civilian, no matter how good your grades are, they will put you in the department that trains soldier-level mecha masters. All the courses are about how to better obey orders and follow the orders of superiors."

"They won't tell you how to become a lieutenant-level mecha master, a school-level mecha master, a flying-level warrior, or a divine bridge-level warrior, and they won't provide you with any resources beyond the soldier level."

"Will the Fire Spirit Star be different?" Zhao Shi asked.


Yang Qiushui said fortunately: "The Lava King is vigorously promoting his reform plan. Among the civilian warriors, the talented ones can get extra points to be admitted to Huoling Jijia University. From the system, they will treat noble families and ordinary students equally."

"I think there may be stubborn people who will obstruct it, but on Huolingxing, where a king sits in person, the rules on the surface should not be violated, because this is provoking a king."

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