The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 953 Father and Son

Chulanjing, Jing'an Community.

It's an unremarkable place, and most of the people living in it are middle-class civilians. They have enough pensions, but that's it, and they can't be said to be rich from any angle.

The pavilions in the community park are places with beautiful scenery. Many retired elderly and children like to chat here after shopping and cooking.

"Let me tell you, my son is a rare genius in the world. He is the first in the federal college entrance examination. In the future, he will definitely become a big shot stronger than a soldier-level mecha master or a lieutenant-level mecha master!"

"My old Zhao family's breed is extraordinary. I think my grandfather was also a genius back then, and he was often the number one scholar in our place. Unfortunately, he was unlucky later."

In the corner of the gazebo, a strong black man in his forties was spitting and talking, and everyone around him looked amused.

"Old Zhao, stop bragging, our ears are calloused."

The old man next to him was only forty-five or six-year-old, but he looked astonishingly old, as if he had stepped into the grave, he laughed and said: "Those big people are all descendants of aristocratic families, and the worst is also a collateral branch of the aristocratic family, you ordinary old ghost is dreaming!" ?”

"Come on, old Liu, people have to have something to look forward to."

The people around burst into laughter.

But having said that, they also knew that the old Zhao family should have a son who was admitted to the Mecha University, otherwise how could he, a coolie in a small town, live with people from the capital like them.

Many people are envious and envious, and have been admitted to the Mecha University, which means that they will definitely be able to become officials in the future. If they can truly become a soldier-level mecha master, they can also hide their family members and let them live to be a hundred years old.

This is more important than money!

But they are from the capital, so they are naturally different from those uneducated people in the countryside. Whenever they hear this old man bragging, they will give him a lot of praise.


Zhao Dali's face turned red, and he felt that he had been greatly insulted because he was not bragging.

He used his parental authority to check Zhao Shi's high school grades, how high was he ranked?

One hundred and twenty eight!

What is this concept?

Mayor of Dongyuan City,

The biggest person he had ever met was a senior official who was ranked above 100,000 back then, and he was also ranked above 5,000, and there was no one who was below 5,000.

Only adults in the federal parliament are ranked in the hundreds or so, which is very common.

In his mind, since his son ranked so high in the college entrance examination, wouldn't it be more than enough to be a high-ranking official in the future?

"Let you see my son's college entrance examination results this time, and open your eyes!"

Fortunately, Zhao Dali was prepared for these people's ignorance, and proudly took out a carefully folded report card from his arms.

"Hey, just laugh, my master is no longer at the same level as you."

Seeing his confident appearance, the people around were suddenly in doubt. Is it really possible what Old Zhao said?

"Keep your eyes open! Look at how many names this is!"

Zhao Dali spread out the special report card of the federal college entrance examination without any counterfeit in his hand, and held it up high, like a rooster king looking down on all directions.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew, with a little bit of rain, and blew this college entrance examination report card into dust.

This is very miraculous and frightening, but Zhao Dali has been completely drifting for a while, and immediately looked in the direction of the wind angrily: "It's that turtle grandson who is messing with your uncle Zhao..."

The conversation stopped abruptly in the middle.

He saw a boy in black with a long sword in a blue sheath.

The appearance is ordinary, still the same as before, without any change.

But his eyes are as deep as the sea, and his whole body exudes a slightly cold and quiet aura. As soon as he appears, everyone within a 100-meter radius instinctively quiets down. He has a strong sense of presence, and he is naturally the center of everyone.

"This man... is Lao Zhao's son?"

The old man and children who were watching were shocked, and instantly felt that Zhao Dali's words could be believed.

This young man looked very strong at first glance, completely different from the young men of his own age, and even different from the leaders he had seen.

"Haha, that's right...this is my son."

Zhao Dali gave a dry laugh. He didn't have the surprise and forgetfulness of the reunion of other fathers and sons after a long absence. Instead, he seemed very reserved and walked towards the boy in black.

When he got closer, he realized that there were two beauties, one big and one small, more than ten meters away from Zhao Shi. They were looking at him curiously, but they didn't approach him.

Zhao Dali came in front of Zhao Shi and said with an apologetic smile, "Xiaoshi, why don't you tell me why you're here, so I can make a meal and wait for you."

"No need, it's too troublesome."

Zhao Shi felt very interesting, this is an emotion he has never experienced before.

It wasn't because Zhao Dali was so cautious when he came, but because even if little Zhao Shi was still there, Zhao Dali would behave like this after he gained a status beyond his class.

Generally speaking, it is the feeling that the ruler in a family is now reduced to the ruled. There is love in it, but it is more mixed with this relationship.

This is one cause and one effect.

If Zhao Dali hadn't been so cruel to little Zhao Shi in the past, no matter what achievements he has made, he would not be so restrained today.

"You look fine, shall we go?"

Zhao Shi stretched out his hand to invite.

The two walked side by side into a small garden.

"How do you feel about life here, is there anything you can improve?"

"No no!"

Zhao Dali waved his hands again and again: "Life here is like heaven. You don't have to work, you eat well, you live well, there's nothing wrong with it."

"It's just..." He hesitated for a moment: "I feel very lonely. My friends in Dongyuan City didn't come with me, and I didn't have anyone to talk to. I can't chat with people here."

Zhao Shi said lightly: "Just get used to it slowly, people always have to change."

"Also... also."

Zhao Dali opened his mouth, as if he also felt that he was in the blessing and didn't know the blessing, which was really wrong.

This scene felt familiar again.

"In the future, it's best not to show off my college entrance examination results, and it's best not to mention my name, because I got this kind of college entrance examination results by killing many aristocratic children."


Zhao Dali exclaimed, and his body trembled. As a member of the Federation, he knew what it meant to be a child of an aristocratic family.

"Don't worry, this matter is temporarily resolved, as long as you keep a low profile, safety is not a problem."

Zhao Shi's words exuded strong self-confidence, which made Zhao Dali, who was panicked, slowly relieved.

He saw Zhao Shi grow from a weak person to a strong one with his own eyes, and he had strong to foolish confidence in him.

The two reluctantly chatted about some homework, and then remained relatively silent.

They have never understood each other's hearts, and they really don't know how to get along well, and they are not interested in it.

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