After a long silence, Zhao Shi spoke again.

"I'm going to Huolingxing to go to college. The journey is far away. I won't be back for a long time in the future. You have to take care of your health."

"Fire Spirit Star? Why not Chulan Jijia University?"

Suddenly a strong panic rose in Zhao Dali's heart. He had a premonition and said eagerly: "Everything is fine when you get out of the blue. Can you not leave and stay in Chulan?"

Zhao Shi shook his head.

He was still as taciturn as he was when he was about to be beaten when he was young, but now he looks as firm as gold and stone, and no one can shake him.

The inexplicably rising anger in Zhao Dali's heart disappeared without a trace as if being poured by a basin of cold water.

"I wish you good health."

Zhao Shi bowed slightly and walked towards the gate of the community.

"do not go."

Zhao Dali didn't dare to stop him, his eyes suddenly became sore, tears flowed down uncontrollably, and he said in a crying voice: "You are gone, what should I do? I only have you as my relative, my parents and wife are gone, there is nothing wrong relative."

He is now like a helpless child.

Zhao Shi paused, turned around, his face was extremely calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

"You think too much, I'm just going out for a long time."

Zhao Shi said gently: "However, I also have some suggestions."

"You're going to have a fortune that's huge for the middle class, and you can use it as you like."

"My suggestion is that you pack up and dress yourself well, and find a woman who you love and loves you. If you can't find it, you don't have love, and you can live a good life."

Zhao Dali was shocked and waved his hands again and again.

"You don't need to underestimate yourself. You are only forty years old now, and your life expectancy is less than half. You are in the prime of life. Unlike ordinary people, there will definitely be girls who like you because of wealth or soul. It's the same , after all, wealth is earned through your hard work."

"If you have suffered any injustice or been oppressed, I will solve it for you."

Zhao Shi said seriously: "But there is one thing you need to keep in mind, you are not allowed to do anything illegal to harm others in your future life.

If it is true, I will not pay any attention to it. I will be punished according to the law, be imprisoned if it is necessary, and be sentenced to death if it is necessary. "

His last words made Zhao Dali feel cold.

He can fully feel the strangeness of his son in front of him. He has no feelings for him, but simply compensates himself for raising him with food, which is worthy of his own heart.

If he was really sentenced to death for a crime, he really wouldn't care about it, even if he was capable.

"I wish you good health and happiness."

Zhao Shi leaned back again, and left here without looking back. There were still some words from Zhao Dali behind him, but he could no longer stop his footsteps.

After meeting the two women, he walked into an opened royal blue suspension car, and left the community surrounded by groups of guards.

After Yang Qiushui became the true seed of the Yang family, her security force was strengthened again. Among the more than 60 people around her, there appeared more than 20 Flying Heaven Realm fighters. They were well-trained, and most of them were collateral descendants of the Yang family.

Not only that, as long as she stays inside the 13-star Federation, she can use the name of the real Yang family to ask for help at any time. The general-level family must rescue immediately after receiving the request without delay, and the handsome-level family also has the duty to rescue.

Of course, the Yang family's thank you afterwards is also necessary, so you can only call for help when you are sure of danger, and you can't use it at will.

All these things have ensured the safety of the Yang family's real species, and there will be no end to generations of strong ones.

However, this does not mean that the real species will not be in any danger from now on, and they can sit back and relax.

Instead, it could be a lot.

Because as the true seed of the Yang family, the elders of the family will give her more experience while giving her the best resources and cultivation conditions. Between the major families and the hostile forces, let them grow up in the battle.

The only difference is that this kind of experience is controllable, and there will be no sudden emergence of a warrior at the bridge level.

Or a passing general-level mecha master casually shot the little geniuses to death.

"Zhao Dali looks very sad...Little Zhao Shi, can you forgive him a little bit?"

Yang Qiushui's eyes turned red from crying as he looked into the distance. Zhao Dali, who had been staring at the levitation car frequently, dissipated the old resentment towards him, and a little intolerance arose.

Li Xi nodded in agreement, feeling that this person was indeed an evil and cold-blooded bastard.

"No, teacher, without going through those days, you can't know the pain in my heart."

Zhao Shi, who was practicing with his eyes closed, did not open his eyes, and said lightly: "And his feeling of reluctance and sadness won't last long. When he remarries his wife and gives birth to a new child, he will soon devote himself into a new family."

"At that time, if I showed a slight dislike for his newborn child or his new wife, which side do you think he would stand on? Eliminate the interference factors of power."

"He is such a person who cannot control his instinctive emotions. He is driven by all kinds of emotions in the world. He has been entangled in the house, car, and other people's respect or despise all his life. He will change at any time due to changes in the environment without any determination. Feelings."

"Then we don't care about him!"

Yang Qiuguo broke his words, and lost any sympathy for Zhao Dali in an instant.

After all, this sympathy is also because of Zhao Shi, which is nothing compared to Zhao Shi's own feelings.

After flying smoothly for more than 30 minutes, the suspension vehicle surrounded by layers of guards came to an extremely huge super-giant mechanical body.

Consisting of densely packed various metal machines, the sky is a huge circle of deep blue vortexes, from time to time there are warships that look like cities, and the tremors and fluctuations of space can be seen everywhere.

Mecha masters, which were rare to see in the past, appear here in groups, coming and going, flying sky-level warriors are not uncommon, and Shenqiao-level warriors can occasionally be seen, and the energy and supplies of the entire planet are circulated here.

Zhao Shi showed shock on his face.

Yang Qiushui explained: "Xiao Zhaoshi, this is the Chulan Interstellar International Airport, we took flight KQ352, which is a star warship, this time it was specially dispatched to transport the college entrance examination students of the aristocratic family who wanted to go to Huolingxin. "

"Zhao Shi, you don't know?"

Li Xi said flauntingly: "According to the internal division of the federation, the combat capability of a star-level warship can be compared to that of a warrior in the Shenqiao realm."

She put her hands on her chest, her eyes showed yearning, and she was full of expectations for the upcoming college life.

A group of three people walked into the interstellar airport surrounded by guards, and passed through the ticket and security checks normally. Everyone was used to it, and they didn't seem to be outside.

In this kind of interplanetary level airport, their privileges are greatly weakened.

Soon, a battleship with a radius of eight kilometers and a drop-shaped appearance appeared in front of them like a huge sky whale, exuding a heavy coercion.

There are already people boarding the plane one after another, all of them are descendants of aristocratic families, and many of them are old acquaintances of the Sea Blue Secret Realm.

As soon as the three of them arrived at this time, everyone looked at the three of them in unison, with all kinds of eyes, curiosity, doubt, envy, but most of them were killing intent and hatred.

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