The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 959 Fragile Soul

Zhao Shi's expression was complicated, and he didn't respond.

Why can't people be simple, mutually beneficial, and cooperate with each other. If you give me a point, I will give you a point. No one owes anyone else?

I can't.

Because I am too weak to be completely independent and free in my soul, I need the care and support of others, and everyone is like this.

Zhao Shi thought lightly in his heart.

Even though he is as ruthless as him, he has practiced uninterruptedly for seven hundred years, and his desire for longevity has never weakened. The source of this firm belief is to rely on the companionship of his surrounding partners to spend together.

If he had been alone for seven hundred years, had no one to talk to, no fellow Taoists to communicate with, he would probably be crazy now.

The soul and body can rely on immortality, but if a person feels that there is no hope in life, no matter how powerful the mana is, it cannot be saved.

"I hope you survive and live happily in the future, and don't think about revenge. The Federation and the Xiewu Empire are old enemies. It is normal for anyone to die at the hands of the other. There is no hatred."

Yang Qiushui's tears flowed like a fountain, but she had a smile on her face. Under her control, the ground under Zhao Shi's feet shrunk to form an escape cabin made of metal plates, which were rapidly closing to form a metal ball.

Zhao Shi said silently, "Teacher, I will."

Maybe this is the best way?

The Federation is too harsh on civilians from the bottom. The Xiewu Empire may be a brand new start, because their organizational structure seems to be composed of large and small sects. There is no so-called empire at all, and it is completely imposed by the Federation. names on them.

This chaotic and competitive order is just right for the rise of a peerless swordsman genius.

His expression was cold, in stark contrast to Yang Qiushui's violent mood swings.

"Untouchable! Damned bastard!"

Li Xi, who was extremely terrified, screamed with a broken face: "I knew that untouchables cannot be trusted. Even if they have some qualifications, the elders of the family are not wrong! Auntie, kill her quickly and let him be buried with us!"

She even wanted to get into the slowly closing escape cabin, but was gently pulled into his arms by Yang Qiushui, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth and fell on her shoulder.

Yang Qiushui reassured: "It's good that you are obedient."

Click! crunch!

The slowly closed escape pod paused, rattled for a moment, and then came to a complete standstill, with puffs of green smoke rising from it.

There was an unknown glitch that some hoped for, and it wouldn't boot.

"Hahaha... woo woo woo..."

Li Xi laughed out loud at first, and then wept again, tears and snot mixed together on her face, like a little cat.


Panicked, Yang Qiushui flicked his fingers quickly in the cockpit, but nothing changed.

Between breaths, through the observation window, she had already seen the giant's ferocious mouth, pale and sharp teeth, and smelled a stench of rotting corpses and strong acid from the tip of her nose, which made people sick.

"Senior Bone, Senior Bone! This man is a swordsman genius. If you bring him back, he will definitely revitalize your sect! He is a commoner, and he will never turn his heart to the Federation..."

Yang Qiushui begged anxiously, the voice transmitted through the mecha, like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

Zhao Shi pulled her close at hand, and said softly: "Teacher, there is no need to be like this. Your dignity is very precious, and it is lucky to die with you."

Yang Qiushui ignored it, still begging, hoarse.

Outside, the bone giant is striding forward towards the fleeing school officer's mech, and a huge bone column of hundreds of meters is slowly condensed in its hand, with black inscriptions wrapped around it, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

There was a hint of sarcasm in his highly concentrated eyes.

A martial artist in the Divine Bridge Realm is powerful, not only in strength, but also in all aspects. He knows every bit of everything around him like the back of his hand.

A kendo genius who possesses the rudimentary form of sword intent at the peak of a warrior, is very precious, the real king's seed.

But not worth cultivating.

Because of a genius, the most important thing is not talent, but reliability, otherwise the sect has worked so hard to train him, what if he turned back and wiped out the sect?

This kind of suspicious talent, the higher the talent, the more dangerous it is, it is best to die.

"Chop Suey, you and your mecha spine will be integrated into the bone stick!"

The bone giant grinned, Bu Daozhen, who was hundreds of meters high, jumped up high, and smashed the officer's mecha crazily fleeing in front with a stick, shattering layers of space along the way, revealing dark cracks.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to use a mysterious-level exercise..."

The school officer mecha master in front of him looked desperate. The enemy in front of him was able to 1v2 in his peak state, but how could he be against him now that he was seriously injured?

Even if he blocked one or two moves and delayed his escape, how would he survive if he was chased and killed by the people behind?

Federation, is there a future?

"Mysterious-level skills? Huh, I don't dare to practice your mysterious-level weak chicken skills, and the earth-level skills are almost the same!"

The bone giant sneered, and the huge bone pillar in his hand accelerated again, and a pressure as heavy as molten iron descended on the surroundings, blocking and restricting the escape of the mecha in front of it.

Earth-level exercises?

This is impossible, that is a skill that can be cultivated to the king's level, how could he have it?

"Xiewu Bazaar, if you dare to stop me, then we will die together!"

The school officer mecha master was frightened and gritted his teeth. The whole body of the martial arts mecha hundreds of meters away was roaring and running, burning everything without hesitation, mobilizing all the power and slashing forward madly with a condensed snow-bright sword light.

The bone giant on the opposite side didn't retreat in the slightest because of his crazy self-destruction. The giant column of bones became more calm after the bombardment, and the bone spikes on his body turned into solid thick scales, and he was ready for all defenses.


Where the giant pillar of white bones meets the light of Xueliang Dao, there are space cracks forming fine and dense spider webs. The light of Xueliang knife is unparalleled in sharpness. One after another large pits were corroded on the surface of the giant pillar of white bones.

There are victories, but they can't really kill the core.

The school officer's mecha master was cold-hearted, knowing that his strength was greatly depleted, even if he tried his best, he would not be the opponent's opponent.


The Bone Giant, who had the upper hand in one blow, grinned, and the hundreds of meters long Bone Pillar changed from a vertical split to a sweep, smashing towards the sluggish school officer with cracks in space.

At this time, it was also the time when a white bone claw came with the prey and was about to send it into the mouth.

The way to take death is here.

Suddenly, the Bone Giant's eyes blurred, and a misty red mist appeared, and a faint red sword light swept across his soul, and disappeared.

"No! Senior! My servant..."

The bone giant who was about to smash the school officer mech master into a mass of flesh and blood froze, yelled something in horror, spit out a few words, and his soul died instantly.

There are no wounds on the whole body, but no soul substance can be found, which is no different from an exquisite figure.

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