The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 960: Fire Spirit Mecha University

The school officer mech master burst into tears of joy.

Even though the senior might just leave with a single blow, he knelt down immediately: "Thank you senior, Yang Wu, I will never forget my kindness and virtue."

Although the words in his mouth were on his knees, his speed didn't slow down in any way, and he didn't dare to search for any spoils, and fled far away at a faster speed.

"Old Wu family! Help!"

"We are the true species of the family, please take us with you, our parents will never forget your kindness!"

Two excited shouts came from the place next to the bone giant below, but they didn't stop his footsteps.

Just kidding, how dangerous the current situation is, he doesn't have much hope of saving his own life, how can he find the time to save the two juniors, no matter how true the family is.

Yang Qiushui and the others immediately despaired and struggled to get out of the damaged mech cabin.

Their situation is very bad. The Bone Giant was flying thousands of meters above the sky. At this time, as his dead body fell to the ground, the bitter wind blew them upside down, and they might fall to the ground at any time and be thrown into pieces. Bolognese.

In comparison, Yang Lanjiang is better. She is a flying-level fighter and has the ability to fly, but after losing her mecha, her combat power is only average among flying-level fighters, that is, she can live for a while longer.


Yang Wu's footsteps suddenly stopped after hundreds of meters away, and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat.

He thought that there were more than a hundred warriors in the Shenqiao Realm who had encountered accidents on this battlefield, but why was he the only one who got rescued?

Only the true species of the King Realm, even if it is only a small budding seed, will attract the attention of the King who is struggling on the inevitable and equally cruel King's Battlefield, and will lend a helping hand.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a simple warrior in the Shenqiao realm is a powerful figure, but in the eyes of a king, they are just ants on the side of the road, and it is absolutely impossible to take risks to rescue them.

But now, he was so arrogant that he wanted to leave the two true kings behind!

Thinking of what would happen after returning to the family, Yang Wu shuddered, and hurried back to the bone giant that kept falling, and picked up a few of them.

"Thank you, old Wu family!"

Yang Qiushui and Yang Lan saluted together, their faces full of gratitude.

"There's a pariah?"

Yang Wu waved his hand, and when he saw Zhao Shi, he frowned slightly, wanting to throw him away.

In this cruel and treacherous battlefield, even the slightest bit of burden would arouse his great disgust, let alone a pariah, even Yang Xi who was on the side, if it came to a critical moment, he would throw it away mercilessly.

"The Wu family doesn't want it!"

Yang Qiushui, who is extremely sensitive to his surroundings, instantly noticed his actions, and hugged Zhao Shi tightly: "He is a genius of swordsmanship, a super genius whose talent is far stronger than mine. An important force of the Federation."

She hugged Zhao Shi very tightly, entangled Zhao Shi like an octopus, even if they could be separated, it would seriously hurt her.

Li Xi had a small face of indignation, but said nothing.

"Then let's go."

Yang Wu took a look. Although he was disdainful of the so-called talent of a commoner in his heart, he was unwilling to waste any more time at this moment, and his true energy formed a network to envelop several people, and fled quickly to the distance.

Behind them, the battle between the Federation and the Xiewu army had already been decided, and all the federal soldiers who were still fighting were killed. Knowing that there would be no good end, a large number of people still dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Not for anything else, just want to live longer.

Xie Wu's army recuperated for a while, and then flew to a higher place together, like a black cloud with evil spirit, covering all the light in the sky.

Yang Wu, who was on his way quickly, felt a sinking heart: "They are going to the battlefield of the ancestors."

A legion can't fight against a powerful individual, especially a warrior who is not good at legion formations and whose true energy is far less active than mana.

But it will be different if there are warriors of the same level at the side,

For a king-level warrior surrounded by a large army, this is more terrifying than being besieged by several people of the same level, and there is no way to escape.

Once the kings fail, everyone will die under the fall of Huolingxing, even the family, the Federation...

Yang Wu felt chills in his heart and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Yang Lanjiang also received a similar education, and panicked: "Old Wu family, how could it be, how could the situation of the Federation collapse to such an extent, doesn't it mean that the 13-star defense line is impenetrable?"

Yang Wu didn't answer, and hurried on his way.

How the situation tells the juniors what to do is just adding chaos out of thin air, it is better to let them spend their happy childhood and have less trouble.

However, although the situation in the past was bad, it has not reached the current level. I believe that the Federation will issue a general war mobilization order in the near future.

At that time, when the background accumulated by the major families for countless years is exhausted, there may still be a chance.

Maybe it was luck, maybe something else, they didn't encounter any danger in the next journey.

Otherwise, a seriously injured Shenqiao-level fighter plus a few juniors will die instantly when they encounter any Shenqiao-level warrior from the Evil Martial Empire.

Along the way, the concentration of spiritual energy became higher and higher, and soon, Yang Wu led several people to land in a beautiful and magnificent campus, where purple maple trees were planted everywhere, and the leaves were fiery red jade color, as if falling into a sea of ​​flames .

It's just that there are very few people, deserted, and no one has been seen for a long time, like a ghost town.

Yang Wu hurriedly said: "You take a look around first, get familiar with the future campus, I will arrange someone to receive you."

After speaking, he immediately turned into a black dot and rushed towards the center of the campus.

The federal army was defeated, and even the battlefield of kings was in jeopardy. It was hard to say whether Huolingxing would belong to the federation in the future, let alone Huolingjijia University.

After he left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they are elders, the occasional coercion exuded by warriors in the Divine Bridge Realm is too terrifying for low-level warriors, making their nerves tense all the time.


Zhao Shi coughed out a mouthful of blood, and his normal face instantly turned extremely pale. It seemed that he was seriously injured in the attack of the bone giant just now, and he was just trying to endure it.

"How are you?"

Yang Qiushui looked nervous, and quickly took Zhao Shi's hand, poured his true energy into it, and carefully probed inside.

It took a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief. It was just some minor injuries, and it would be fine with a little self-cultivation.

"Hmph, it's okay for some people to be cold-blooded, and it's still so useless, that is, my aunt is so stupid, otherwise..." Li Xi mocked, very dissatisfied with Zhao Shi.


Just after taunting her, she suffered a blow to the head.

Yang Qiushui reprimanded: "Little Zhao Shi didn't do anything wrong just now, don't act like a nasty little villain."

Li Xi looked at her with teary eyes and stopped talking.

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