The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 961: Upheaval

Zhao Shi didn't speak, a ray of consciousness sank into his body.

All he saw was blood, minced meat, and broken bones. Except for a layer of skin, no part of his body was complete. It was all crushed and distorted. Even the most important meridians of a cultivator were as transparent as thin paper.

He is still a living person now, relying entirely on his spiritual consciousness to maintain the structure of the body with mana beyond the level of control of the gods, so that he will not immediately turn from a living person into a mass of flesh and blood.

Warriors in the Divine Bridge Realm are nothing, they can be killed with a ray of divine consciousness.

But the body was too weak, and it was extremely difficult to bear even a ray of consciousness, and he almost died.

Instinctively, Zhao Shi found Yang Qiushui, stuck to her body, his body was limp, and he fell into a drowsy sleep.

A faint exclamation came from his ear, but Zhao Shi had no time to pay attention to him, the body's strong self-protection program had already started.

The drowsy sleep lasted for seven days before Zhao Shi began to wake up.

In front of me is a pink-style room, spacious and bright, with a tangy floral fragrance at the tip of the nose, through the window you can see the garden under the sun.

The index of spiritual energy concentration has not changed, it is still in Huoling Jijia University.

"How about it, did you cover it for me?"

Zhao Shi got up from the bed, stared at the scenery outside the window in his pajamas, and asked in his heart.

Before he fell into a coma, he would ask Shi Longlong to cover up his serious injury, so as not to worry Yang Qiushui. It is also a strange point that he survived such a serious injury.

"It's okay, it's okay, even if you don't cover it up, that little girl won't suspect anything." Shi Longlong emerged from between Zhao Shi's eyebrows, and yawned, as if he was sleeping soundly.

Her appearance is a method of the cultivator who crosses the catastrophe. In this world, as long as she doesn't want to, she doesn't worry that anyone will see her.

"But... I'm curious."

Shi Longlong danced around Zhao Shi, full of doubts: "You look very ordinary, your personality is also very bad, and you are acting in your true colors. It's fine if someone can stand you, but there are still people who like you?"

"My God, this world is so crazy, anything can happen."


Zhao Shi said lightly: "Yang Qiushui and I just have a simple teacher-student relationship, but the relationship is too strong. Not every man and woman will germinate love when they are together. You, a little girl who was born less than a hundred years ago, will not. got it."


Zhao Shi ignored her, and quietly felt the ubiquitous tremors in the air, as well as the constant vibrations of spiritual energy coming from far away.

Yes, the shock from the battle that happened hundreds of thousands of miles away was there seven days ago, and it's still there now.

'It's a battle at the God Transformation level...and there are a lot of God Transformation cultivators, about 50 people on both sides...but no battle at the Void Refining Level has been found, maybe it hasn't happened yet, or maybe I can't observe it. '

'Will they decide the final winner? If so, how should I deal with myself...'

"I can't intervene in the refining-level battlefield now, but wait another four hundred years, at most five hundred years, and when the refining project is completed, the status of the overlord of the same level as the immortal cultivator will be revealed."

While thinking about these things, there were hurried footsteps outside the door, and the door was gently pushed open, revealing Yang Qiushui's joyful face.

"Zhao Shi, are you awake? Yang Lanjiang said that your prototype of sword intent is too sensitive, and the pressure you feel is too heavy. You can recover with more rest."

Seemingly taking care of the sick, she finally remembered what Zhao Shi had emphasized several times not to add a small word in front of his name.

"Yes, teacher."

Zhao Shi nodded lightly, picked up the clothes around him and put them on, exactly the same as in the previous taciturn state.


Yang Qiushui's face turned red, she was inexplicably ashamed and angry, she realized that she had entered a man's room, and she was still watching him get dressed.

Damn it, obviously this little guy didn't feel this way when he was in a coma, even if he helped him change his clothes, he didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.


Zhao Shi looked at the slender hand hitting his forehead expressionlessly: "The reason this time?"

"You dare to put on clothes in front of me!" Yang Qiushui said confidently, "You are teasing me, and you deserve it."

"Okay, teacher, you are right." Zhao Shi sighed, this woman is used to teaching herself from time to time, and she can't change it.

"That's good."

Only then was Yang Qiushui satisfied, and turned the topic back to the business, with a hint of worry on his face: "In the past few days, Xiaoxi and I have visited Huolingjijia University and visited several senior teachers who are still staying at the school."


"It's not very good. Now the channel back to Chulanxing is blocked. We can only wait for the result of the battle of the king of the sky. If we win or draw, even a small defeat is fine. Maybe we can spend our days safely." In a hundred years of life, the final war will not break out."

"But if the King's Battlefield is defeated..."

Yang Qiushui's expression was heavy.

If it is defeated, the entire Huolingxing will be reduced to the slaves of the various sects of the Xiewu Empire, and it is better to die.

Zhao Shi comforted: "Teacher, don't worry, I will protect you."


Yang Qiushui laughed, but when he saw Zhao Shi's dissatisfied gaze, he immediately changed his words, patted his head and praised: "Little Zhao Shi is so powerful, he will definitely be able to protect the teacher well in the future."

"This is not a joke!"

Zhao Shi gave Yang Qiushui a blank look, and threw her hand away.

In the future, at most five hundred years, when the army of the blood sea comes to the world of martial arts mechs, the rule of the family will be overthrown.

I will protect you, but your family is against my way and must be destroyed.

Even your mother, that cold, evil woman, might serve time for a crime, because the law doesn't allow favoritism.

By that time, will you hate me?

"Also, Xiaoxi has been hooking up with Yang Lanjiang recently, and she refuses to stay by my side honestly..."

Yang Qiushui continued to babble about her experiences during this time beside Zhao Shi. If she didn't want to maintain the majesty of her teacher, she would always talk a lot.

"Could she be angry?"

"No, I've been doing this to her since she was a child, and she's used to it."

Zhao Shi was speechless for a moment. Just as he was about to say something more, his eyes suddenly froze.

Through the window, the scorching sun in the sky suddenly shrinks, changing from big to small. The sun that has been shining on the whole world for hundreds of millions of years has lost its light and heat under the influence of unknown forces, and an unimaginably huge amount of energy has been concentrated .

The sky dimmed rapidly, and instantly changed from noon to a night that was darker than the early morning. The sun, stars, and all light in the sky disappeared.

A terrifying aura that made all creatures in the world tremble, including Zhao Shi, permeated the air, and all the soul instincts in the whole body were crazily warning.


The doomsday of destroying the world has come, run away and spread your genes!

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