The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 962 Planetary Railgun

Refining virtual level attack, and it is a very powerful refining virtual level attack!

Trembling in Zhao Shi's heart, he instinctively stepped forward, hugging Yang Qiushui with both hands, and his whole body's mana surged wildly.

Now he can kill Nascent Soul at the cost of serious injuries, and if he can exert 50% of his strength at the cost of his entire body, he can transfer her to a safe place at any time even in extreme situations.

Yang Qiushui thought that he was frightened, and the panic in his heart dissipated for some reason. He touched his head and said softly: "Little Zhao Shi, we will be fine. This is one of the ultimate weapons of the Federation, the Planetary Railgun. When the country was founded, there was a record of killing warriors in the powerful realm."

"The enemies will disappear, the Federation will restore peace, and little Zhao Shi will be able to finish his studies safely."

Zhao Shi rolled his eyes, he endured this crisis all the time.

The trembling of the soul reached its peak at this time.

Looking up, a ray of scorching star rays condensed to the extreme appeared in the sky, and instantly crossed a straight trace, silently shining on a dark object.


The black energy and the star's brilliant and hot pure gold energy clashed and annihilated each other, and the scattered light allowed people to see the target of the Federation's ultimate weapon attack.

The white bones, the endless white bones, are not a person or an animal, but a small planet made of pure white bones, the size of the moon, and a thick and cold black mist shrouds it, which does not melt all year round.

Martial arts practitioners do not have the rules and domains of immortal cultivators, only their so-called human body treasures. They constantly develop their own bodies, and in the end their own bodies become a whole world!

At this time, a beam of golden hot light more than a hundred kilometers in size irradiated this land where the sun was forever abandoned. The wet and cold black clouds were instantly burned without a trace, and the scorching sun shot into this land of bone bones.


In an instant, countless skeletal monsters on the ground fled in terror in all directions, but after only a few steps, they were reduced to ashes in the extremely terrifying heat.

With the golden sun beam as the center, all bone creatures and bone plants that are visible to the naked eye wailed to death, followed by the river.

Rolling and flowing on the earth, all over the mountains, rivers and swamps, it is rich in various skeleton creatures. The black river water rich in ghost energy brings vitality to this land of bones, allowing the world's ghost energy and matter to circulate.

They were not spared under the golden beam of sunlight either. The large stream of river water first transpired into black water vapor, then quickly turned into ordinary white water vapor, and finally disappeared completely.

There was a vast whisper between the sky and the earth.

"A planetary orbital gun... 100,000 years ago, it beheaded the rock bone power of the thirty-second suzerain of our sect, obliterating its spirit and making its body into a mech."

The Bone Planet moved and quickly reorganized, slowly forming a starry sky skeleton giant standing in the universe.

He raised his fist and smashed the golden beam of light shining on his chest.

It's just a simple straight punch, and the basic skills are unusually solid, but it's nothing, there are people like this everywhere among mortals.

However, this is a giant starry sky skeleton, using its own strength to punch a straight punch.


As if the ancient gods and men were pushed horizontally, the void collapsed in pieces like a huge wave, like a mirror made of glass constantly shattered, revealing the dark and unknown space inside.

This punch only contained pure power and some ghost-type energy, but for some reason it affected the space and energy.

Under this fist, the golden beam of sunlight collapsed into little golden spots of light. The beam of light continuously irradiated and was continuously shattered.

Like a real bone planet, the starry sky giant skeleton moves forward along its own orbit, constantly smashing the beam of light, and constantly approaching the source of the golden sun beam.

"Stop him!"

"Containment! Use the planetary orbital gun to obliterate its origin!"

There were several roars of anger from places that low-level warriors could not observe, and even more terrifying space shattering fluctuations from the dark universe,

Fist intent, saber intent, strength, martial arts will, and heaven's will are no longer distinguishable, they are all so majestic and indifferent.

In the end, there was still no one to stop the giant Starry Sky Skull approaching slowly and firmly. The whole body of the Bone Skull planet radiated black light, and the heavy coercion made all creatures on the ground crawl on the ground, trembling.

"Destroy, the artifact that killed the Sect Master of Rock Bone!"

The giant skeleton in the starry sky roared, the evil and cold martial arts will whispered, and all the true energy in the body like a bone and star was concentrated, turning his giant arm into a spear piercing space and blasting towards the lightless area behind the golden sun beam.

All the children of the aristocratic family who witnessed this scene were panicked and even desperate.

The civilians are different, some are equally frightened, some are happy and hateful, and some are yearning for future life.

But no matter what their thoughts are, they cannot affect the starry sky giant skeletons in the sky, nor can they affect the general trend of the world of martial arts mechs.

"The children and grandchildren of the later generations are unworthy and ashamed of their ancestors."

A sad female voice came from the void, and quickly turned into a cold voice: "Authorization is complete, self-destruct immediately."

"not good!"

The starry sky giant's majestic face became horrified, he gave up his indomitable straight punch, and frantically fled to the dark universe behind him.

But it was too late.

The cosmic void seems to be becoming extremely slow under the influence of unknown forces, and the unknown domain behind the golden sun beam that absorbs the energy of countless stars blooms like flower petals at this moment.

Instead of the rough and inefficient self-destruction that detonates the body, a pure golden faucet slowly emerges from among the countless bright golden lights, and then the second, third... until the ninth.

A typical oriental dragon shape, with antlers, fish whiskers, camel eyes, and a snake-like body. Each dragon is composed of golden energy and is as big as an asteroid.

The nine golden sun dragons are independent of each other, but they are closely connected with each other. The moment they appeared, they surrounded the frantically fleeing starry sky skeletons. Countless black and golden rays of light exploded. Previously.

"Dragon... There are extremely obvious traces of formations between each other..."

Zhao Shi glanced at Long Luoli who appeared obliquely above his head.

Needless to say, this must have been written by Patriarch Shilong. Her memory seems to be open to her, but in fact, she has concealed much of the key point. The key point is that there is no trace of forgery.

Any high-level immortal cultivator is not a pure combat professional. He must be proficient in one skill such as refining weapons, alchemy, and talisman, because the higher the level, the more he can only rely on himself, just like Zhao Shi's refining device.

The ancestor of Shilong seems to be following the path of refining weapons and formations.

Shilong smiled sheepishly: "It's none of my business, this is all done by the ancestor Shilong, you go to her."

In the midst of everyone's attention, only three days later, the battle in the sky was over, the aura and roar disappeared, and the sun returned to the earth.

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