The formation formed by the self-explosion of the planetary orbital gun dissipated slowly, revealing a black jade bone ball only a few hundred meters in size in the center.

There seemed to be a pair of eyes looking coldly at the battlefield in the sky and the land of the Federation, without stopping for a moment, it turned into a black light and disappeared in everyone's sight.

For a long time in the future, he will not appear in the eyes of both the enemy and us, until he regains the power to protect himself.

The terrifying battle fluctuations in the deepest part of the starry sky continued to stalemate for several days, and finally stopped and regained calm.

After more than ten days of observation, Zhao Shi was finally able to deduce the number of Void Refining experts in the depths of the starry sky from the leaked combat energy fluctuations.

There are three people on the Federation's side, and at least five or even six people on the Xiewu Empire's side. Even in terms of individual strength, the Federation does not have an advantage.

It is very simple to be able to maintain the current situation, that is, all the powerful fighters of the Xiewu Empire are unwilling to take risks, and would rather spend time grinding a little bit, rather than let themselves be seriously injured or even fall.

After March, the results of the war were officially notified.

In the battle of Huolingxing, the federal army severely damaged the Bone Martial Ancestor Black Bone, beheading tens of thousands of fighters from the Flying Sky Realm and hundreds of fighters from the Divine Bridge Realm. It was a pity that the enemy was cunning and took the people of the Federation as a threat to occupy the Fire Spirit In the Western Hemisphere, the federal commander had no choice but to temporarily compromise because he was concerned about the lives of the people.

Waiting for the federal army to finish repairing in the future, when it sets off again, it will definitely be able to plow the courtyard and sweep the caves, wipe out the evil warriors of the Xiewu Empire in one fell swoop, and return my fire spirit star to the sky.

All the people of the Federation are united and working together, we will surely be able to...

The confident and energetic announcement allowed the young family members to regain their shattered self-confidence and relieve themselves from pessimistic emotions.

However, a sense of panic permeated the upper echelons of the Federation family. Recently, they have frequently sent envoys to the holy lands of the various sects of the Xiewu Empire, hoping to seek peace, and even willing to give up the title of Federation and change their name to Zongmen.

Naturally, these superficial things cannot satisfy the major sects of the Xiewu Empire.

What they need is very simple, the core mecha manufacturing method, the earth-level and heaven-level skills that can be cultivated to the king state and the powerful state, and most of the martial arts resources mastered by the major families.

Not a part, but the vast majority. The Xiewu Empire's battle against the Federation has been protracted, with countless sacrifices and huge internal grievances. It must swallow the entire Federation to alleviate it.

simply put,

The federal family must perish, and complete demise is the condition that the Xiewu Empire can accept.

Of course, it is also possible for a small number to accept one or two general-level families, or at most one handsome-level family to join the martial arts sect as a whole, it depends on the merits established.

The meaning of contempt and alienation is not concealed.

After many negotiations, the families of the Federation cooled down and began to prepare for the battle with all their strength.

Thanks to the situation, Lava King's reforms have gained more people's support, and the shackles on the common people in the entire territory have been greatly relaxed. It is hoped that a peerless genius will appear among them to turn the tide.

After all, it is a world of cultivation, and individuals can create miracles and go against the trend of history.

This hope is very weak, not to mention whether commoner geniuses can grow up, or whether they will sell the family immediately when they grow up, and accelerate their demise.

The family's rulers naturally knew this, but they were already crazy, trying to find every possible hope.

This change was immediately felt by Zhao Shi who was stranded in the Huoling Jijia University.

In front of him stood a mecha, five meters high, covered in blue scales, with a half-meter-long horn on its head, and a three-meter-long blue sword at its waist.

The entire mech exudes a delicate and sharp aura, which fully meets Zhao Shi's goal of "maneuverability and sharpness", and fully fits his various physical data, combat habits, and so on.

It is not like a combat weapon, but a work of art, which has flourished and developed for 100,000 years, and is a work of art that countless geniuses have put into it.

It is definitely the work of famous masters. day by day

"...Master Yin Chuchu of the Yin family personally designed it, and built it under the affiliated organization of the Federal Academy of Mecha Sciences. This is the treatment only a true king can get, a mere pariah..."

Li Xi said sourly from the side, feeling full of resentment in his heart.

She is not qualified to have anything of this level.


Not surprisingly, Yang Qiushui, who was on the sidelines brilliantly, rewarded her with a slap in the face, and reprimanded her: "Untouchable, untouchable, you big-headed ghost, don't scold others like this in the future!"


Li Xi covered her forehead, feeling even more sad in her heart, feeling that her aunt was also facing outsiders.

Zhao Shi ignored her, wisps of cyan true qi appeared in his hand, which penetrated into the fiery red mecha like silk threads, and touched the core of the mecha inside which only recognized his own true qi.


The five-meter-high mecha roared and moved, instantly changing from a dead thing to a living thing, striding towards Zhao Shi, kneeling on one knee in front of him, revealing the slowly opening mecha cockpit.

It's only a little bigger than the cockpit of a car, and far less than Lieutenant Yang Qiushui's mecha.

Yang Qiushui said expectantly: "Little Zhao Shi, this is the first time you have piloted a mecha after you became a congenital warrior. Remember the precautions for driving a mecha that I told you."

"Well, teacher."

Zhao Shi stepped into the cockpit of the mech, and the cockpit closed, making him plunge into complete darkness, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

But soon, through the perception of true qi that had been born in his body, he immediately discovered the true qi nodes that appeared everywhere in his body, the number was as high as tens of thousands, spreading like nerve nodes.

Zhao Shi's gust of true energy was slowly poured into each node in a specific order, connecting the entire mecha with his own sea of ​​true energy in his dantian.

In an instant, Zhao Shi's eyes lit up, and he realized that he seemed to be transformed into a five-meter-high giant, with the sky in front of him, and Yang Qiushui and Li Xi under his feet. There was also a red dot on Yang Qiushui's head that symbolized high danger.

Feel free to click on it.

"Alarm, if you find a warrior with true energy, please be careful."

"The target is the real king of the Chulan Yang family. He has no criminal record. The owner has no law enforcement authority. Attacking is prohibited."

Looking at Li Xi's side, there is also a similar profile picture, but there is no prompt to prohibit attacking.

True Qi quickly circulated throughout the mech, and soon, various data appeared in Zhao Shi's eyes.

"Mech Name: Bing-235"

"Level: Soldier Grade (Special Version of King's True Species)"

"Weight: 3.62 tons."

"Other: slightly"


Accompanied by the roar of the mecha, Zhao Shi walked around randomly, staggering at first, but soon, his footsteps became the same as those of ordinary people, and after another half an hour, his walking movements were extremely smooth, as fast as The wind is comparable to a true qi realm warrior.

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