In the teaching building more than a thousand meters away from here, Yang Wu, Yang Qiushui, and Yang Lanjiang were watching what happened in the classroom.


Yang Qiushui laughed dryly: "Zhao Shi is trying to get along with his classmates. Although the methods are a bit more aggressive, the effect is still very good. You see, they have all started to study now, which is much better than other classes."

She was already desperate.

I told you to mingle with your classmates, not to go over and fight one by one, and force them to be subdued by force.

But language, feelings, good friends, do you really know?

Yang Lanjiang sneered and said, "This pariah's talent is indeed outstanding, at least the top two in this class, but he has no respect for the aristocratic family, and his unwillingness to be inferior is clearly written on his face."

"What's the use of cultivating such a person? Is it used to commit suicide?"

"Yang Lanjiang, what do you mean?"

Yang Qiushui's face turned cold in an instant: "A strong man has his pride and persistence. This is the iron law. You search the history of martial arts, and find me a peerless master who can be willing to be a dog?"

"Even if such a person appears, don't you feel chills all over your body, and you are more worried about his backlash?"

"The elders of the family have far-reaching wisdom. Now that a decision has been made, it is a comprehensive consideration of all aspects. Where is it your turn to speak?"

Yang Lanjiang was speechless.

The words strong and servant are naturally in conflict, and they are diametrically opposed to each other. It is impossible to mix these two things together.

It is not without reason that the family has never tried to train commoners into kings for so many years, the risk is too great.

She snorted coldly: "What you said makes sense, but when you say it out of your mouth, people can't believe that you can act completely for the interests of the family."

Yang Wu stared into the distance like a puppet, ignoring the quarrel between them.

After a long time, he said slowly: "Let's go, teach our new students the first lesson."

In the classroom of class one, more than 30 people were divided into three groups, and each group was divided into half from aristocratic families and half from ordinary people.

Various courses are being previewed intensively.

Compared with the children from aristocratic families who have received high-quality martial arts education since childhood, commoner children such as Zhang Ya have excellent aptitude, but their foundation is terribly poor. They don't understand many knowledge points that children from aristocratic families take for granted, and they have never even heard of them.

Don't underestimate these missing knowledge points. If this gap continues, even if they have excellent aptitude, it would be good if they can cultivate to the True Qi Realm. Flying to the Sky Realm must rely on luck, and Shenqiao Realm doesn't even think about it.

Although the stage of warriors and innate warriors is weak, it is the foundation, the foundation of a towering building, and if the foundation is not well laid, everything will be fine.

The ignorance of the common people's children annoyed the family's children in the same group. They didn't want to spend time teaching them at all.

For this, Zhao Shi's handling is also very simple, he came to his side, and politely initiated a martial arts exchange with him. Yipin Book Bar

After doing this several times, no one dared to be impatient anymore.

Along with the communication with the civilians themselves, these descendants of the aristocratic families also discovered many benefits. Their thinking is completely unfettered, and they are unconstrained. Although most of them are ridiculous, a few knowledge of martial arts made them amazed and gained some progress. .

In addition, Zhao Shi would also deal with difficult problems that they could not understand from time to time, explaining the profound things in simple terms, so that they suddenly understood the knowledge of martial arts that they did not understand before, and he could explain it better than the older generation of the family.

Such a variety of things made them feel much less conflicted, and communicated closely with the common people's children.

This kind of situation is extremely rare in other classes and departments. It would be a shame for the children of aristocratic families to be in the same room as the common people, let alone exchange martial arts with them.

An old man with a goatee silently appeared on the podium, followed by two young women, a more advanced coercion pervaded, and the people who were eagerly discussing slowly quieted down and stood up together.

"Meet Master Yang Wu!"

"sit down."

Yang Wu waved his hand, spoke slowly, and said straightforwardly: "Today I will talk about how warriors condense qi and blood to transform into true qi, and the key points of cultivation for innate warriors."

"At the peak of a warrior, the twelve meridians and the eight meridians are unblocked, and a network of qi and blood is formed according to different exercises. When the speed and intensity of qi and blood circulation reach the peak, according to..."

He spoke eloquently, explaining in detail how a warrior becomes an innate warrior, without any complicated vocabulary, even a mediocre person can understand it if he works hard.

There is no such thing as "mysterious and mysterious, the gate of the great way", "following the will of God, and coming from the heart" and other pretending to be profound and elevating oneself.

All the children of the common people showed excitement. Under the guidance of the only-ever-seen teachers in their lives, they gained a lot every minute and every second, absorbing things that are useful to them like a sponge.

It can be said that it would take at least three months for their original teacher to explain any of Yang Wu's words, and it may not be 100% correct for them to understand.

Zhao Shi also sighed secretly, just by this hand, he can know that the Federation is already a highly developed martial arts scientific society, which is not comparable to the loose and chaotic system of the Xiewu Empire. Martial arts education is very advanced, and many places and blood sea education departments very similar.

However, this high degree of civilization is only limited to a small number of direct lineage people, not to mention ordinary civilians, most children of collateral lineages cannot enjoy it.

"...continuously nourish the body with zhenqi, make the body strong, invulnerable to swords and guns, and the meridians are like iron wires. At this time, you can consider opening the invisible wings of the human body and stepping into the sky. This is too far away for you, just focus on zhenqi .”

Yang Wu's sermon lasted for a day and a night before ending slowly.

"You realize it by yourself. After seven days, everyone can ask me a question. This cycle will continue for one month. After that, you will start your own mecha course, but you must not relax in the martial arts course."

"There are also classes on object identification, mecha command, and combat experience... Your university education will last for twenty years, and most of you should be able to advance to the Real Qi Realm. Given your talent, that's about the same speed."

"Twenty years later does not mean the end, you will each be assigned a mentor, and the next practice will be closely related to him..."

"Come here today."

After explaining the precautions in all aspects in detail, Yang Wu's figure disappeared on the podium, and the goodbye will be seven days later.

Yang Qiushui was left behind, and they were responsible for answering the students' questions and answering some trivial matters in the students' life in more detail.

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