The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 967: King’s Technique

Zhang Ya came to Yang Qiushui's side and said excitedly, "Mr. Yang, I am very glad to be your student again."

When she came to Huolingxing as a genius among the common people, she was excited and yearning at first, but soon fell into panic, for fear that she would accidentally provoke a child from a certain family to die unexpectedly.

Now seeing a familiar teacher, my heart suddenly relaxes.

"Zhang Ya? Have you also been admitted to the Huoling Jijia University?" Yang Qiushui was shocked. She had never discovered that this ordinary girl had anything to do with a super genius.

Quickly use the teaching assistant's authority to open her profile.

Zhang Ya, originally from Dongyuan City, Nanzhou Province, a blue star, is extremely talented and has a family tradition of concealment skills. He has achieved excellent results in the seventh-level warrior realm in the Sea Blue Secret Realm, and was specially recruited into the Huoling Jijia University.

"It's all well trained by you, teacher." Zhang Ya said in shame: "It's not that I insist on hiding it, it's my parents who strongly demanded it. Teacher, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, your parents are right, you should listen to them more." Yang Qiushui waved his hand.

Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, so it's better to hide as Zhang Ya's parents as a low-level commoner, otherwise there may be some twists and turns.

It's not a family, but more likely to be persecuted by the so-called dignitaries in small cities.

Wen Yan comforted her a few words, and Yang Qiushui turned his attention back to the classroom. She and Yang Lanjiang were responsible for the children of ordinary people and the children of aristocratic families, and answered their doubts in class.

But it didn't take long, because these students hadn't eaten all day and night, and the class was dismissed soon.

In the next three days, they will appear here again to answer their doubts. All students can choose to come or not. It is all voluntary and no one will supervise.

It seems to be the same as Yang Wu's role, but in fact it is completely different.

For the same question, the interpretation effects of the warriors of the Shenqiao realm and the warriors of the true energy realm are completely different. The students who understand the words of the warriors of the Godbridge realm can understand, but not necessarily what the warriors of the true energy realm say.

Also, the Shenqiao-level fighters see farther. Many of the seemingly useless things he arranges are actually paving the way for future cultivation, which is far beyond the reach of true-qi-level warriors and flying-sky-level warriors.

Zhao Shi, Yang Qiushui, and Yang Lanjiang,

The four of Li Xi walked back to the dormitory area together, and Li Xi was suing Yang Qiushui and Yang Lanjiang with an indignant expression.

Yang Qiushui patted her head with a smile on his face, but he didn't support her idea of ​​suppressing Zhao Shi.

Yang Lanjiang looked at Zhao Shi, and asked lightly: "You are so rampant, you don't pay attention to the family order of the Federation since ancient times, are you not afraid that you will be executed when the upper level orders you?"

"Yang Lanjiang, shut up!"

Yang Qiushui looked at her coldly, ready to summon his own mecha at any time, as well as the ubiquitous security force of Huoling Mecha University.

"This has nothing to do with you."

Zhao Shi said lightly, not satisfying her curiosity.

Yang Lanjiang's face was cold, and he didn't say anything else, and walked towards his villa first.

Yang Qiushui waited for her to go far away, and said worriedly: "Little Zhao Shi, although this woman is hateful, she also has some truths in what she said. Why can't you at least be submissive on the outside? It won't be a big deal. Loss."

"Not really, sir."

Zhao Shi sighed slightly: "You and I both know the situation of the Federation. Now the upper echelons of the aristocratic family are in urgent need of geniuses. Valuable super geniuses will attract their attention and get resources and protection if they have value."

"If you keep a low profile and don't show great value, it seems that you will receive less hostility on the surface. In fact, this is the way to kill. Without the attention of the upper echelons, the original environment of the Federation can drown the children of civilians. Let alone later."

Yang Qiushui suddenly realized and stopped persuading her.

The time of campus study is monotonous and boring, and soon, a year has passed.

In the villa area, layers of special materials are used to seal off the training room, which even the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm cannot break through in an instant.

Zhao Shi sat cross-legged, subtitles were projected on the wrist watch in hand, pictures of people walking along with the wind appeared and disappeared in front of him, the true meaning of the wind spread in all directions, making people in a trance involuntarily.

The sky at the top slowly projected three large characters: Kamikaze Code.

This is the opportunity that Zhao Shi got this time, the prefecture-level kung fu congenital martial art chapter that can be cultivated to the king level, although it has no value for him beyond the cover.

Although the exercises are simple, but as a fairy king, he is not proficient in martial arts, and it is impossible to succeed in instant cultivation.

However, he didn't intend to practice, and the purpose of comprehending the exercises was just to cover up better.

Open the system panel.

Name: Zhao Shi

Realm: Jindan Early Stage

Other: slightly

'Come back a little bit, not too slow, but it doesn't help my goal. '

There are only two goals in coming to the world of martial arts mechas. One is to obtain the refining-level martial arts skills for reference to deduce the refining-level immortal skills. The refining of Xianxia mechs greatly increases combat power.

Zhao Shi was thinking about something in his heart, and the aura on his body was changing rapidly, becoming more fierce and sharper, like a son of the wind, with the breeze accompanying every breath.

After a long time, the power conversion was completed.

Zhao Shi got up, and said to Yang Qiushui who was looking forward to it: "Teacher, it's finished."

"So fast?"

Even though he had predicted in advance that it might go well, Yang Qiushui was still extremely shocked.

This is an earth-level skill!

"Yes, and I broke through the early stage of Xiantian, and now I am in the middle stage of Xiantian. It is expected that within five years I will be able to cultivate to the peak of Xiantian, and start to break through the realm of true energy."

"Teacher, you'd better become a flying-level martial artist as soon as possible, otherwise you may become the same level as me, and your combat power at the same level..."

Yang Qiushui's face changed slightly, and he said angrily: "So what if you are at the same level? What if you are not strong in combat? If I want to beat you, I can beat you!"

Another knock on Zhao Shi's forehead.

"You are right." Zhao Shi was speechless and had to admit that what she said was right.

The two walked out of the slowly opened door of the practice room.

"You two are too dawdling!"

After a year, Li Xi grew taller again, from a little girl to a big girl, she took out a notebook, and said seriously: "Do you know that today is the time for the three classes to communicate and test, there is no organization and no discipline!"

She became an official, Zhao Shifeng, a disciplinary committee member, responsible for maintaining the class rules and punishing students who violated the class rules.

And she found that this is a very good way to deal with Zhao Shi, as long as it is clearly written in the class rules, Zhao Shi will not violate, even if there are occasional violations, he will seriously accept the punishment, which makes her feel happy Great satisfaction.

"I see, I'm very sorry."

Sure enough, although he was not really late, Zhao Shi still apologized to her seriously.

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