The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter Nine hundred and sixty-nine family abuses

Yang Lanjiang announced: "A group of people ranked lower than you took the initiative to challenge. According to the rules, you must accept it. The previous challenge to the first place in the class is invalid."

Wang Hu looked at the gray mecha in front of him, and said with a smirk, "Who gave you the courage, that a mere pariah dare to provoke me?"

Grey, the mecha with gloves on both hands shrank, even through the thick mecha bulkhead, people can still feel his fear and fear.

The people in the second class burst out laughing.

"Wang Hu, the untouchables have leaders, he dare not refuse to listen."

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

"That's true."

Wang Hu lost interest, and the Zhanhu Mecha flew into the sky, flying to a height of 100 meters in a few breaths, the saber was burning with flames, and then fell like a meteor, the air was full of the smell of burning metal.


Amidst the icy shouts, a ten-meter-long flaming blade slashed at the gray mech with its hands clasped over its head. The difference in aura between the two was like the contrast between a nobleman and a beggar.

The first-year students around, as well as the sophomores and seniors who were watching outside, found it boring after just a glance. It was a crushing battle, and there was nothing to watch.

Sure enough, as they expected, the ten-meter-long flaming saber light slashed on the dust mech covering its head and squatting in defense without any tricks, and the hot and sharp saber light cut into it.

Killing intent appeared in Wang Hu's eyes, but he accelerated his speed again.

A mere pariah, if he kills him, will the Federation continue to punish him?


A figure was blown far away, and the mech exploded into a large amount of sparks in the sky. Those with sensitive ears could even hear the sound of blood vomiting in the cockpit of the mecha.

"Wang Hu's attack was too ruthless, the nobles of our aristocratic family should have a heart of kindness to the inferior." Someone teased.

"What is this? I feel strange that I didn't kill him. I think there is a teacher who came out...impossible!!!"

The children of the aristocratic family who chatted casually stopped talking and looked at the ring in horror.

The two people were able to reveal their figures in the bursting aura,

The gray mecha on the ground was still crouching with its head in its arms, and the gray qi mask on its body was still intact, without any damage.

On the opposite side of him, Wang Hu, who looked like a noble warrior, was blown tens of meters into the air and hit the ground fiercely.

"Why are you so weak? Even my counter-shock can't stop me!" Sun Tu was also dumbfounded, unable to believe it.

His shrinking and fear are not fake, because he is abused every day in the first class, and he doesn't think he has any strength at all.

"Impossible! You pariah must have used some vicious trick!"

Hearing this, Wang Hu vomited blood again, his eyes were bloodshot, he stood up with the control of the mech, roared and slashed at Sun Tu again.

"Die to me!"

The more violent killing intent made Sun Tu tremble with fear, and quickly shrunk himself into a ball.


Wang Hu, who came up to kill with a roar, encountered an even more terrifying counter-shock force. This time, the mecha sword was directly thrown away, the figure retreated tens of meters, and his left arm twisted strangely.

"Impossible! Impossible! It is impossible for a pariah to have such strength!"

He fell to the ground, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't move the mecha again, and roared to the sky: "Teacher, this untouchable has cheated, he absolutely doesn't have such strength, kill him, kill him immediately, and insult the family!" People cannot forgive!"

"Yes! Kill this pariah who dares to break the rules!"

"Burn him!"

Wang Hu's words immediately attracted the approval of many aristocratic children, shouting loudly.

They think this is the truth, how can the untouchables have such strength besides cheating?

"I didn't..." Reading Pavilion

The turbulent public opinion of the family made Sun Tu tremble all over, unable to explain, but no one paid attention to him.

The civilian super geniuses nearby were terrified and lowered their heads deeply.

Yang Lanjiang had no expression on his face, and announced again: "Sun Tusheng, the first class currently has one point."



This kind of indifference behavior instantly angered the children of the aristocratic family watching, and quickly spread to the sophomore and junior seniors of the aristocratic family. The momentum became even bigger, and many people even left their seats and flew towards the ring.

The entire square was extremely chaotic, like a battlefield.

A cold and heavy coercion filled the audience, making all the children of the family who shouted and drew their swords stiff and trembling.

"Go back, if there is another person who disturbs the test, fifty credits will be deducted, and those who do not have enough credits will be automatically expelled from school."

It was Yang Wu who made the move, and those in power would not explain anything to the raging public opinion, but just issued a cold warning like their own iron law.

All the children of the aristocratic family felt a chill in their hearts, and they didn't dare to speak anymore.

Yang Wu glanced at the two Shenqiao-level warriors beside him, and he could see the disappointment in their eyes.

"This is where the long-standing malpractice of the Federation is fully demonstrated in these young people."

The old man with the square face on the left sighed, and the voice only rang in the ears of the two old friends: "There is nothing to be domineering, and there is nothing to be cruel. It is harmless, but when you meet a strong person, you don't want to kill him with your own hands. power."

"This untouchable, the resources he has received since he was a child are pitiful. We have only trained him for a year, and he has this strength. Now I understand the lava king."


Yang Wu also had bitterness on his face: "They can find an adult when they encounter difficulties, and we can solve them for them, but who will solve the enemies we face, the enemies the kings face?"

The three of them were silent for a while.

After Wang Hu was carried away, Yang Lanjiang asked, "Sun Tu, do you need to continue to challenge?"

"I..." Of course Sun Tu wanted to end it immediately, but he still set his sights on the center of the first class.

"Keep going until you're exhausted."

Sun Tu's eyes showed despair, but he still trembled and said to Yang Lanjiang: "Teacher, I will continue to challenge."

There was a sudden silence below, and the eyes of many aristocratic children were bloodshot, but they couldn't make a move.

Sun Tu ranked 30th. According to the rules, only the 30th to 27th can challenge him, but in the second and third classes, only ordinary geniuses can be ranked this way, and the children of aristocratic families should be ranked at least fifteenth.

"Is there no one to challenge? A group of grandsons will get points, no upper limit." Yang Lanjiang said lightly.

Under such heavy pressure, the civilian warriors of the second and third classes had no choice but to take action.

"Under the name of Xiagu, ranked twenty-seventh, please be merciful, Brother Sun." A man with a raised eyebrow in the second class jumped onto the mecha, looking in surprise at the fellow civilians in front of him, but defeated the children of the aristocratic family with one move. monster.

"Good to say!"

Facing people who were also commoners and whose rank was far lower than Wang Hu, Sun Tu also regained his courage and said proudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp whip kick hit him before he could react. The timing was very clever, and his combat experience was far superior to Wang Hu's just now.

It's just that it's weaker in terms of strength.


The moment the two mechas met, a huge force struck Gu Ming's whole body, knocking him flying tens of meters, his muscles and bones softened, and he was instantly defeated.

"Sun Tusheng, one class plus one point."

"Continue to challenge."

Having defeated his opponent so easily, Sun Tu gained confidence and said immediately.

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