"Qian Tong from class three, ranked twenty-third."


"Wei Yu, class two, ranks eighteenth in the class."



The people in Class 2 and Class 3 stared dumbfoundedly at Sun Tu who was like a God of War in the arena, and the civilian children who were ranked low went up and were instantly beaten down, worse than Wang Hu.

Didn't the teacher say that the students in the three classes are all the same? What went wrong?

"No, this is their technique of suspecting soldiers. This Sun Tu is definitely not the last person in the group."

Someone woke up in an instant, and his words were convincing, attracting a lot of suddenly enlightened eyes around him.

However, they did not notice the surprise in the eyes of Zhao Shi, Yang Wu and other teachers.

"There's a lot of drama."

Zhao Shi glanced at the sixteen members of the second class who were thrown into the air by Sun Tu in the ring. This person suffered a wound on his chest, his face was pale, and there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. He looked seriously injured, and he did suffer some injuries.

However, the zhenqi in his body was intact, only the skin was injured, and the real injury was the fur.

This is not bad, but the 27th place in the second class, Gu Ming, who was the first to be defeated by Sun Tu, was even more exaggerated. He understood the true meaning of martial arts, and was comparable to the true king of the king before he even survived a single move. Dare to believe?

At least half of these commoner super geniuses from Class 2 and Class 3 are stronger than the arrogant Wang Hu.


"Untouchable, get out!"

The happy sound of anger being relieved brought Zhao Shi's attention back to the ring.

A mecha holding a rapier pierced Sun Tu's thick mecha with black and cold true energy, penetrated the cockpit of his specially strengthened mecha, and smashed him into the ground more than one meter deep.

"Surrender, I surrender!"

Sun Tu crawled out of the cockpit and shouted in horror. There was a deep blood hole in his chest, and blood flowed out like a spring.

This is not the black mech keeping hands,

It was Yang Lanjiang, who was the referee, who stopped it.

Li Xi said softly: "The core disciple of the Yin family's direct line, Yin Liufeng, ranks tenth in the second class."

"Yinliu Feng wins. Class 2 scored 3 points. It is currently ranked second. It is 29 points away from the 32 points of Class 1." Yang Lanjiang announced, which immediately attracted a breathless voice.

This gap is really too big!

But it's not impossible, as long as there is one person who can penetrate the first and second squads, the situation can be greatly restored.

Yin Liufeng didn't talk nonsense, the black rapier pointed directly at Zhao Shi, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Tenth place, Ji Ziyi."


Ji Ziyi was extremely dissatisfied, but this year's training forced her to come out and accept orders coldly.

This scene caused the murderous intent in the hearts of many senior family children to skyrocket.

A pariah, who is not satisfied with the gift of the family and has such rich resources and rewards, dares to accept the children of the direct line of the family as his subordinates!

This is a capital offense, this is the most serious provocation!

Searching through the 100,000-year history of the Federation, no untouchable dared to do this!

"Go, defeat all non-true kings."


A purple mecha standing on one side stepped onto the ring, more than four meters high, with a slender and light body, and the two rapiers at the waist were bright purple, and there was no sound when the several-ton mecha walked.

Yin Liufeng looked at the purple mecha in front of him, and said coldly: "The Ji family is also noble, why did you abandon your dignity and submit to a pariah? Where do you put your family's reputation?"

Ji Ziyi was speechless, but said: "Beat me, you are right, not just sharp-tongued."

"Of course, how difficult is it to defeat a person who has lost his pride?"

Amidst the cold words, billowing black mist appeared around the mecha controlled by Yinliufeng, quickly covering a radius of hundreds of meters, and his figure also disappeared in it.

The civilian geniuses in class one, and the super geniuses hidden in class two and class three were shocked, and put away their contempt for these young aristocratic children.

The background of the family is too strong.

No matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find where the other was, which was fatal in battle, even if they were stronger.

Li Xi acted as the commentator of the first class responsibly.

"The martial arts of the Yin family, that is, the grandma's family, is based on the yin attribute of true energy. It is good at bursting, piercing armor, and concealment. The detection of half-level warriors is very difficult."

All the people in the group looked at Zhao Shi, and for some reason, they thought that this could not stop him.

"The control of micro-level true energy can be broken."

Zhao Shi said lightly, the watch automatically opened the editing program page, and used kamikaze to crackle and type a series of codes for dozens of tentacles.

Slowly, a crude animation appeared in front of a class of students.

It's very simple, there is just a ground, and there are two stickman patterns that are constantly colliding and colliding.

Everything around is blurry, but the two stick figures are very clear, not the faces, but the zhenqi network all over their bodies, which is constantly changing.

It doesn't involve the mysteries of the exercises, just some of the routes of true energy flowing out of the body, but through these superficial inner energy networks, it is very easy to predict the enemy's attack.

The people around seemed to have discovered a new world and opened their mouths wide.

Zhou Ming said in horror: "Squad leader...is this us in your eyes?"

No wonder, my attack on him is like a child with a sword, and he can be defeated easily.

Not only them, even everyone in the classroom changed color.

The square-faced Shenqiao-level martial artist said in surprise: "Can you deduce this diagram of the flow of true energy with just a little bit of true energy spilled from the outside world?

Although there are many mistakes and omissions, the battle used to predict the innate warrior has a success rate of more than 90%, and this child's fighting talent is amazing. "

"Elder Ji is right. This is as shocking as his undisguised ambition and lack of respect for the aristocratic family." Yang Lanjiang also changed his face slightly, and added quietly.

Yang Qiushui hesitated to speak, wanted to defend, but didn't know what to say.

While the few people were speaking, changes had already occurred in the arena.

Ji Ziyi was in the dark mist, she couldn't see her fingers, but she was not in a hurry. The two purple rapiers slashed and stabbed like graffiti, but they could always hit the black rapier that stabbed silently.

Streams of femininity surged along the blade to the whole body of the black mecha, quickly consuming its true energy and destroying its mechanical structure.

Ten blows, only ten times of sword contact, Yinliufeng, who is also at the early stage of Xiantian, has already consumed more than half of the true energy in his body, and the black mist covering hundreds of meters has dissipated.

"This is impossible!"

Panting all over, he had already lost his mind, and roared to kill Ji Ziyi, like a mad buffalo, without any of the coldness and elegance contained in the Yin family's martial arts.

A purple rapier quietly appeared outside his cockpit, the blade pierced into it, precisely one centimeter in front of his forehead.

In the cold death warning, Yin Liufeng with red eyes froze and no longer went crazy.

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