The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 971 The true meaning of martial arts

"Why? Your strength?"

As a child of the same family, there was no hatred in the past, Yin Liufeng was not worried that he would die at her hands, so he asked unwillingly.

Ji Ziyi, as a member of the direct line of the Ji family, and as peers, they also know each other well, so it is absolutely impossible for Ji Ziyi to crush him so directly with his strength!

"Why? What do you think?" Ji Ziyi showed a complex expression, and the true energy on the purple rapier exploded, sending Yin Liufeng and his mech flying tens of meters away.

That untouchable is indeed a rare super genius in the world, not only in talent, but also in his ability to teach people.

"Class One Ji Ziyi wins! Class One currently has 33 points and ranks first. Do you want to continue to defend?"

"Go on, Teacher Yang."

Ji Ziyi defeated Yinliufeng with ten moves, and immediately silenced the children of the aristocratic family in Class 2 and Class 3.

Although Yinliufeng is only ranked tenth, he is extremely capable of surviving as a child of the Yin family, and now he is defeated by ten moves. What kind of strength is this?

After hesitating for a long time, a tall and strong man from the third class stepped onto the ring. His mecha was thick and tall, and he held a huge golden shield in his hand that could cover his whole body.

"Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong, ranked seventh in class three."

The strong man said angrily: "Ji Ziyi, have you mastered your Ziyu swordsmanship yet?"

The children of the surrounding aristocratic families were in commotion again.

The Ji family's Ziyu swordsmanship is a Xuan-level swordsmanship, known for its lightness, quickness, and sharpness for piercing armor. It is inconceivable that a mere innate warrior can master a Dacheng-level Xuan-level swordsmanship.


Ji Ziyi replied, turning into a purple shadow and attacking the giant shield mecha, leading people with a sword, the speed was several times faster than that of ordinary soldier-level mechas, and could break through a soldier-level mecha in just one encounter.

Even a soldier-level mecha driven by an elite child like Yinliufeng couldn't catch her quick sword.

"Well done!"

Wang Zhong didn't intend to compete with her in speed and reaction. The five-meter-high and three-meter-wide thick giant shield smashed half a meter into the ground, and the earthy yellow true air flowed on it, which was as strong as a mountain.

This heavy shield mecha is the nemesis of the light and agile model mecha!

Its mobility is poor,

It is easy to be besieged and cut off supplies, but in a frontal battle, it can be one enemy and two without losing the wind.

Ding Ding!

Two purple rapiers struck, one in front of one and the other in the back, and they hit a point on the giant shield at the same time. The aura near the attack point suddenly dimmed and became thinner rapidly.

Wang Zhong's heart was shaken, but he didn't care on his face: "Prick, stab me hard, I have a lot of energy reserves."

Following his words, the whole body of the giant shield mecha shone brightly, and a huge force flowed from the core of the mecha, rushing towards the dimmed part of the giant shield, restoring it to its original state within a breath.

Ji Ziyi's complexion remained unchanged, his steps lightened, and he disappeared in front of his giant shield mecha.

When it reappeared, it had come to the back of the giant shield mecha without shield protection, and a sword stabbed out more quickly, piercing the zhenqi shield on the body of the giant shield mech dimly, and deeply sunken.

It took three swords to stab the giant shield mech until he realized it. Wang Zhong turned around and used the giant shield to defend himself, and said with a sneer, "Stinky bitch, are you tickling me?"


A trace of anger appeared in Ji Ziyi's heart, but she forcibly suppressed it.

This is the consistent tactic of the giant shield mechs. Their mouths have always been stinky. They will do everything they can to attract others to attack them.

"Your tactics are executed very well, but your strength is too poor!"

She took a deep breath, stopped keeping her hands, moved her steps, and appeared behind the giant shield mecha again, and stabbed two rapiers like raindrops, quickly weakening the shield of the giant shield mech. tomb robbery

Wang Zhong turned around with his shield in hand, but he could only see a moving purple shadow, and the star dots blooming around him, like the rain hitting plantains, without a single pause.

From the perspective of outsiders, it looks like a group of purple silk threads dancing around the giant shield mecha at high speed, and the sound of metal clashing is connected together, piercing people's eardrums.

The giant shield mech held his golden giant shield and bombarded the space directly in front of him, making the air explode with loud noises, but it didn't even catch a single hair.

He's like a dumb bear that keeps dodging bees, useless.

The hearts of the children of the aristocratic family in the third class sank, and they no longer had any hope.

"Purple Rain!"

One hundred and twenty-one strokes, one hundred and twenty-one swords followed by the sound of metal clashing together turned into a sound of swords penetrating all directions, and the two crossed purple swords cut down were bright and bright.


Under the impact of the sword shadows, it was violently deformed, and the crumbling true energy shield shattered, sputtering pieces of spiritual light in all directions.

A purple rapier pierced through the fragments of spiritual light in the sky, bypassed the slow shield, and pierced into the cockpit of the giant shield mech.

Wang Zhong's body froze, feeling extremely powerless.

The gap is too big, even with the giant shield mech as an advantage to make up for it, it still cannot succeed.

"The first class Ji Ziyi wins, and the first class score is thirty-four."

"Teacher, continue."

Ji Ziyi's mech danced like a free bird in the arena, and the sword shadow was as swift as raindrops and everywhere. The top-ranked children from the second and third classes came to the stage one after another and were defeated by her one by one.

In a short while, she had already defeated six aristocratic children one after another. She was out of breath, the aura on the mecha was dim, half of her energy reserves were consumed, and her sword speed became slower and slower.

The eyes of the children of the aristocratic family who have not yet appeared on the stage brightened, eager to try, and saw hope.

"Enough, why bother to be so embarrassing."

Two angry words stopped their hyena-like behavior.

A pale-skinned young man stood in the center of the crowd in class two, and a majestic young man stood in the center of class three. Looking around, the king's posture was undoubtedly revealed.

The children of the aristocratic family who were about to move were poured like a pot of cold water, their faces were ashamed and they did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Because one side is left and the other is right side, they are surrounded by two powerful martial arts true intentions, one is domineering and awe-inspiring, like a lion in the grassland, and the other is cold and biting, making people's souls freeze.

The true meaning of martial arts, the true seed of a king!

Li Xi briefly introduced: "The tall one is Li Shi, one of the true kings of my generation, and the short Yin Qi, one of the true kings of the Yin family's generation, has comprehended the true meaning of martial arts, and your sword will Something like that."

A sense of awe rose in the hearts of all civilian geniuses.

No matter what else, just a martial arts true intention can destroy all their self-confidence and pride, making people feel worthy of being the children of aristocratic families.

After winning consecutive battles, although most of the mecha's energy reserves have been consumed, Ji Ziyi, who has become more and more fighting, immediately turned pale when surrounded by two martial arts true intentions.

In an instant, she changed from a phoenix who dared to fight the world to a wild bird on the side of the road. It was nothing special, and no one looked at her anymore.

She showed strong resignation on her face, gritted her teeth and insisted on staying where she was, without taking a step back.

Such a heart of martial arts failed to attract any attention from the two kings.

The two true intentions of martial arts, each with their own differences, all suppressed the center of the first group, with murderous intent in their words.

"Untouchable, come out and lead to death!"

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