The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 973: The Zhao Family

Zhao Shi's expression was indifferent, and he walked towards the three Shenqiao realm warriors amidst the worries of the common people's children and the hatred and gloating eyes of the aristocratic children.

The surrounding air is dull, like a storm is about to rise, and the dark clouds are closed, making people breathless.

In the eyes of mortals, the warriors of the Divine Bridge Realm are already first-class figures of immortals. Although their every move is not as exaggerated as that of the Nascent Soul cultivator, which can easily affect tens of hundreds of miles, the space of several miles will also change with the mood of the warriors of the Divine Bridge Realm.

These are just natural celestial phenomena, not aimed at anyone, only the warriors of the Divine Bridge Realm will restrain their instincts in front of the king.

From this celestial phenomenon, it can be easily seen that the three Shenqiao-level warriors are in a bad mood.

"Greetings to the three adults." Zhao Shi saluted respectfully, showing no trace of arrogance and arrogance in front of other students.

That's how you know the times.

No joy or anger could be seen on Yang Wu's face, he said indifferently: "Civilian, tell me your understanding of the federation, what do you think is the order of the federation."


Zhao Shi didn't panic, and said in a deep voice: "Federation, the federation of aristocratic families, this is the law since ancient times, everyone must obey, those who violate this order are the enemies of the federation, and must be wiped out mercilessly."

Yang Qiushui, who was winking desperately, was stunned and blinked his big eyes.

She had never seen such a smart and knowledgeable Zhao Shi, just now she was even worried that Zhao Shi would draw his sword and kill the three elders if he disagreed.

The three of Yang Wu were slightly surprised.

"Hmph, that sounds nice, but you didn't do that! Common people!" Yang Lanjiang said coldly, expressing the huge difference between Zhao Shi's words and deeds in one sentence.

"There was nothing wrong with what I did."

Zhao Shi looked at her, and at Yang Wu and the others, his eyes were burning with burning ambition, he dared to look down on the world and suppress all dissatisfaction.

"Because, in the Federation, there will be a new family named Zhao in five hundred years at most."

"And as the head of this family, I can naturally suppress those children of the family, those weak people who waste the precious resources of the Federation."

All around was quiet.


Yang Lanjiang was trembling with anger: "The Seventy-two Aristocratic Family was determined when the country was founded.

You are a mere pariah, what qualifications do you have to open a family and be on par with the founder of the king? "

"This is madness, this is treason!"

She knelt down on one knee, and said with a murderous look: "Master Wu, please let me kill this person right now, so that the world will be brighter for the Federation!"

"you dare!"

Yang Qiushui immediately drew his sword, wishing he could kill her now.

"Teacher, why get angry?" Zhao Shi stopped Yang Qiushui's plan to fight in front of the warriors of the Shenqiao realm, and said disdainfully: "A mere waste who can't kill the warriors of the Shenqiao realm in the flying sky realm can't defend against the enemy at the gate of the country." Besides, if I can't stabilize the Federation, if I let her do it, what can I do?"

"Uh, this, this..."

Not to mention others, Yang Qiushui was choked first.

Flying Heaven Realm Slashing God Bridge, this kind of myth is the same. It is normal that things that only happen in myths and legends cannot be done, so it is not a waste, right?

"Damn you!"

Yang Lanjiang suddenly rose violently, and streams of blue water emerged from his cuffs, turning into thousands of thin threads and rushing towards Zhao Shi, blocking all escape spaces.

A martial artist in the flying sky suddenly stormed up and attacked an innate martial artist who had just entered martial arts. This was like bombarding a canoe with a battleship. If there was no outsider to stop him, he would surely die.

Yang Wu and the others did not stop them, they just watched indifferently, with a little view of the overall situation, their love for talents was exhausted by Zhao Shi's wild words.


Yang Qiushui screamed, and 120% of the peak power of the true energy burst out, forming a sea-blue wave shield in front of Zhao Shi. Yushuwu

There is an aura of martial arts true meaning similar to that of the Sea Blue King, which is strong enough to block the attacks of ordinary flying warriors.

But the person in front of her is not an ordinary flying-level martial artist, but a real king, a genius in the flying-level.

chi chi!

Like thin paper, the strong barrier formed by the sea blue shield was instantly pierced with thousands of blue metal threads, and turned into a light blue aura that dissipated, stabbing towards Zhao Shi at a faster speed.


Yang Qiushui yelled frantically, a wisp of blood red emerged from his dantian, and destructive fluctuations permeated his whole body.

Yang Lanjiang's complexion changed, but he ignored it.

At most, it's nothing more than severe injuries, can a mere true energy warrior still be able to turn the world upside down?


A dark blue sword light lit up at this moment, and the violent and turbulent Gale Sword intent spread in all directions, and the clouds hundreds of meters above the head were shaken away.

Yang Lanjiang's eyes were involuntarily dazed with a cold murderous look on his face.

She saw the wind, the endless wind, the cool wind, the strong wind, the gust of wind, the tornado, the morning wind...a total of twenty-eight different types of wind.

These winds are entangled together, forming a blue and bright sword light, tearing apart the metal admiration formed by the blue metal filaments, and stabbing at her eyebrows, the same murderous intent is undisguised.

Yang Wu and the three stood up suddenly, their faces shocked.

"not good!"

After all, Yang Lanjiang is a true king with the true meaning of martial arts. When the blue sword light approached him for a few meters, he immediately reacted, and the groups of metal filaments that were attacking and encircling suddenly shrank to form a complicated metal giant shield.


The sharp cyan sword light pierced the giant metal shield, countless sharp cyan sword winds spilled out, and the air chirped, revealing the blue Qiushui sword body at the core, and Zhao Shi who stabbed with the sword behind him.

A face-to-face fight with the real king of the Flying Realm made his face pale, and his body lost 30% of his true energy in an instant, and his body retreated several meters.

Yang Qiushui was stunned, and stopped his desperate actions.

"Teacher, have I said it? This person is a worthless trash, why should he take it to heart?"

Zhao Shi was at a disadvantage under one blow, but he laughed wildly: "The real king? Flying sky? One of the best young people of this generation in the Federation?"

"Trash! Garbage!"

"You can't even kill an innate martial artist with one move. What are you if you are not a waste?"

"The Federation is losing ground in the battle with the Xiewu Empire, losing a large area of ​​land, because you have too many wastes like you!"

"You still have the face to take the airs of your family in front of me, are you worthy?"

The freshmen who hadn't dispersed all around, and the seniors from aristocratic families were stunned, suspecting that they had seen hallucinations.


Words gnawed at the heart like a poisonous snake, Yang Lanjiang's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he flew up into the sky like a ghost, with countless blue metal filaments flying past the phantoms like a poisonous snake behind him.

Ding ding ding!

A strip of extremely sharp metal filaments pierced Zhao Shi's side, and the Autumn Water Sword in his hand danced into an afterimage. Each sword was able to cut off more than ten metal filaments, turning them into puddles of liquid and dripping down. Lose nothing.

Yang Lanjiang's murderous intent became stronger, and he quickly approached Zhao Shi, and his attack became stronger and stronger.

"Trash, it's useless to give you so much time."

Zhao Shi sneered, turned around immediately, and ran towards the place where the children of the aristocratic family were densest.

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