There was no way, he was able to block Yang Lanjiang's two moves, but the true energy in his body had already gone by 70% in just a few seconds, and if he continued like this, even if he tried his best, he could only take two more moves at most.

"go away!"

Seeing Zhao Shi followed by a large piece of sharp metal filaments, walking towards him like a ghost, these sophomore and junior disciples of the aristocratic family hurriedly dispersed in panic.

Most of them are innate warriors, and there are quite a few warriors in the true energy realm, but how could they run away when they want to in front of Zhao Shi?

"Stand still."

A terrifying gust of wind and sword intent descended on the icy low voice, instantly freezing the bodies of these aristocratic children, staying in place like wooden stakes.

Afterwards, Zhao Shi, who was followed by a large pile of metal filaments, got into it, and with a few flashes, he quickly came to the center of these aristocratic children.

The blue metal filaments like clouds paused.

After hesitating for a moment, it began to differentiate, from a dense cloud to countless tiny silk threads, and drilled into the tiny gaps among the densely lined up family children.

It can be seen that the speed of these metal filaments is a bit slower, and the movements are also cautious.

Massacring a large group of descendants of aristocratic families for no reason is also a serious crime that must be severely punished for the true king.

If it was exploited, or if the dead person had a noble status, it would not be surprising to be executed immediately.

"It really is trash."

Zhao Shi, who was among the children of the aristocratic family, smiled faintly, his body position was constantly changing, and the metal filaments that came out of many small gaps were cut off by him with his sword.

This time is different from the outside world, it is relaxed and freehand, and the consumption of true energy is not large.

If he hadn't been crushed by several times and tens of times of true energy, what right did Yang Lanjiang have to run after him?

After entangled for several minutes, Yang Lanjiang said angrily, "Untouchable, get out!"

What you get is looking like a fool.

"Are you threatening me with someone from a family?" Yang Lanjiang regained some sense, and said coldly, "Are you a loner? Does your father, Zhao Dali, live well in Chulanjing's Jing'an Community?"

"He's fine.


Zhao Shi said indifferently: "You want to use him to threaten me? This is a trouble. If he dies, he will be buried with your parents, sisters, brothers, and lover in the future. It's not a big deal."

Yang Lanjiang felt a chill in his heart.

From this person's indifferent demeanor, she couldn't see a trace of her son's admiration for her father, as if she was talking about a stranger.

She said coldly: "The future? Do you think you have a future? Even if there is, my relatives are all members of the Yang family, so what qualifications do you have?"

"Haha, qualifications? Isn't the qualification of the peerless genius not enough?"

Zhao Shi laughed loudly: "I am a peerless arrogance. When the current situation is in turmoil, I will definitely be able to meet the king soon."

"Kings are all generous people. If I ask him for the lives of your whole family, do you think he will give it?"

Yang Lanjiang only felt a chill coming out of his tailbone, and thought of some terrible possibility.

No, it's impossible!

But if the situation continues to deteriorate...

"My soul was eroded by the sword intent, and I had hallucinations!"

A look of madness appeared in her eyes, and the blue metal filaments, which were timid, suddenly burst into light, tearing them into blood mist under the unbelievable eyes of the children of the nearby aristocratic families. to read

The speed of the blue metal filaments reached its peak in the blood mist that filled the sky. Up and down, left and right, the sky and the ground are all sharp wires, and there is no longer any obstacle.

Yang Qiushui was in a hurry.

Surrounded and unable to escape, Zhao Shi had a calm expression, as if he was watching a farce.

A person who can compete with the King of the Flying Realm at the stage of an innate warrior is a peerless arrogance, and Yang Wu, a warrior of the Divine Bridge Realm, can no longer deal with him. He has no such qualifications!

It would be an unimaginable crime if he allowed this treasure to die without the king's permission.

This kind of great crime needs to be paid with life to dispel the anger caused by the king's wish to appear and disappear.


Yang Wu exploded with a voice of overwhelming anger, and a huge zhenqi giant palm appeared above the heads of Zhao Shi and the two of them, freezing all the movements of the two of them, and grabbed it in front of him.

He said coldly: "Yang Lanjiang, you massacred the children of the family in public, killing 32 people and injuring 13 people. You are the real king, I can't deal with it, you go and explain to the family patriarchal hall yourself."

"Master Wu, I, I was eroded by the sword intent of this pariah. It was not my intention, it was all the fault of this pariah..." Yang Lanjiang's face was as pale as paper, and he forcefully argued.

"I told you, if you have anything to say, go and tell the patriarchal hall yourself. It has nothing to do with me." Yang Wu looked impatient, waved his hand and released a burst of true energy to imprison Yang Lanjiang in place.

He came to Zhao Shi, with a smile on his face, and he said in surprise, "Little friend, if the old man is not mistaken, your sword intent has already reached the peak of Xuan level?"

Only the sword intent at the peak of the Xuan level can explain his combat power.

Zhao Shi smiled slightly: "The old Wu family's eyesight is perfect, somehow, I am very smooth in the cultivation of sword intent."

"Little friend is really talented."

Yang Wu praised, and exchanged a glance with the two people around him, getting a look of affirmation.

He pondered for a moment: "Little friend, wait a moment, I'll contact the principal."

Everyone around was shocked.

The principal of Huolingjijia University, the Lava King, is a figure who advocates reform in the federation, and has received a lot of support in the recent period.

The three of Yang Wu opened a high-level encrypted communication and listened respectfully.

After a long time, Yang Wu looked at Zhao Shi again: "Here is a temporary actual combat test for some captives of the Xiewu Empire. Are you interested in participating?"

It seems to be asking, but the tone is beyond doubt.

"Captive?" Zhao Shi keenly sensed the sudden change in his enthusiasm: "The one with a very noble status?"

There should be something like a certificate of honor, and even though he has shown such a peerless talent, Lava seems unwilling to accept himself as a personal disciple.

"You guessed it right, the daughter of the head of the Bone Martial Sect, she was accidentally captured during a surprise attack on the front line, don't worry, she is just a mortal."

"No, I have a moral obsession, and I don't kill innocent people."

Zhao Shi ignored Yang Wu's displeased face, and said calmly: "Please also ask Mr. Yang to replace my test subject with a treacherous and evil person, so that I feel that killing him is the kind that is doing justice for the heavens. difficult?"

Yang Wu frowned, and quickly let go.

Such an arrogance, indeed can have some preferential treatment.

"There is no Huolingxing, it needs to be transferred from Cangmuxing, the weakened Red Lotus Martial Ancestor Flying Sky Realm fighter, is that okay?" Yang Wu searched the memory in his mind for a while and said: "Don't worry, it is definitely full of evil, using strangers to practice. "

Zhao Shi bowed slightly: "Then thank you, Mr. Yang."

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