The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 975 Special Examination

Yang Wu is a very reliable person, only three days later, Zhao Shi received another notice from him.

The three of Zhao Shi walked together to the back area of ​​Huoling Jijia University, where there was a high-level prison, and many prisoners of war from inside and outside Huolingxing were imprisoned there.

Along the way, students from the Huoling Jijia University passed by them, avoiding them from a distance, their eyes passing by Zhao Shi's figure from time to time, their faces full of fear and disgust.

That's right, more than 30 future descendants of aristocratic families died because of him yesterday. In this new place, Zhao Shi once again became the person whom all descendants of aristocratic families especially hate, not just a label of a large class of untouchables .

This seems to be inevitable. If Zhao Shi wants to get rid of the shackles of his status, and go beyond the duties of a commoner to obtain something, he will inevitably have serious conflicts with the children of the aristocratic family.

It's okay to lose this kind of conflict, and it won't cause any waves, but if he wins, all the blame will be attributed to himself.

Just like this time, he obviously didn't touch a single hair of the children of the family, it was all done by that lunatic Yang Lanjiang, but all the children of the family still regarded him as a murderer, which made people feel helpless.

Moreover, Li Xi and Yang Qiushui also enjoyed this kind of repulsive and disgusting gaze.

"Why look at me like that? It has nothing to do with me!" Yang Qiushui got used to it, but Li Xi said indignantly, "I'm just walking with my aunt, not him!"

Yang Qiushui patted her head.

The current situation is much better than before, there will be no more people chasing and killing, and there is no such hostile woman as Yang Lanjiang, who is always looking for mistakes.

After traveling for several miles, the surrounding figures gradually disappeared, and a tall building made of thick black metal appeared directly in front of it. From the outside, there were no guards, only a black mech standing quietly at the door, flying into the sky. breath.


The 12-meter-tall mecha bowed slightly to Zhao Shi amidst the sound of metal machinery rubbing: "Your Excellency, Professor Yang is waiting for you."


Zhao Shi was a little surprised, this one was obviously a flying mecha master from a family, but he was saluting himself, and even used the honorific name.

This is his first time in the federation.

The two women looked at the black mech in astonishment,

Based on their understanding of the children of the aristocratic family, even if they are collateral descendants, it is impossible for them to salute a commoner, and survival is another matter in the face of a life-and-death crisis.

This kind of stubborn prejudice is often not easy to be ordered by the superiors.

"Your Excellency, do you need any help? I can help you." Seeing Zhao Shi staying where he was, the black mecha asked again.

"No need, sir, please lead the way."

Zhao Shi's surprise was just a little bit, and he was not flattered at all, and followed behind the black mecha.

They passed through one prison gate after another, and the alarms in their consciousness kept ringing on the seemingly empty walls on both sides.

Soon, several people came to an empty hall.

The center of this place is like an ecological park. The single-sided light-transmitting glass surrounds the wilderness for several miles in the center. You can see the vegetation growing inside and the scene of wild animals running rampant. From time to time, some staff will bring some deer, pigs, cattle and sheep livestock into it.

The moment these livestock were thrown in, some of them were devoured and bitten by the wild beasts surrounding the exit, and most of them fled in panic in all directions to replenish their damaged ecological positions.

"This place is called an ecological prison, and it is a place where important prisoners with great observation value are held."

Yang Wu didn't know when he came to his side, and introduced:

"No matter how stubborn you are, staying in one environment for a long time will always reveal various details of yourself unconsciously, and then through the collection and deduction of your brain, you can often get a lot of interesting things." Single

Zhao Shi listened quietly, not expressing his opinion.

"The names of the people inside are Qiu Liyou, Flying Sky Realm, and Red Lotus Martial Sect warriors. These are all common people, and their most valuable identity is the direct descendants of the Red Lotus Martial Sect's soul-eating king family."

"It is said that this king loves this junior very much. The Soul Erosion Army led by him has crazily attacked the frontline military formations in the past ten years, causing huge losses to the Federation. Even he himself has traveled deep into the territory of the Federation many times. The purpose is obvious. "

"However, he is very smart and cunning. The king of the Federation set up an ambush many times but failed to catch him."

"Old Wu family, can you change to another..."

Yang Qiushui's complexion changed, Zhao Shi couldn't bear the hostility of a king at all.

Yang Wu waved his hand and released a burst of true energy to stop Yang Qiushui's words, and tapped a light screen that appeared in front of him, allowing the ecological prison to slowly open a gap.

"Zhao Shi, the temporary exam starts, please."

There was no persecution or killing intent in his words, but everyone could know the consequences of refusal.

"The criminal's information and evidence." Zhao Shi said firmly without entering.


Yang Wu maintained great patience, and handed over a document and a black block-shaped information storage device from the hand of the black mech master beside him.

Zhao Shi glanced at the document. It was the sentence issued by the federal law enforcement agencies at all levels. He threw it away and inserted the black iron block into his watch.

Scenes of pictures appeared in his eyes, involving all aspects, very detailed.

Qiu Liyou, the thirty-seventh grandson of the soul-eating king of the Xiewu Empire, is not as powerful as the real king, but his status is superior. During the battle of Iron Skeleton City, he escaped from the army to hunt the soul without authorization, and was captured by our army by chance.


Its practice takes living souls as the core, extracts the essence from thousands of living souls and blends them into one's body, and finally condenses the true body of thousands of ghosts.

Its growth has lost countless souls of the Xiewu Empire. Among them, there are many relatives of some strong sects who are afraid of their status and dare not take revenge. The Federation may start to divide and develop from now on...

When the two armies were at war, his soul addiction broke out, and he broke into Huorong City, Baishi City, and Jinhuo City to plunder souls, killing more than 100,000 civilians and 229 descendants of aristocratic families.

Not only the text, but even the video, all kinds of logical chains are normal, and no trace of forgery was found.

"Lao Yang is getting old."

Zhao Shi nodded, threw these documents to Yang Qiushui, ignored her anxious eyes, stepped into the ecological prison, and the opened transparent door slowly closed.

Roar! Roar!

Dozens of beasts guarding the entrance all the year round smelled the unprecedented delicious taste of fresh food. The moment they saw Zhao Shi, they rushed towards Zhao Shi, their sharp claws and teeth flickering coldly.

All of them are alien beasts of the level of innate warriors, and their function should be to hang the life of this monk of the Red Lotus Martial Sect Flying Heaven Realm.


A blue sword light shone among the horrific crowd of alien beasts, countless stumps and broken arms splashed in all directions, and the blood made the ground sticky.

The figure of a boy in black appeared in the dripping blood rain. He was clean and tidy, and walked towards a mound one kilometer away with a clear goal.

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