The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 976: Qiu Li You

Zhao Shi walked slowly on this desolate land, and the beasts along the way whimpered the moment they saw him, and crawled to the ground in fear.


Halfway through the one-mile walk, the loess on the ground suddenly exploded, and a jet-black ghost flew out of it, piercing towards Zhao Shi's head with an ear-piercing scream, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold and thick.

"Your concealment technique is very good, but your strength is too weak and your foundation is vain."

Zhao Shi's expression was calm, and countless gusts of wind were slashed with his sword, which turned into sharp blades and fell under the shadow of the black ghost, turning it into a ball of black aura that scattered in all directions.

Without any resistance, pieces of wind blades without the control of spiritual consciousness cut into the ground, chopping the solid soil and stones into a piece of rotten powder.

"Be careful behind!" Yang Qiushui exclaimed in the distance.

A young man with skinny bones, haggard hair, and only a little bit of human body left smiled ferociously, and opened his sharp teeth to bite Zhao Shi's neck, who was close at hand.

Everything was so silent, not even a breath of wind, not a speck of dust stirred up, even if a flying warrior was attacked by surprise, he might die instantly.

"It's ingenious."

Zhao Shi's expression was indifferent, the Qiushui sword in his hand did not stop after cutting out a sword, and stabbed at his shoulder casually, the tip of the sword sank into Qiu Li's right bloodthirsty eye.

"You're not born..." Qiu Liyou shouted in panic, his body quickly lost its vitality, as if a chronically ill person who had persisted for a long time and hanged himself had finally reached his limit.

"Yes, very good trick."

The Qiushui sword was still very stable, and did not withdraw due to the death of the enemy. The moment the sword pierced into his right eye, the highly concentrated kamikaze zhenqi burst out, blowing the skinny young man's head into countless blood foam.

The reason for Zhao Shi's praise also appeared.

Near the back of his head appeared Qiu Liyou, whose lower half was mutilated, exposing shriveled internal organs.

All the qi and even flesh and blood in his whole body were condensed on the pitch-black nails of his right hand, which turned into a pitch-black thorn and pierced Zhao Shi's head.

The speed was extremely fast, and it had turned into a black light, and even a strand of Zhao Shi's hair had been cut off.

not only that,

Accompanied by the dark wind, a whimpering and howling pierced into Zhao Shi's soul, causing a scene of thousands of ghosts biting and biting in front of his eyes.

The succession of the king is indeed different from ordinary flying-level warriors. In such a situation where he is about to be crippled to death, he still has the strength to fight and kill flying-level warriors with the help of strange forces and sneak attacks.

Qiu Liyou's eyes were already frantic.

Such a genius must be the top figure among the king's true species. Killing him will definitely make those old guys who tortured him feel heartbroken, and it is not impossible for him to be executed by the king!


The sound of the wind, a cyan sword light wrapped in twenty-eight different winds attracted his eyes, the speed was not fast, and he could clearly see how it tore through the air and cut every detail of the dust.

There should be no threat at all, but Qiu Liyou was shocked to find that he had exhausted all the black spikes that were pierced. At this moment, he was slow as a snail. He was caught up by the green sword light and cut precisely at the tip of the spikes.


The pitch-black spikes snapped off between the sword blades, and the inhuman Qiu Li flew backwards like half a torn sack, hitting the ground fiercely.

No fresh blood flowed out, and what was exposed under the broken skin was rancid, dry flesh and blood. The bones were gray and shattered, and the last breath was left.

"You are not a child of a noble family! You are a commoner!" After seeing Zhao Shi's figure clearly, he showed a look of disbelief on his face, even ignoring his own flesh and blood that was gradually turning into gray powder. Shubada


After being imprisoned for so many years, Qiu Liyou knew he was going to die, so he wasn't too scared at the moment, as if he thought of something funny, he laughed maniacally: "Is the family desperate enough to train civilians now? And they don't trust you yet. My life as a vote certificate?"

Zhao Shi was expressionless, and walked up slowly holding a sword.

"good very good."

Seeing the long sword mercilessly killing him, Qiu Liyou suddenly laughed coldly: "Old Ancestor! Old Ancestor! This pariah is talented and beautiful, he is not the one who killed me!!"

"You old man, don't blame him, you want to accept him as a disciple, let him break through the Federation in the end, and slaughter the Yang family and the Huo family!"

"Old Ancestor! Don't forget..."

The blue sword tip wrapped in the breeze pierced his eyebrows, and the kamikaze zhenqi contained inside shook his fragile body like paper into powder, and his frail soul was also obliterated by the wind sword intent.

Zhao Shi glanced at the gray powder on the ground, drew his sword and turned back.

When he came to the door, Yang Qiushui calmed down for a while and anxiously checked whether there were any wounds on his body. He looked up and saw Yang Wu with a gloomy expression.

Qiu Liyou was really narrow-minded, he was still unwilling to settle down before he died.

Zhao Shi smiled lightly: "Why, Mr. Yang, is there any problem?"

"It's okay, your exam has been completed and you got a perfect score." The gloom on Yang Wu's face disappeared, and he said gently: "Zhao Shi, you are indeed a loyal soldier of the Federation. It is a great honor for me to take you to meet the lava king. It is also the Federation's affirmation of you."

"You mean Lava King?"

Zhao Shi, who had always seemed calm and composed, showed excitement in his eyes, and said incoherently: "Zhao Shi, Zhao Shi, He De, He Neng, three lives lucky, will be loyal to the Federation, and will not regret it until death!"

Yang Qiushui and Li Xi also had similar expressions, almost uncontrollable.

King Realm Warrior!

These are the gods of the federation. Even at the founding of the country, they can separate one side and become the founder of the eternal family. It is also the goal that hundreds of millions of warriors have climbed in this life.

"It's good that you know that the lava king has a heart for the world, and he is really admired by my generation of warriors all his life."

With a respectful expression on his face, Yang Wu bowed to the east, picked up Zhao Shi and the three of them, and flew them into the distance.

"Old Wu, my aptitude is low, will I stain the lava king's eyes and let him blame him?" Yang Qiushui said a little uneasy: "Or, you can just take Zhao Shi."


Without waiting for Yang Wu to say anything, Zhao Shi immediately said decisively: "Teacher, you are too self-deprecating. You who have the true biography of Hailan are the true king's true species, and the king's true species is much better than Yang Lanjiang. There are at least a hundred kings in the future. With a one-in-one chance, you are already a genius, so you have to have confidence in yourself."

"Really?" Yang Qiushui asked hesitantly, very unconfident.

She felt that she was far inferior to Yang Lanjiang, and even if she advanced to the Feitian Realm, she couldn't beat her. She was just a lucky waste.

"That's the case, Xiaoqiu should be more confident." Yang Wu agreed with Zhao Shi's judgment.

The king's methods are so miraculous, their random arrangements can make the achievements of a genius with extraordinary talent and willingness to work hard become ordinary and not worth mentioning.

After flying for several hours, Yang Wu and the three of them stopped in front of a high mountain burning with golden flames all the time, with an extremely respectful and humble demeanor.

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